Immortal Palace Longevity

Excellent testimonials

It has been one year, three months and one day since the book was published on May 8, 2021.

As a newbie, the journey has been really bumpy. Many nights when I was coding, I wanted to fail.

I remember that when I was writing the first two hundred chapters, I averaged less than 600 words per hour, and it took six or seven hours to write 4,000 words.

To be honest, I had the thought of giving up at one point along the way.

Whenever this happens, the author will open the backend and see that fellow Taoists have voted for recommendations and are still waiting for updates, so he grits his teeth and continues to persevere.

Many times when I felt that I couldn't hold on, the author would recall a sentence from "Fang Yuan's Quotations" and his fighting spirit would be rekindled.

I especially like one of the lines - Who is undefeated when Yang Mang regrets his death? Make a comeback and become king again!

As a god, there will be times when you fail, but when you come back, you have to fight again!

How could the author give up because of the difficulties before him?

Do you give up when the future is rough?

Are you afraid of being surrounded by thorns?



I remember when I started writing the beginning of this book, it was just because I had no books to read, and the two books I was following were both a bit slow to update...

In fact, I had the idea of ​​writing a book for a long time, but due to various reasons, I gave up in the end.

On May 8, 2001, the author came up with this idea again. He was afraid that he would grind and grind again and end up with nothing, so he turned on the computer on the spot and started working on it.

After some searching, four hours later, the first chapter of Immortal Mansion came out.

Unexpectedly, on the first day, a Taoist friend voted for recommendation. The author remembers that it should be the Taoist friend "Love has gone and the wind has stopped".

I don’t know if it was searched through the keyword "Xianfu".

Unexpectedly, no one would read it, so the author worked hard and wrote the second chapter the next day, which resulted in the collection of several more Taoist friends.

The author guesses that he is a fellow Taoist who prefers farming style.

Just like Liu Yu's ordinary qualifications, this book is also very ordinary among the new books of the same period. I remember reading it at the time and there were several books published by mortals.

Some of the routines are really, almost exactly the same. The author knows that if he continues writing like this, he will inevitably usher in the final ending - being beaten on the street.

So there was "The Essentials of Demonic Cultivation". The author wanted to not follow the general routine, but to conceive the plot by himself without referring to other books.

To be honest, since then, I have rarely read fairy tale books because I was afraid of being affected unknowingly.

It's just that at that time, I didn't know how to describe the environment, what the dialogue between characters should look like, so I still opened some old classic books for reference.

But don't worry, I definitely didn't copy it. It was only after having a reference that the author knew how to start writing.

Imitate, learn, and transcend.

Since "The Essentials of Demonic Cultivation", there should be many differences from the mortal stream at the same time.

Although they are both classic fairy tales, their styles are very different, rather than just a few books that look like they have the same formula.

But even so, the second round of new book selection was still postponed for a week.

Fortunately, a new book was released a week later, so I didn’t sink into it.

In my impression, there was a new book of the same type at the same time that had more recommendations than this one, but the first order was twice as low as this one.

This problem has troubled the author for a long time. Maybe sometimes it really depends on luck.

The style of this book has always been realistic.

Some fellow Taoists may have noticed that the author never wrote about "dust removal techniques" from beginning to end.

Because it feels like it is impossible for low-level monks to clean all the fine dust on the body without damaging the body and clothes, at least not quickly.

"Dust removal technique", in the eyes of the author, should have very high requirements on spiritual consciousness.

Write, of course you can write.

It's just that the author doesn't want to write about the feeling of upgrading to defeat monsters, or adding points to the system, so spells that generally cannot explain their principles are rarely written.

I don’t want to keep entering the secret realm, or grinding a copy over and over again.

Rather, it follows the historical context to describe and construct a real world of immortality.

The style of this book can be summarized in one sentence: the protagonist will do whatever it takes to live forever, but he is not ruthless and will also have emotions and desires.

At least, that's the case in the lower realms, which are, in mystical terms, "demigods."

People come first and God comes last.

Faced with various choices in difficult situations, this book attempts to depict the true side of human nature without deliberately beautifying it.

On the premise of avoiding the gaze of the 404 master.

But the author uses limited knowledge to imagine an infinite world. Even if he tries his best, there will definitely be many flaws.

I hope fellow Taoists will understand this point.


The author's original intention was just to write the story in his heart, not for any utilitarian purpose.

That’s why I dare to say that no matter what the results are, I will write it until the Nascent Soul stage and finish the story of this world.

Because I have really made preparations to persevere until the end alone.

Of course, the better the results, the more motivation the author will have to code.

Most of the promises made at the beginning have been fulfilled one by one.

Two thousand are ordered and five thousand are updated every day.

An average of 3,000 is reserved for daily updates of 6,000. If there are no make-up updates, please take two days off each month.

As the number of words in this book increases, the author also feels that he is making progress. Now looking back at the beginning, the writing is really immature~

Some friends asked me before, what do you think about going from 300 subscriptions to 3,000 subscriptions?

The first thing that came to my mind was the word "persistence", but there was no follow-up.

Because I have been wondering if "persistence" is just the most basic interpretation?

Maybe I don't like writing.

It's just because of the original promise and the desire for a perfect ending for this story.

All of this is why I keep persisting.

Of course, the most important thing is that the current results are okay, and I can add a chicken leg tonight~

When I realized that there should be something wrong with my mentality, the author actively adjusted it.

I want to treat my daily writing with a positive attitude every day, instead of persisting negatively every day, just wanting to finish the work early and leave.

During this period, I also thought about finding a friend who also writes books, and agreeing on a time every day to write together and supervise each other.

But it's hard to say.

At this time, I can't help but think of a sentence again, everyone is born lonely, like a floating ice island.


After more than a year of ups and downs, many old Taoist friends suddenly disappeared, and many new Taoist friends joined in.

The two Taoist friends who impressed the author the most should be "Love is gone, the wind has stopped" and "Sorrow has passed".

One has been following the book since the first day of opening.

The other voted for the first monthly ticket for this book and has also been following it until now.

As for the Taoist who voted for the first recommendation, his nickname was a long string of numbers, and I really can't remember it.

Thank you to the Taoist friends who have supported me until now, as well as the alliance leaders, clan leaders, and guardians who strongly support me, and the Taoist friends who joined the operation team of this book and bore the infamy!

Thank you!!!

And thank you to the platform for giving Changting an opportunity to write, and I can add a chicken leg!

Changting will learn from the lessons of "Xianlu xx", pay attention to his own mentality, and write this book seriously.

Until the protagonist has gone through thousands of hardships, seen all kinds of scenery, and become a "great and true immortal"!

This story is not over yet!

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