Immortal Palace Longevity

Chapter 579: Yunyan lowers her head and fights heartily (please subscribe, please vote for the month

Therefore, Liu Yu would not choose the first two more extreme methods until the last moment.

Although the threat is a bit shameful in the minds of some cultivators, it is very useful!

As long as the goal can be achieved, Liu Yu does not mind using any means.

In this cruel world of immortal cultivation, you must use all the means you can to strengthen yourself in order to ultimately dominate your fate.

Dozens of miles away, Mu Yunyan, who was happy to see her teammates, froze when she heard the words!

Although she had led the demon cultivators to her door, she was ready to pay some price and get forgiveness from her teammates.

But I didn't expect that at this time, Liu Yu would take advantage of the fire so blatantly.

Moreover, to be able to make a decision in such a short time, this person must have planned for a long time and had long coveted the "Youmeng Heart Sutra".

It was definitely not a sudden idea!

"Daoyou Qingyang, can you change the conditions? I am willing to exchange the magic weapon for your forgiveness."

"The "Dream Heart Sutra" is the secret of our sect. When it is passed on, the soul restriction is set."

"If it is passed on privately, I will have to pay a terrible price. At that time, my golden elixir may be damaged and my path to Taoism may be cut off!"

"Since I am just a weak woman, please have mercy on me~"

The smile froze slightly, and then it returned to normal immediately. Mu Yunyan's eyes turned and she quickly transmitted the voice.

The words were full of pitiful taste.

Her words were half true and half false, but they were not completely false.

Generally speaking, teaching the Dream Heart Sutra privately does require a very terrible price.

But Mu Yunyan has practiced the Heart Sutra to a very high level, enough to break some of the restrictions set by Piaoxue Tower, suppressing the price to a relatively small level.

But no matter how small it is, it will cause damage to the golden elixir, and in serious cases it will even affect the path to Taoism.

Moreover, as a Jindan elder of Piaoxue Tower, who has lived in the sect for hundreds of years, how could he not feel guilty for leaking the sect's secrets?

She just thought about it, and she felt guilty, and she couldn't deceive her heart.

"Affect the path of Taoism?"


Liu Yu smiled coldly in his heart, and was not moved at all. He immediately sent a voice message:

"Fairy Mu said that, Liu is also very embarrassed."

"Fairy secretly brought the demon cultivator here, and Fellow Daoist Gao and Fellow Daoist Zhuo are both upset and may not want to continue to accept you."

"The crisis at hand..."

In the telepathic voice transmission, he was meaningful and did not finish his words, leaving enough room for the other party to imagine.

Liu Yu never looked down on female cultivators, so there was no such thing as pity or soft-heartedness.

In the way of practicing magic, female cultivators are not at all inferior to male cultivators.

If you are soft-hearted because of your appearance, you will suffer a great loss in the future. There are countless examples recorded in "Essentials of Demonic Cultivation".

As for the influence on the path of Taoism, Liu Yu was half-believing and half-doubting, but it did not hinder his actions.

"Daoyou Qingyang, I grew up in the sect since I was a child, and I have deep feelings for the sect. It is difficult for me to do anything that will harm the interests of the sect."

"Daoyou is also a sect cultivator, I believe you can..."

Mu Yunyan is very eloquent, and when one plan fails, she will come up with another one.

She tried to use the position of a sect cultivator to talk about the complex emotions, gain Liu Yu's understanding, and exchange for a lighter condition.

Unfortunately, she used the wrong person.

Seeing that the two people and three monsters were getting closer and closer, Liu Yu was not interested in listening to her long speech, and immediately issued an ultimatum without mercy:

"Liu has said all, fairy, take care of yourself!"

"But if you don't agree to the conditions, Liu will not accompany you!"

From her long speech, Liu Yu sensed a trace of looseness, and decisively issued an ultimatum to put pressure.

Seemingly pious beliefs may not stand the test in reality, and are not as firm as imagined.

Perhaps, betrayal just needs a reason!


While flying, Mu Yunyan fell into silence and did not reply for a while.

But the light did not stop, and it still flew straight towards Liu Yu and the other two.

When she entered the range of thirty miles, she saw Liu Yu turning around, and her heart suddenly tightened, and she fell into a fierce struggle.

"Daoyou Qingyang, I am willing to agree to the conditions."

It seemed that she hesitated for a long time, but in fact, after a short breath, Mu Yunyan sent a voice message.

"Only by saving your life can you complete the next task."

"Please don't blame me, uncle, I did this for the task."

She sighed in her heart and said to herself.

