Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 1081 Five Internal Organs Demon

The Arhat Relic is a treasure of the world. If you use this treasure to refine an external incarnation, you can advance to the ninth level of the Yuanshen.

However, after refining this treasure, you will gradually be contaminated by the Buddha nature, lose your original self, and finally become a monk.

This kind of treasure has great cause and effect, and the Yuanshen who know the root and the bottom will never use it.

Hearing Sun Zhongyun's enthusiasm, Taoist Tan advised: "Even if you use this treasure to refine the second soul, it is just a poison to quench thirst. Even if the cultivation of the external incarnation can increase by one or two levels, it can't be cultivated into a true demon seed. In the end, it will be nothing. Why risk fighting with Zhang Liu and the others."

"The time for the fusion of the two worlds is approaching, and the catastrophe of this world is about to come. At this critical moment, every bit of magical power can be increased. Even if you are converted by the Arhat's relics and lose your original self, you still have the opportunity to take other paths, which is better than being muddleheaded and waiting for your life to run out.

Brother Tan, I saved your life that year, and you promised to do something for me. Are you willing to keep your promise and go with me to the immortal cave to meet Zhang Zhixuan and his wife?"

When the cultivation reaches the level of Taoist Tan, any oath is useless.

Even the will of the Yuanyang world, which sends down the thunder of heavenly punishment, can't do anything to the powerful soul of Taoist Tan. If you want to target him, you can only weaken his luck. By chance, arrange for the external disaster to come. Use the power of the external disaster to eliminate the root of the evil.

Taoist Tan has an unpredictable character, but he is a man who keeps his promises. Seeing Sun Zhongyun say this, he had to nod and agree against his own will.

Seeing that Taoist Tan stopped talking, Sun Zhongyun turned to Qi Xinyuan and Madam Liang and asked: "Brother Tan has agreed to participate. What do you two Taoist friends decide?"

"If we kill Zhang Zhixuan and Liu Xuanyan, the flesh and soul of these two people will be left to us to refine the external incarnation."

With the participation of Taoist Tan, a sixth-level demon cultivator, Qi Xinyuan and Madam Liang changed their minds and decided to go to the immortal cave to make some money.

Anyway, with Taoist Tan as a backup, the four demon souls have a much higher chance of winning together, and at worst they can save their lives.

"Since the two Taoist friends have no objection, we should set off immediately without delay."

After the four souls made up their minds, they immediately raised the escape light and came to the vicinity of the immortal cave.

In order to be quick, they did not even let their Nascent Soul disciples accompany them.

Demonic cultivators are different from those of the righteous. Even in the Netherworld Sect and the Joyous Sect, the number of cultivators under the demon sect is not as large as that of the Purple Sun Sect.

Compared with training disciples, demon masters prefer to sacrifice demons to enhance their own strength.

Generally speaking, if they have not cultivated magical powers to restrain demon cultivators, the power of demon cultivators will exceed that of cultivators of the same level by a few points.

There are only more than 300 demon Nascent Souls in the Forgetful Sea.

Among these more than 300 Nascent Soul demon cultivators, the four demon souls can only control 160 people, and the rest are scattered people with uncertain whereabouts.

The demon souls are very wary and generally will not do their best to train their successors.

There are only two top-level great cultivators under the four demon souls, and these two demon great cultivators are not nearby. The four demon souls feel that the chances of winning are not small, and they did not deliberately select these two people.

In the fight between the Yuanshen cultivators, it is almost impossible for anyone except the top cultivators to intervene. Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan have both cultivated great magical powers that can restrain the magic skills. Ordinary magic Yuanying have no chance of survival when they meet them.

Even a powerful magic cultivator like Hu Yongchou can hardly survive the attack of the two.

Even if one or two hundred magic Yuanshen are added, it is difficult to play a role in this level of fighting.

The four magic Yuanshen surrounded the Immortal Palace from the east, south, west and north, and a low hum suddenly came from Sun Zhongyun.

A white array plate suddenly appeared in his hand.

The four array flags kept rotating around Sun Zhongyun, shooting towards the surroundings of the Immortal Palace and piercing into the dark and gloomy sea water.

Sun Zhongyun stretched out his hand and lightly touched it, and a layer of transparent ripples suddenly appeared on the array plate.

The ripples spread out, and black light shot out on the surface of the array plate, connecting with the array flags that hit the bottom of the sea.

In the blink of an eye, a large amount of true demonic energy emerged from the bottom of the sea, and it swept into the Immortal Mansion from all directions.

Sun Zhongyun was also a genius in the magic cultivation, and his magical powers surpassed those of Taoist Tan.

It was just that this person had low luck, and by chance he met Qingyunzi, the nemesis of the magic path.

Although Qingyunzi's cultivation was only at the fourth level of the Yuanshen at that time, he also severely injured this demon and ruined his Taoism.

He encountered an external disaster and was unable to recover.

After being broken by Qingyunzi for many years, Sun Zhongyun could only find another way, put his efforts on cultivating the hundred arts of immortality, and studied and comprehended the magic array, and raised the array level to the Yuanshen level.

Four true demonic energies surged up from the bottom of the Forgetful Sea, and continuously swept into the Immortal Mansion, covering the sky for tens of thousands of miles.

In an instant, the formation in the Immortal Mansion was activated immediately. The stone tablet at the core of the formation emitted a dazzling white light, which penetrated the earth's fetal membrane and led the boundless alien fire outside the fetal membrane into the Immortal Mansion.

The runes on the stone tablet kept flashing, transforming the power outside the fetal membrane into strands of pure yang fairy light, which turned into a white light curtain, blocking the violent true demon energy outside.

The dark true demon energy and the white pure yang fairy light collided with each other, and the two incompatible energies met, and suddenly there was a loud noise, shaking the Immortal Mansion slightly.

Qing Chan had just broken through the bottleneck, and Sun Zhongyun took the lead to hit the door, which made her feel a little unhappy.

However, the enemy situation is unclear now, and Qing Chan did not rush out of the Immortal Mansion rashly to test the demon soul outside.

Although the magic path has declined in the past few thousand years, there are still masters in the late Yuanshen period.

Qingchan also knows that he can't beat the old demon Chixue. Even if he fights with Taoist Tan, he will probably not win.

The reason why he was able to kill Jiyin Zhenren that day was because of the favorable time and place.

If Jiyin Zhenren hadn't acted rashly and rashly refined the stone tablet of the immortal mansion to seek his own death, he would not have been easily killed by the two of them if he hadn't been fixed by the pure yang fairy light and half of his magic power was tied up.

Under normal circumstances, even if he couldn't defeat Zhang Zhixuan and his wife, he would probably be able to save his life.

The pure yang fairy light and the true demon energy consumed each other, and the balance could not be broken for a while.

Large amounts of true demon energy wrapped around the immortal mansion, turning it into a black cocoon with a diameter of tens of thousands of miles.

If you look from outside the fetal membrane, it seems like a huge mustard seed space parasitic in the Yuanyang world.

Seeing that the true demon energy could not make a contribution, Sun Zhongyun suddenly laughed wildly. He thrust his hand into his chest and took out the heart.

The old demon muttered something, and actually refined his heart into the incarnation of the demon.

The demon absorbed a large amount of blood essence, and instantly turned into a blood shadow, fiercely rushed through the obstruction of the pure yang fairy light, and pounced on Zhang Zhixuan and the others.

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