Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 1052 Breaking the deadlock

Chapter 151 Breaking the Deadlock

Four top-level Yuanying flew into the sky and surrounded the Nine Yuan Demon Saint from all directions. Zhang Zhixuan reacted the fastest, raised his hand and released the Golden Light Thunderbolt Sword, and then sacrificed the Pure Yang Cauldron.

Ever since Qingyunzi injected a sword immortal's true meaning into Zhang Zhixuan's body, his swordsmanship has made great progress. After pondering Qingyunzi's sword meaning every day, Zhang Zhixuan gradually walked out of his own swordsmanship path.

At this moment, his swordsmanship has surpassed Qingchan, enough to threaten Yuanshen masters.

Even the Nine Yuan Demon Saint did not dare to be cut by him in the weak spot.

Although this sword was cut casually, it went straight to the demon saint's vital point, which surprised the Nine Yuan Demon Saint, and he quickly separated a magic power to block the flying sword.

Then a large amount of Pure Yang true fire fell, just right to trap the Nine Yuan Demon Saint.

As soon as the Nine Yuan Demon Saint was distracted, he hurriedly broke out of the Pure Yang True Fire. Qing Chan's attacks followed one after another, and the Guishui Divine Thunder fell on his head, making the Nine Yuan Demon Saint a drowned dog.

At the same time, Duan Hongling, Qian Danqing, and Lu Boxen released their Yuanshen magic tools and attacked the Nine Yuan Demon Saint from all directions, making the Nine Yuan Demon Saint helpless, like a candle in the wind, and could be in trouble at any time.

In the blink of an eye, this majestic demon cultivator suffered enough.

Although the two Yuanshen in Nan Yazhou have a slightly lower cultivation level, the foundation of this state is deeper than that of the Nine Dragon Sea demon cultivators.

After all, Nan Yazhou has three predecessors who have become immortals, Yuwen Xin, Fu Zonglong, and Wang Chengyun, and has been blessed by Yuanshen cultivators in all generations. There are more than ten Yuanshen magic tools inherited from the ten major sects. The top Yuanying of each sect joins hands, which is enough to compete with a Yuanshen mid-stage cultivator.

Although the demon cultivators also have inheritance, they were suppressed by the Demon-Slaying Sect in ancient times and were almost insignificant. Although they have developed rapidly in the past tens of thousands of years, their refining and alchemy skills are far inferior to those of human sects. Even if they use the remains of the previous demon saints to refine equally powerful treasures, there are only six Yuanshen magic tools in total.

There are only five top demon kings who can be called top demon kings, and at this stage they are far from being the opponents of the Yuanying of Nanyazhou.

Sensing that the situation of the Nine Yuan Demon Saint is unfavorable, only two top demon kings under the demon saint can intervene in the Yuanshen battle.

The two demon kings, one fat and one thin, soared into the sky and shouted sternly: "Bullying the few with the many is not a hero."

Sensing that Zhang Zhixuan is the biggest threat, the obese demon king suddenly changed his original form and used the art of the law of heaven and earth.

A walrus several dozen feet tall rolled up a huge wave and hit the pure yang true fire fiercely, then opened his mouth and sprayed a mysterious light, shooting at Zhang Zhixuan's eyebrows.

Then the walrus demon king held a mirror in his hand and shot out a large amount of brilliant light, which rolled towards Zhang Zhixuan.

Faced with the continuous attacks of the demon king, Zhang Zhixuan had to give up the siege of the Nine Yuan Demon Saint and hurriedly sacrificed the purple qi Xuan Gang magic to defend.

A purple light curtain rose around Zhang Zhixuan, blocking the mysterious light sprayed by the walrus demon king.

However, the power of the mirror sacrificed by the walrus demon king was very strange. The mirror light continued to shoot on the purple light curtain and soon penetrated into the purple qi Xuan Gang.

Zhang Zhixuan suffered in an instant after being illuminated by the mirror light.

This mirror was refined with the remains of the previous demon saint of the Nine Dragon Sea, the Baiyu Demon Saint.

The Baiyu Demon Saint was proficient in the method of love before his death. The remains were refined into the love mirror, which could release thousands of love threads, making the enemy fall into love and be entangled with love.

Any cultivator who has not seen through the calamity of love and is trapped by love will be more or less controlled by this mirror.

Although blocked by the purple qi, a strand of love still holds Zhang Zhixuan tightly.