Between the interests of the master and her own safety, she still chose to sell out the interests of the master in exchange for her own peace.

"That's right."

Liu Yu smiled slightly in his heart.

He did not feel any unnecessary guilt for his mean means. He just seized the opportunity to strengthen himself.

Who in this world is not like this? !

If you choose another path, you will not have enough strength at the critical moment of life and death, but there is no way to regret!

As the light of escape chased and fled, the two people and three monsters entered the range of dozens of miles.

At this time, Zhuo Mengzhen and Gao Jianhan also saw the faces of the old monk in hemp clothes and the three monster cultivators.

The old monk in hemp clothes wore a brown monk robe and straw shoes, which was almost exactly the same as the clothes of "Kuyun Zhenren" in Yongshengfang City. They were all monks from "Rushi Temple" in Qi State.

"Kusin Zhenren"

Liu Yu and the other two recognized this person's identity.

At the Jindan level, the entire Seven Nations Alliance is not as big as imagined, and the total number of Jindan cultivators is only a small part.

Some basic information can still be easily understood.

The late third-level demon cultivator was a lizard with a dark body and conspicuous purple lines.

Its body is about seventeen or eighty feet long, and it looks vicious and ugly.

"Purple Gila monster"

Information about this monster suddenly appeared in Liu Yu's mind.

The purple poisonous lizard is only of mortal demon blood, but because it is good at poison attacks, it is very difficult to deal with.

In terms of strength, he is considered to be at the top of the mortal demon bloodline.

And when it reaches the late third level, the toxins attached to its magical powers are even more terrifying, and even third level creatures cannot bear it.

But after all, it is just a mortal demon bloodline. Apart from the toxins, one should pay attention to it. Its head-on collision strength is far inferior to that of the Fire-Eyed Golden Ape.

With his strong resistance, Liu Yu would not find it difficult.

If he is a powerful demon cultivator and is not sure of a quick solution, Liu Yu will turn around and run away as soon as he finds out.

Where can I still think about plotting the "Youmeng Heart Sutra"?

As for the other two demon cultivators, they are a white fox and a black butterfly, whose realms are at the middle and early stages of the third level respectively.

The two demons are also of mortal demon blood and are not enough to be feared. Gao Jianhan, Mu Yunyan, and Zhuo Mengzhen can deal with them.

The transaction was completed quietly, and after a few breaths, Mu Yunyan came to stand not far from the three of them.

"court death!"

Liu Yu stared at the incoming person coldly, murderous intent was already surging in her heart!

Although the "painstaking old monk" indirectly helped him, the fact that he caused trouble to the east cannot be changed.

If he is not eliminated at this time, given his current situation, he is likely to continue to pester the team.

Even if you use this to bargain, keeping it will sooner or later be a disaster!

Liu Yu's heart had long been filled with murderous intentions.

"I have worked hard to become a monk in this temple. I have seen all the people from the Chu Kingdom..."

Sensing the hostility of the Chu people, the old monk was frightened. He immediately changed the direction of his escape, and at the same time announced his master's door.

Trying to use the prestige of Rushi Temple to make Liu Yu and others feel scrupulous.

But before he finished speaking, he saw a dazzling golden light blooming.

Beautiful golden lotuses flew over quickly, and I had to hold back my words.

"Do it!"

Liu Yu sent out a message, and at the same time, he shook the Sunset Golden Rainbow Gun in his hand, shooting out hundreds of rays of gun light.

Since he has been discovered by the demon cultivator, in order not to expose his whereabouts, he must deal with the demon cultivator.

But before that, of course, the unstable factor of the old monk must be eliminated first.

Otherwise, for the sake of his own safety, this person might carry out a "backstab" later.

After giving the order, Zhuo Mengzhen took action without hesitation.

The natal magic weapon "Mysterious Yin and Yang Needle" was so powerful that it transformed into dozens of extremely condensed needle shadows and shot towards the painstaking old monk.

Judging from the power of his moves, he didn't even hold back.

Perhaps he had already made up his mind to side with Liu Yu, so there was no discount on the order.

Gao Jianhan was a little slower, but he followed suit.

He held the sword in his left hand, slashed horizontally and vertically, and shot out more than a dozen jet-black sword energy, which were shot out in the shape of a cross.

Seeing that Zhuo Mengzhen and Gao Jianhan were so obedient to Liu Yu's advice, Mu Yunyan was secretly frightened. She originally had some thoughts of going back on her word, but this was completely eliminated.

Only a moment slower than the two of them, the woman's movements were not slow either. She immediately took out the "Five Miraculous Bells of Glaze", injected her magic power into her hand and shook it continuously.

