Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 1069: Demon Sect

Buddhism has been declining in Yuanyang Realm for many years, and there is not much inheritance.

Zhang Zhixuan has practiced Taoism for more than a thousand years, and has never seen a Buddhist sect in Nanyazhou.

Even though a Yuanshen cultivator like Zhang Zhixuan is already a well-informed person in Yuanyang Realm, he has only vaguely heard that there are still a few small Buddhist temples in Zhongchizhou, and the highest-level Buddhist cultivators may not be as good as Taoist Yuanying.

Buddhist instruments are quite special and require Buddhist magic power to activate.

Unless Zhang Zhixuan gives these Buddhist instruments to the Xuanting Sect's Lu Patriarch and asks this seventh-level weapon refiner to transform them, they may be barely used.

Among the few Buddhist treasures left in the Immortal Mansion, except for the relics left by Wuxiang Arhat, only the seventh-level inferior golden lotus can be used by Taoist cultivators.

After Zhang Zhixuan's identification, this lotus is the famous Merit Golden Lotus in the Immortal Cultivation World. It is rumored that this kind of lotus is a treasure from the Buddha's Eight Treasures Merit Pond.

This kind of treasure is a natural spiritual root. It does not require mana to activate it. It must be activated by the merits of the cultivator.

The Buddhists say that when all evil is eliminated, it is called merit, and when good is fulfilled, it is called virtue. Merit is obtained through cultivation, so it is called merit.

Merit can be divided into two types: virtual and real. Those who leak are virtual, and those who do not leak are real.

Regardless of whether they leak or not, as long as the cultivator has merit, they must have done something beneficial to the common people.

The merit lotus can emit merit golden light, which not only has the effect of protecting the body, but also can restrain various evil magical powers. It is equivalent to a special Yuanshen magic weapon, but it is a pity that it is useless for most cultivators.

After all, ordinary Yuanshen cultivators kill countless people. Although they have great luck, they may not have merit.

Especially Yuanshen with a fierce personality and who kills people at will, not only do they have no merit, but they may also have serious killing karma.

However, Zhang Zhixuan has good intentions and has done a lot of good things for the Yuanyang Realm.

Not only did he pass down the Ziyang Daoist tradition, so that the Huangting Daojing had a successor in the Yuanyang world, but within the territory of the Ziyang Sect, Zhang Zhixuan also prohibited killing people to rob treasures, and even prohibited cultivators from harming the lives of mortals.

Even the rule that Qingyunzi set in the past that it was not allowed to take over the body was strictly enforced by Zhang Zhixuan in Nanyazhou.

As a righteous Yuanshen cultivator, Zhang Zhixuan can be said to have saved countless lives and can be called a person of immeasurable merit.

After so many years of accumulation, although Zhang Zhixuan also killed many people in his practice and lost some of his fortune, he still had a lot of merit.

After obtaining this multi-merit golden lotus, Zhang Zhixuan could activate the merit golden light with his mind, which was equivalent to having an additional Buddhist supernatural power.

In addition to the merit golden lotus, the relics left by Wuxiang Luohan can also refine the second Yuanshen.

However, Zhang Zhixuan is not going to use this treasure.

Zhang Zhixuan has learned the method of transforming one qi into three pure ones. Once this method is mastered, it is far better than the general external incarnation and the second soul.

Moreover, this relic is the remains of the formless arhat, and its own cause and effect is extremely great.

Once this relic is used to refine the external incarnation, it is inevitable to bear the cause and effect of the formless arhat.

Since he refined the soul, Zhang Zhixuan has a deep understanding of the law of cause and effect, and will never easily bear the cause and effect of the Buddhist sect.

It is easy to owe the cause and effect of the immortals, but it is difficult to repay it. If you don’t do it well, you need to use your life to repay it.

With this consideration, Zhang Zhixuan will not leave the Buddhist treasures obtained from the immortal mansion in Ziyang Sect, except for the golden lotus of merit.

After finishing these recent things, Zhang Zhixuan will go back to Zhongchizhou to find the Buddhist sects, and then leave the treasures of the immortal mansion to these Buddhist sects, and he will be a protector for the Buddhist sect.

In this way, even if he got the Golden Lotus of Merit, he would not owe the Buddhist sect any debt, and would not owe too much karma, so as to avoid paying it back in the future.

After considering this, Zhang Zhixuan carefully put away the Buddhist inheritance treasures, and then carefully checked the Immortal Mansion.

Now the gap in the earth's fetal membrane has not been blocked, and the alien fire from the sky is still pouring into the Yuanyang Realm.

