Immortal Palace Longevity

Chapter 95 Five Years (I)

After Master Qian left, Liu Yu and the other five did not stay long. After exchanging a few words, the four of them drove back to the Hantie Mine.

Liu Yu also returned to the house in the south of the city. When he entered the door, he paused and ordered the guards to send the dancer and singer that Chai Wenzheng had given him.

Although Chai Wenzheng was just a yes-man in front of the cultivators, that was relative. Under this barbaric and backward system, for Hanyue City, he was the king who dominated the lives of tens of thousands of mortals.

The dancer and singer were both virgins. They were selected from tens of thousands of people in the entire city. They were the best among them. No matter their appearance, figure or temperament, they were one in a million.

This was the woman that countless mortals dreamed of. They wanted to reproduce with her and vent their most primitive desires.

But for cultivators like Liu Yu, they were just toys that could be summoned and dismissed at will.

After a while, the guards took the two women to the pavilion in the middle of the lake, and then bowed and left.

"I am Liu Bing'er and Shi Yan, and I am here to see the Immortal Master!"

The two women were both wearing cloaks, and they took them off before they saluted, revealing their beautiful figures and faces.

Both of them were wearing somewhat transparent gauze clothes, through which the snow-white skin and the beautiful and steep scenery could be vaguely seen.

The woman on the left, Liu Bing'er, lived up to her name, with a cold and beautiful temperament and a beautiful face. Her eyebrows were like smoke and her eyes were bright, and she was wearing a light blue gauze dress, which complemented each other.

The woman on the right, Shi Yan, was no different. Her narrow eyes seemed to be flooded with autumn water, and her red lips had a kind of soul-stirring charm. She was wearing a pink gauze dress, and there were strange peaks on her chest.

Both of them were in their prime, dressed in gorgeous clothes, with colorful ribbons binding their hair, and ornaments in their hair and wrists.

"You two will call me Young Master from now on."

"Who of you can play the guqin?"

Liu Yu looked at the two people's graceful parts for a while before he said leisurely. This was the first time he had seen them.

"Yes, Young Master!" "I am good at the guqin."

Liu Bing'er raised her snow-white and delicate chin slightly and said, her voice was crisp and gentle.

Liu Yu took out a guqin from the attic and placed it in the middle of the pavilion. He sat on a chair and leaned on the back of the chair.

"Let's play a piece of high mountains and flowing water first."

Liu Bing'er immediately responded in a low voice, kneeling in front of the strings, and her white fingers began to move regularly.

Liu Yu has been in a good mood recently, and he closed his eyes and listened carefully to the sound of the guqin.

The way of cultivation is to relax and tighten, and proper relaxation is more conducive to cultivation.

Just when he was listening attentively, a soft body like jade sat down gently on his legs and then leaned over.

Liu Yu knew who it was without opening his eyes. Although he had to maintain his Yuan Yang body in order to increase the success rate of building the foundation, it did not prevent him from doing some "interesting" things first.

Liu Yu took a breath of the orchid-like fragrance, moved his left arm to hug the soft body tightly, and vigorously grasped the beauty of the present.

Half a minute later, Shi Yan in his arms breathed more and more rapidly, her cheeks were red and her eyes were blurred, as if covered with a layer of mist, and Liu Bing'er's piano sound began to become disordered.

Liu Yu opened his eyes, his pupils under his eyelashes were dark, and his eyes were calm and deep.

He used his magic power in his hand, pushed the woman in his arms two feet away, and said lightly:

"Okay, you guys retreat!"

Although the gentle country is good, it is not what Liu Yu wants. He can enjoy it to his heart's content, but he cannot be too obsessed with beauty, or even become his own weakness.

Shi Yan's narrow eyes are full of resentment and tenderness, which seem to be able to melt the frost and snow in winter, but cannot shake Liu Yu's cold and hard heart at all.

"Yes, I'll take my leave."

"If you need me, you can summon Bing'er and Yan'er at any time!"

Although Liu Bing'er and Shi Yan were reluctant, they were unwilling to disobey orders. They bowed and took their leave.

Before leaving, the two women put on their cloaks again, covering the beautiful and steep scenery.

Liu Yu sat on the armchair and savored the touch just now. There seemed to be a faint fragrance in his nose.

After a while, he got up and cleaned up the scene, entered the attic, and began his hard training.


Time is like flowing water, and a year and a half has passed in the blink of an eye.

During this year and a half, Liu Yu collected dew every morning, put a few pieces of Qinghe tea leaves, and drank it to moisturize and increase his spiritual consciousness. Now he is sixty-eight feet away.

He has never missed a day of meditation and Qi training. Taking Bilingdan quickly improves his cultivation. Now he is only a step away from the eighth level of Qi training.

After completing daily practice, he comprehended the "Wonderful Method of Preserving the Spirit". The first level of this spiritual consciousness method can be fully comprehended soon, and it won't be long before he can start practicing in the Qi Refining Period.

Of course, Liu Yu also attaches great importance to the "Hidden Spirit Technique" that can hide his cultivation and breath. This spell is also practiced from time to time, and the first level is about to be completed.

As long as he practices the second level, he can adjust his own cultivation that is revealed to the outside at will, hide his own reality, and cannot be seen through by cultivators who are not at a higher level. This is in line with Liu Yu's usual low-key style, so he is looking forward to it.

Then practice magic tools and magic spells. The simple use of magic tools is not difficult, but if you want the strengths and weaknesses of magic tools to complement each other and cooperate with each other to exert greater power, practice is essential.

Now Liu Yu has a lot of magic tools, and the best magic tools are: Mother and Child Soul Chasing Blade, Pink Seal.

The top-grade magic tools attack magic tools are: Golden Dragon Sword, Red Scimitar, Green Halberd, among which the Golden Dragon Sword was damaged by the red scimitar, and its power is no longer as good as before.

The top-grade defensive magic tools include: black iron shield, black round beads, and yellow token obtained from Pei Sanjiu.

Special magic tools include: gold wire mirror, dark green gourd.

As for the middle-grade magic tools, there are even more, but now the middle-grade magic tools are not very useful to Liu Yu, but will limit the use of strength. He plans to find a time to deal with them and exchange them for some spirit stones.

It is ironic that most of these magic tools were not purchased by himself, but passively or actively obtained from the hands of enemy cultivators.

In addition to practicing, Liu Yu summoned Liu Bing'er and Shi Yan once every half a month, hugged the beauties or was hugged by the beauties, listened to music or watched seductive dances.

He went to the cold iron mine once a month or two, and returned after a round. Wu Chang and four others were stationed there. As long as there was no enemy cultivator attack, nothing would happen.

Although there were many casualties among the mortals who mined, there were nearly 20,000 people in Fengjia Town to supplement them, which was enough for ten years of consumption.

This is the fate of losers. Not only cultivators, but also mortals will be implicated.

Being arranged to work in the mines for these losers is already a good fate. It is better to live for a few years than to die directly!

Chai Wenzheng checked the logistics of the mine and found no problems. Liu Yu was quite satisfied with this city lord.

One day, Liu Yu took the Biling Pill and sat cross-legged on the futon to practice the exercises. After the Wood Spirit Technique was circulated for seven cycles, his cultivation level naturally broke through to the eighth level of Qi Refining.

Immortal Palace Immortality

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