"Dingling bell~"

A strange ringtone suddenly rang in the ears of the painstaking old monk.


"Why don't you help me take the back seat? Why don't you die for me?!!"

Wu Xin's eyes suddenly turned a little strange red, and negative emotions such as anger and hatred arose in his heart.

Even these negative emotions were released many times greater, and some affected the operation of mana.

"not good!"

But in the next moment, he realized something was wrong and knew that he had been tricked.

"Prajna Polo..."

But after all, the old monk Kuxin had profound Buddhist cultivation, and by silently reciting Zen verses in his heart, he quickly suppressed the negative emotions that arose for no reason.

Just the operation of mana is still slightly affected.

But at this time, the attack from Liu Yu and others was already approaching!

The Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear, the Mysterious Yin-Yang Needle, and the Black Shark Sword were all three of their natal magic weapons, and they all shot at the painstaking old monk who was trying to take a detour.

The golden gun lotus exuding a fiery aura, the cold and sinister pink needle shadow, the terrifying black sword aura...

In the pupils of the painstaking old monk, the attacks quickly enlarged. The power of the four people attacking together made him feel irresistible!

Seeing that he could not dodge, the four magic weapons were locked from a distance. He could only hold a golden alms bowl magic weapon in front of him, and tried his best to stimulate the power of the magic weapon.

"Bang bang bang~"

"Ding ding ding~"

Continuous roars sounded several feet in front of the painstaking old monk.

When the spiritual light dimmed, the golden alms bowl was already crumbling, but it finally resisted.

Every time you face one more monk of the same level, the pressure will increase several times. It is not a simple one plus one.

After being refined for hundreds of years, the power of this defensive magic weapon has become very impressive.

Even when faced with attacks from multiple people of the same level, he was protected immediately.

"Fellow Taoists, please don't get angry. I have no choice but to do this. Please listen to what I say..."

After resisting a round of attacks, the painstaking old monk was injured by the shock, and his figure inevitably stopped. He vomited blood but still wanted to deal with it.

"No, the demon cultivator behind you!"

But the next moment, he saw the strange eyes of Liu Yu and others, and instantly realized that something was wrong.

He wanted to continue flying as soon as his magic power was raised.

But, it was too late!


The roar of the purple poisonous lizard sounded in the ears of the hardworking old monk.

Before he could react, he was swallowed directly by a huge bloody mouth, and his whole body disappeared.

"Crack, crack"

The purple poisonous lizard chewed hard for several times, and only a few screams came out of its mouth, and the breath of the hardworking old monk disappeared.

Then, the narrow and sinister beast eyes of this monster looked at Liu Yu and the other four.

"Go, let me take care of the purple poisonous lizard, and fight quickly!"

"Don't let the three demon cultivators escape!"

Before the divine consciousness was transmitted, the golden spear in Liu Yu's hand had swept out, and the tip of the spear shot out hundreds of golden spear rays.

With his current magic power, the power of each spear ray is much better than the second-level top-grade spell.

But compared with the third-level spell, it is still a little worse.

In a flash, hundreds of golden spears burst out, densely covering the three demon cultivators at the same time!

In order to prevent the three demons from retreating, Liu Yu chose to take the lead and attack instead of directly confronting them head-on.

The next moment, the three received the voice transmission and attacked the two demon cultivators with lower realms.

Gao Jianhan and Zhuo Mengzhen were responsible for the white fox in the middle stage of the third stage, while Mu Yunyan, who was at the peak of the middle stage of the golden elixir, was responsible for the black butterfly in the early stage of the third stage.

With this, the strength of the party can firmly suppress the demon cultivators. Even if they cannot kill them, they can effectively prevent them from escaping.

Liu Yu knew that he could not delay, and time was not on his side.

Therefore, after the spear light was shot out, the whole person shot out directly and killed the purple poisonous lizard in the late stage of the third stage.

"Swoosh" "Hiss"

In the rapid flight, he quickly entered the "true body" state and broke the black robe.

The bronze muscles, the graceful lines of the golden ratio, and the eight abdominal muscles full of explosive power were once again exposed to the air!

With the exposure of the "Star True Body", Liu Yu's body size returned to four feet again, and his power was also rising sharply.

In just a moment, his power surpassed that of an ordinary late Jindan cultivator.

His eyes were cold, and he held a golden spear that changed to five feet in size.

With a light wave, hundreds of spear rays were shot out again, forming dozens of spear lotuses, falling towards the purple poisonous lizard.

And Liu Yu himself had no intention of stopping at all. He held a gun in one hand and clenched his fist in the other, and quickly approached the target with great momentum.