Although Wang Chengyun left the treasure of communication, Zhang Zhixuan failed to refine the Nine-Turn Pure Yang Great Pill Method, so he naturally could not use the immortal portrait to communicate with Wang Chunyang.

Although Zhang Zhixuan and the others killed Jiyin Zhenren and occupied the Immortal Mansion, they could not use the Immortal Mansion to contact the immortals in the upper realm.

After resting for more than ten days, when the two people's mana recovered 80% to 90%, Qingchan slowly began to repair the Immortal Mansion formation.

Although Qingchan's formation level is only the sixth-grade upper grade, it cannot fundamentally repair the power of the formation, but it can also play a lot of role in the corners.

Seeing Qingchan busy all the time, Zhang Zhixuan transmitted his voice: "You stay in the Immortal Mansion, I will go to the Demon Sect first."

Qingchan nodded and said: "That's good, just in time to go to the Demon Sect to learn the Yin Dou text, and see if you can repair the formation set up by Senior Zhang Xuruo?"

"I'm afraid that won't work. The core of the three formations is the Immortal Mansion Hall. The formations set up by Zhang Xuruo and Wuxiang Luohan have been cracked by the Demon Yuanshen, and there is no possibility of repair. However, if you crack the Yin Dou text left by Senior Zhang Xuruo on the stone tablet, you will definitely be able to learn a seventh-level formation, which will not only improve your formation level, but also greatly strengthen the foundation of the sect.

In addition, I will go to the Demon Sect and see if the Demon Sect can contact the immortals in the upper realm?"

After saying hello to Qingchan, leaving Qingchan in the Immortal Mansion, Zhang Zhixuan activated the Purple Sun Immortal Cloud Divine Power and went to the mountain gate of the Demon Sect in Zhongchizhou.

The gate of the Dangmo Sect has been moved three times. The first time was due to internal strife, when disciples of the Dangmo Sect and the Yin-Yang Sect fought each other and turned the gate left by Liang Tianjun into ruins.

After much difficulty, the disciples of the Demon-Slaying Sect won and rebuilt the mountain gate. However, they caught up with the Great War between Immortals and Demons, and the Demon-Slaying Sect’s mountain gate was destroyed in the war for the second time.

The mountain gate has been relocated for the third time, and the grade of the Lingshan is only the sixth-grade upper grade.

After the Great War between Immortals and Demons, most of the Yuanshen in Yuanyang Realm followed Wang Chengyun and Zhang Ruoxu to ascend secretly, leaving only a few seriously injured Yuanshen cultivators to take charge, including Yao Zhenren, the founder of the Demon-Slaying Sect.

It’s a pity that in the tens of thousands of years since Yao Zhenren, the Demon-Slaying Sect’s luck has not been very good, and no one has cultivated a Yuanshen.

The Demon-Slaying Sect is considered the most special sect in Yuanyang Realm. There are more than a dozen immortals who have ascended to heaven. Zhang Ruoxu, the immortal who descended to the world at that time, can be said to be the disciple of Liang Tianjun.

This sect has such a great origin and such a deep foundation. Even if it is declining now, the Wuwei Sect, the Daode Sect and other large sects with deep foundations will not easily offend the Demon-Slaying Sect.

On the contrary, the newly promoted Yuanshen Sect, such as Xuanting Sect, occasionally suppresses the Dangmo Sect.

After all, the ancestor Xuanting has no hope of ascending to heaven, and no immortals have descended in the Yuanyang Realm for tens of thousands of years. The cultivators of Xuanting Sect are not too afraid of the Dangmo Sect. They have made a lot of money from the Dangmo Sect over the years and have taken the initiative to fight against it several times.

It is impossible for a Yuanshen Sect with a shallow foundation like Xuanting Sect to have people cultivate Yuanshen from generation to generation. If it cannot accumulate some foundation when it is strong, it will inevitably degenerate into an ordinary large sect after the Yuanshen ancestor of Xuanting Sect passes away.

At that time, without the protection of a powerful killer, it will inevitably face the suppression of the newly promoted Yuanshen Sect, and even be destroyed if it is not careful.

Today, the Lundao Sect is an example for the Xuanting Sect. Without the protection of the Yuanshen cultivator Xiling Patriarch, the Lundao Sect has degenerated from a Yuanshen Sect to a second-rate sect.

If it were not for the killer of the White Tiger True Mysterious Knife, this sect might not be able to keep the Dao after several attacks?

No matter how much the Demon-Subduing Sect had declined, Zhang Zhixuan still visited the sect in accordance with the proper etiquette. He was also very humble when paying his respects and was quite respectful to the Sect's leader.

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