Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 103: Spirit Gathering Array

This time, without Qing Chan's burden, Zhang Zhixuan could fly alone on his sword, and his speed was much faster. In less than 20 days, he arrived at the gate of Qingxuan Sect.

He wrote a letter and handed it to the receptionist outside the gate.

The receptionist was polite to Zhang Zhixuan because he was a foundation-building cultivator. After waiting for more than ten days, Zhang Hanyan finally appeared.

Because he was in a hurry on the road, Zhang Hanyan was tired and wore a thick veil, which made Zhang Zhixuan feel very strange.

The two entered Qingxuan Sect. This time Hanyan was still carrying out the sect's mission and time was very tight, so they didn't say much nonsense.

When he arrived here, Zhang Zhixuan found that Hanyan's face was swollen, and even her voice was hoarse.

A person who used to be very beautiful, now her face is swollen, and she has become unsightly. Seeing her so miserable, Zhang Zhixuan asked, "What happened to Aunt Hanyan recently? Why did she become like this?

If it involves the secrets of Qingxuan Sect, Aunt Hanyan should not tell you, so as not to cause you some trouble."

Zhang Hanyan smiled bitterly and said, "What secrets are there? I have been raising bees for thirty years. Although it is very hard to endure every day, the spiritual energy is also sufficient, and there is also third-level royal jelly as a benefit, which is very suitable for cultivation.

When you come next time, I will have third-level royal jelly. When the time comes, I will send it back to Uncle San, and his vitality will be restored earlier."

Although Aunt Hanyan did not elaborate, Zhang Zhixuan already knew clearly that the reason why Aunt Hanyan became like this was for the Jade Bee Pill.

Although the Jade Bee Pill is only a second-level lower grade, it is very rare outside except for Qingxuan Sect. Without the Jade Bee Pill, taming white jade bees would become nonsense.

The second-level lower grade queen bee at home is so powerful, and the queen bee of Qingxuan Sect is as high as the third-level upper grade. From this, it can be seen how difficult it is for cultivators who raise bees.

The queen bee has advanced to the third level, and its attack power is probably very strong. The second-level lower-grade jade bee pill is probably difficult to hide from the increasingly smart queen bee. It is probably obvious that the cultivators are often stung.

Therefore, although raising bees in Qingxuan Sect has many merits and good welfare benefits, no female cultivator is willing to choose this task.

In addition to being stung by bees every day, the most important thing is that there is a risk of life.

Once the third-level high-quality queen bee goes crazy, it is difficult for even the foundation-building cultivator to resist it. Once it is handled carelessly and cannot wait for the rescue of high-level cultivators, the result is self-evident.

There are more than a dozen beehives in Qingxuan Sect, which can produce a large source of income every year. In order to maintain such a large source of income. Qingxuan Sect can only increase welfare and send foundation-building cultivators to look after the bee colonies.

After all, the foundation-building cultivators have great magical powers and are more capable of protecting themselves.

In order to obtain the recipe of Jade Bee Pill, Aunt Hanyan agreed to the conditions of the General Affairs Hall of the Sect. Not only did she pay 600 good deeds to buy the recipe, but she also had to repay this favor by raising bees for the Sect for 30 years.

Zhang Zhixuan looked at Zhang Hanyan, who was bruised and swollen, and couldn't help but think.

"Although with the Jade Bee Pill, the output of the beehive can increase several times, and the family's income and expenditure will improve, the price is too heavy."

Seeing Zhang Zhixuan's ugly face, Zhang Hanyan was also very smart and immediately changed the subject, which made him feel relieved.

"You wrote to me last time, saying that you would bring Qingchan to Qingxuan Sect. I have already asked someone to help. I didn't expect you to not come. It makes me feel awkward.

Next time you come to Qingxuan Sect, if you don't give me some compensation, I will show you my displeasure."

Aunt Hanyan's words made Zhang Zhixuan blush. He explained in a low voice: "Qingchan met a senior on the way and has found a solution to the problem. She is not suitable to come to Qingxuan Sect again."

Zhang Hanyan was very smart. After listening to some of the words, he immediately remembered that when Zhang Zhixuan and the others came, a major event happened near the sect. Even Jin Laozu, a Jindan cultivator, was frightened and silent, and strictly prohibited the sect from discussing the matter.

Thinking of this, she looked at Zhang Zhixuan worriedly and asked in a low voice: "Is Qingchan okay?"

Zhang Zhixuan nodded silently and said: "She is fine. The senior gave her a spirit stone. I plan to use this spirit stone to improve the spirit veins of the spiritual field in Lushan County and upgrade the spirit veins there to the third level.

This time I came to Qingxuan Sect to ask you to introduce a third-level formation master to refine a set of third-level spirit gathering formations."

Although Zhang Zhixuan said very little, Zhang Hanyan already knew that this spirit stone must be a top-grade spirit stone, but she didn't have any high Instead of being happy, he said with some worry: "Zhixuan, you must not take advantage of high-level cultivators!

If you take advantage today, you will have to pay it back with interest in the future, and you may even bleed dry and lose your life."

Zhang Zhixuan smiled bitterly and said: "Of course I know. But, Hanyan, we all have times when we are helpless. How can we refuse the decision of a high-level cultivator?

We can only support each other and practice hard to make ourselves stronger."

As soon as Zhang Zhixuan finished speaking, the two felt heavy in their hearts.

For a while, they fell silent and went to Qingyang Market together.

With the introduction of Zhang Hanyan, a foundation-building cultivator of Qingxuan Sect, it was easy to find a third-level formation master. Zhang Zhixuan spent 800 spirit stones and successfully obtained a set of third-level lower-grade spirit gathering formation.

With the third-level spirit gathering formation, plus the high-grade spirit stones in hand, the family has been able to successfully cultivate a third-level spirit vein next to the spirit field.

Zhang Zhixuan took the formation and prepared to return to Lushan immediately.

Although time was tight, Zhang Hanyan still insisted on sending him out of the mountain gate.

When they arrived at the gate of Qingxuan Sect, Zhang Hanyan looked at Zhang Zhixuan reluctantly and whispered, "Is my face really ugly?"

Zhang Zhixuan smiled and said, "Hanyan looks good at any time."

Zhang Hanyan gently hit him and said with a smile, "You have finally grown up and can say things that girls like."

Waving goodbye to Zhang Hanyan, Zhang Zhixuan took the formation and rushed back to Lushan without stopping.

With the third-level spirit gathering formation, Zhang Zhixuan buried his fire-attributed top-grade spirit stone in the gourd magic tool at the center of the formation, and then immediately arranged the formation, triggered the third-level spirit gathering formation, and began to refine the top-grade spirit stone in the center of the formation.

This refining process, if there is no strong external force, will last for three years.

After three years, the spirit vein will slowly improve its grade until it is upgraded to the third-level lower grade.

Since Zhang Zhixuan buried the third-level spirit gathering formation, the spiritual energy in the spirit field has become more and more sufficient day by day.

In addition, there is a third-level middle-quality spirit gathering tree. The quality of the spirit veins here in the spirit field even exceeds the Lushan that the family has cultivated for hundreds of years.

On the day when the formation was set up, even the clan leader who rarely came out went down the mountain. He felt the strength of the spiritual energy and said with emotion: "Since the loss of Jiuhua Mountain, our family has finally cultivated another third-level spirit vein.

It's a pity that I can't rest in peace until I can recapture Jiuhua Mountain."

Zhang Zhixuan looked at the red sun in the distance and sighed: "Will there be that day?"

My eyes are not feeling well today, so I can only update once. I won't write at night.

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