"Not good, this human cultivator..."

At the moment when Liu Yu made a full-strength attack, a trace of horror flashed in the eyes of the purple poisonous lizard, realizing that he had been hiding his strength before.

Because of the long journey, this monster delayed the time of the monster king's birthday banquet, but did not dare to be absent.

It was just that when passing by the Ten Thousand Monsters Formation, it happened to meet the old monk Kuxin, so it wanted to capture him as a gift to see if it could enter and sit down.

It had not yet met the demon cultivators on the blockade, so it was not clear about Liu Yu's strength.

But seeing the power between the attacks, it also realized that the opponent was strong and had a bad premonition.

But at this time, the best time to retreat was gone, and it had to deal with the attack in front of it first.


With a roar, the purple poisonous lizard opened its mouth and spit out a large ball of black air.

In the blink of an eye, a dark cloud formed in the air, blocking the path of the spear light and the spear lotus.

Poisonous cloud!


The golden spear light and the spear lotus shot into the black cloud, and it became extremely sluggish, dozens of times more difficult than before.

And the black cloud contained a strong poison, even the golden spear light would be infected by the toxin, and eventually disappear into nothingness.

Even the more powerful spear lotus was stained with a trace of black air, like the pure and invisible gold and jade was polluted, and its power was greatly reduced.

However, the spear lotus was more powerful, and it finally passed through the poisonous black cloud and continued to fall towards the target.

Faced with the greatly reduced power of the spear lotus, the purple poisonous lizard was not afraid, and stood up directly, waving its flesh palm to slap it.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The continuous explosions suddenly spread across the sky and the earth, causing a great commotion, and continued to spread to the distance.

"Teng Teng Teng"

Even if the power of dozens of golden spear lotuses was weakened, it should not be underestimated. Under the continuous bombardment, the purple poisonous lizard retreated dozens of feet in a row.

Although he was not seriously injured, his skin was torn in many places, and purple-black liquid flowed out.

"How did a human cultivator with such strong strength get deep into this place?!"

After a round of fighting, realizing Liu Yu's amazing strength, the purple poisonous lizard looked forward in horror, and confusion flashed in his sinister pupils.

"This black cloud is quite mysterious."

"It is indeed difficult for ordinary cultivators or demon cultivators to deal with it, and they will inevitably be restricted."

"It's a pity that I met Liu!"

Looking at the black cloud and the black lizard behind it, Liu Yu narrowed his eyes and showed a cruel smile.

Then he moved his mind, and his whole body, including the Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear, was wrapped in a layer of red light emitting a blazing breath.

He rushed straight towards the poisonous black cloud without any intention of dodging.

As soon as he entered the black cloud, endless black clouds rushed to all parts of Liu Yu's body.


But a thin layer of red light made it impossible for the cloud containing the poison to break through no matter what. Instead, it was quickly evaporated and could not even get close.

"Sure enough, the extremely yang and strong "sun power" is the best to restrain these poisons."

"The previous guess was correct."

"In addition, there is also the spiritual fire level "Qingyang Demonic Fire", which also has a good restraint effect."

Liu Yu's heart moved, but she did not continue to think deeply about the current situation.


The black cloud covering a hundred feet of space was passed through by him in the blink of an eye without any damage.

Passing through the black clouds, he met the frightened eyes of the Purple Gila Monster.

The cruel smile on Liu Yu's face did not diminish, and her clenched left fist suddenly released, and a green light shot out from the air, instantly shining on the monster's body.


Since we want to fight quickly, we naturally cannot hold back too much, so that we can deal with the Purple Gila Monster.

A certain amount of respect should be given to late-level third-level monsters, otherwise the danger of close combat and the risk of capsizing in the ditch are not small.

In the middle stage of the golden elixir, although his strength has been fully improved, there are countless weird magical powers in the world of immortal cultivation, and Liu Yu dare not rely on this.

details make a difference!

Nascent Soul is no accident!

Moreover, if you want several teammates to be "obedient" and make Mu Yunyan hand over the "Youmeng Heart Sutra" honestly, you also need to show absolute strength.

Otherwise, it won’t be enough to convince a few people.


The qi and blood in the body suddenly awakened, and the mana in the Dantian was surging with excitement.

In an instant, Liu Yu entered a state of full explosion, with her long hair flying like a god or a demon.

Approaching the Purple Gila Monster, he poured his physical strength and mana into it, maximizing the offensive power of the Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear.


The spear came out like a dragon, thrusting out suddenly.