"Oh no, Qingchan has just cultivated his soul and is far from being a match for the Nine Yuan Demon Saint. I must not be tripped by this sea walrus."

"No matter what, I will go to help Qingchan immediately."

"What should I do if Qingchan has an accident? What's the point of living then?"

In an instant, countless thoughts came to Zhang Zhixuan's mind. He couldn't calm down and reacted a few steps slower than usual.

In fact, Qingchan's magical power is slightly higher than that of the Nine Yuan Demon Saint, but he is entangled by love. Once it comes to his lover, it is difficult for Zhang Zhixuan to be objective and calm, and he becomes a little confused.

The cultivators fight, and they fight for a line.

A slight mistake can lead to a thousand miles of error.

If you can't calm down during the fight, it is easy to fall into the control of the opponent and lose your own rhythm.

Two cultivators with similar cultivation and magical powers, once one of them loses his composure, the result is self-evident, and he will inevitably lose his life.

Zhang Zhixuan is not a cultivator who practices the ruthless way. As long as he has not become the Golden Immortal Daoist, he will naturally be trapped in the love tribulation. For a while, he is entangled in distracting thoughts and upset, and there is no way to escape from the predicament.

He wanted to help Qingchan immediately, but he knew that doing so would be harmful and useless. Once he took action, he might be caught by the opponent in advance, which would make Qingchan worried.

At the same time, the Walrus Monster King kept releasing several powerful magical powers, hitting the Purple Qi Xuan Gang head-on.

In an instant, cracks appeared in the Purple Qi Xuan Gang.

Once the Purple Qi Xuan Gang was broken, according to Zhang Zhixuan's current state of worrying about gains and losses and being overwhelmed by love, he might not be the opponent of the Walrus Monster King at all.

Just when Zhang Zhixuan was at a loss, strands of love actually penetrated into the Dantian.

The purple jade lotus hidden in Zhang Zhixuan's dantian was stimulated by external force, and instantly emitted purple light, floating above his head to protect him.

Although the purple jade lotus has no offensive power, it can hardly be used in a fight.

However, this treasure is one of the three treasures of the Huangting Dao Sutra, which can restrain various spells that attack the spiritual sea of ​​consciousness. It is especially effective in dispelling distracting thoughts and resolving inner demons.

A purple jade lotus opened on the clouds above Zhang Zhixuan's head, and purple light shot out from the lotus petals, sucking strands of love into the lotus petals, making this demon clan's soul artifact useless.

Without the entanglement of love, Zhang Zhixuan immediately calmed down and broke out in a cold sweat.

"The love thread entered my body and immediately made me confused. I almost forgot that I still had my life artifact. The purple heart jade lotus rarely plays a role in battle, but it played a crucial role today. If it weren't for the protection of this treasure in my body, I'm afraid I would have fallen into love and died at the hands of the demon king."

Zhang Zhixuan had just gotten rid of the attack of the Enchantment Xiaguang Treasure Mirror and was about to take action against the Walrus Demon King. Qing Chan suddenly used thundering means and was the first to break the deadlock.

Qingchan had extraordinary spiritual awareness, so the abnormality of Zhang Zhixuan could not be hidden from her eyes.

Originally, Qingchan was going to fight with the Nine-Element Demon Saint, looking for a suitable opportunity to sacrifice the Blue Sea Tide Rising Sword and severely injure the Seventh-Rank Demon Saint.

However, she immediately changed her mind when she realized that Zhang Zhixuan might suffer a loss, and decided to open the situation immediately. In order to prevent Zhang Zhixuan from getting injured and delaying his path.

Zhang Zhixuan was already close to refining the Yuanshen, and if he got injured now, it would naturally delay his practice for many years.

The Blue Sea Tide Rising Sword was already a seventh-rank medium-grade magic weapon. Even an old-fashioned Yuanshen like Yu Daoren did not have such a powerful magic weapon.

Having a seventh-rank medium-grade magic weapon in hand was also a great help for Yuanshen cultivators.

After Qingchan refined the Yuanshen, she was able to exert 100% of the power of the Blue Sea Tide Rising Sword.

Although she had just refined the Yuanshen, the attack power of this sword in her hand had exceeded that of most Yuanshen cultivators in the Yuanyang Realm, and was close to the great masters in the late Yuanshen period.

In order to stop the Nine Yuan Demon Saint from escaping, Qing Chan used the Water True Light first to trap the Nine Yuan Demon Saint, and then immediately decided to sacrifice the Blue Sea Tide Sword.

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