The demon's power was sluggish and its strength was weak. The demon's body seemed to become much heavier in an instant. The Purple Monster finally felt fear!

It was so frightened that it wanted to turn around and run away, staying away from the terrifying human monk in front of it.

But in the face of a shot that was extremely powerful, almost reaching the third level limit, and piercing Dantian right before his eyes.

This demon can only gather its demon power and physical strength, and try its best to use its flesh palm to resist!

The next moment,

The spear burning with golden and red flames collided with the fleshy palm glowing with purple and black brilliance.

Judging from the power alone, the purple and black flesh palm is far inferior, and there is obviously a big gap in power.

The purple monster lizard just wanted to block this blow, and then escape at all costs!


A roar that shook the surrounding areas suddenly resounded in the air, drowning out all other sounds.

Zhuo Mengzhen and the other three people in the battle sensed the powerful explosion of power and looked towards the source of the roar in shock.

But all he saw was dazzling brilliance of various colors, drowning one person and one monster in it.

Bathed in the brilliance, Liu Yu looked like a god or a demon, and the golden rainbow spear in his hand passed through the purple poisonous lizard's fleshy palm.


A large ball of purple-black blood spattered out, but was blocked by the spiritual light on his body.


The next moment, the demon's pain-filled roar rang out.

However, this charged attack still did not kill the purple poisonous lizard. This monster was a late-stage third-order monster after all, and the Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear was blocked by its other fleshy palm.

The demon body in the late third level is already very powerful.

The Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear only penetrated through the relatively weak flesh and caused very little damage to its bones.

"This kind of injury, to this demon, can only be considered moderate or not serious."

An orange-red aura glowed on his body, and Liu Yu made a calm judgment without any panic.

Drinking blood with the spear made him feel excited and wanted to tear this monster to pieces!

After this thought fell, the Sunset Golden Rainbow Gun suddenly withdrew, and the air seemed to be quiet for a moment.

Then, there was a storm-like offensive!

Because Liu Yu fired the gun too fast, gun shadows appeared in the space, and there were dozens of them densely packed at the same time!

The dazzling golden gun shadows fell like raindrops, and were completely absorbed by the Purple Gila Monster.

"Bang bang"

"Puff puff"

Amidst the dense roar, the sound of sharp weapons piercing flesh continued to be heard, accompanied by the shrill wails of monster beasts.


When everything calmed down, the purple poisonous lizard's huge monster body of 17 to 18 feet fell to the ground.

In the middle of his forehead, there was a bloody hole as big as a millstone. This was a fatal blow.

There are dozens of large or small blood holes in other parts of the demon body, and blood is rapidly gushing out.

It looked shocking, like a broken doll.

The ground where the demon fell was soaked with purple-black blood, causing widespread death of vegetation.

It is foreseeable that if it is not treated, there will be no grass in this area for decades.

The third-level demon cultivator has a strong vitality. Even after suffering such fatal injuries, the Purple Gila Monster is not completely dead, and its body is still twitching from time to time.


After the fight ended, Liu Yu let out a long breath, the smile on his face slowly faded, and his heart gradually returned to calm.

"The power of Qi and blood is surging, and the fighting method of physical training really makes people feel invigorated."

"However, when the blood is strong, it is easy to make impulsive choices. This needs to be noted."

"When the time comes, we can't really be impulsive."

Staring at the corpse of the Purple Gila Monster, he silently commented in his mind on his performance just now.

Then he flipped his left palm, and the Qingyang Demonic Fire emerged and landed on the purple poisonous lizard's body.

In just a few breaths, it was reduced to ashes.

Only one dark demon pill was left, which was put into a jade box and stored in a storage ring.

There was also the storage ring of the painstaking old monk, which Liu Yu also found from the ashes and accepted it with an unceremonious smile.

"Three Baidu"

"Yes, it's expected."

"Including the other two demon cultivators, the fuel should be able to reach 1,800 degrees."

"By then, the progress of Qingyang Demon Fire's promotion to the second grade will be almost halfway completed."

Thinking of this, Liu Yu turned his head and looked at the other two battlefields.


Thanks to the support of fellow Taoists such as Duxing Shuchong 1500 points, Beiqu Poxing 1500 points, Kong Liulixia 1500 points, etc.!

ps: A 6,000-word chapter, to make up for the 1,600 words missing yesterday, and the 1,500 and 1,700 monthly tickets in June.

The monthly tickets in June have finally been added here.

At present, there are no more updates for the third update of the leader Liu Xiaoyang and the fifth update of the second leader of the Demon Cultivation Essentials, a total of eight updates for the two leaders!

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