Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 1095 Mysterious Treasure

As the date of the fusion of the two worlds approaches, natural disasters in the Yuanyang world are becoming more and more frequent. In the face of such a disaster in one world, even the Yuanshen cultivators can't play any role.

Zhang Zhixuan can only do his best to send the sect monks out to rescue mortals and try to migrate mortals to the spiritual veins for cultivation, so as to protect them at any time.

Even Lingjing Mountain, where the mountain gate is located, has settled some mortals who were affected by the disaster in Taicheng County in recent years. In order to prevent these mortals from being injured by the aftermath of the Yuanshen cultivators' cultivation, Qingchan also took the time to arrange a set of sixth-level formations to prevent the Yuanshen cultivators' mana fluctuations from overflowing the underground caves of Lingjing Mountain and hurting innocent people.

When Qingchan was cultivating the Yuanshen, Qingyunzi and Taili Patriarch fought once in the sky above Lingjing Mountain. The aftermath of the two people's fight smashed the fairy mountain spiritual veins, making the resources invested by Ziyang Sect for many years go to waste. The loss was so great that it exceeded 100 million spirit stones, which was enough to cause serious damage to the famous sects.

Fortunately, Qing Yunzi had a seventh-level treasure in his hand. With the power of this treasure, Qing Chan absorbed enough spiritual energy and refined his soul in one fell swoop, taking the most critical step.

After Qing Chan refined his soul, Ziyang Sect was already the leading sect in Yuanyang Realm, and one-third of the sects in Nanyazhou had to offer sacrifices. With such a huge resource monopoly, spiritual stones and materials can certainly be easily replenished.

After only a dozen years, Lingjing Mountain was restored to its original state, and the grade of the spiritual vein was upgraded to the sixth-level upper grade. If you want to upgrade the spiritual vein to the seventh level, it will probably still take a long time.

One day, Zhang Zhixuan had just finished his retreat, and suddenly he had a glimmer of enlightenment in his heart, as if the opportunity was approaching.

This glimmer of enlightenment passed by like lightning, making Zhang Zhixuan unable to catch it at all. He shook his head and said to Qingchan in the cave: "Seeing the two worlds merge, let me take a last look at the earthly fate."

The two walked out of the underground cave of Lingjing Mountain together. The cultivation in their bodies gradually disappeared. The whole person looked no different from ordinary people, walking freely and comfortably in the nearby town.

Looking at the unfamiliar grass and trees, the two seemed to have returned to more than a thousand years ago. At that time, they were carefree, lived a very peaceful and happy life every day, and were very content. The income of a spiritual stone could make them happy for a long time.

Zhang Zhixuan casually picked a handful of rice from the rice field on the side of the road, put it in his mouth, carefully tasted the taste, and then made a wreath with wild flowers on the roadside and put it on Qingchan's head. Hand in hand, strolling on the long official road.

Lingjing Mountain is the base camp of Ziyang Sect. After more than a thousand years of development, it has become the core of the human power of Nanyazhou. The nearby Taicheng County has multiplied hundreds of millions of people, most of whom come from the Zhang family of Tiantai Peak.

There was an endless stream of merchants and travelers on the official road, and occasionally some low-level monks could be seen flying overhead in the sky.

The two walked on the road, watching the mortals coming and going on the road. They were carrying their families and luggage, struggling to survive.

The faces of the two were still youthful, and their temperaments were extremely outstanding. Qingchan's appearance seemed like a real immortal descending to the earth, attracting countless people to look back frequently.

Several tall horses whistled by, and the riders saw such a wonderful person, and they were distracted for a while, and they accidentally bumped into the ox cart, falling on the spot, causing passers-by to laugh.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Zhixuan shook his head and laughed, and disappeared without a trace after taking a step.

The mortals near Lingjing Mountain were also well-informed people. They knew that low-level monks would never have such magical powers. Thinking of the various rumors about Ziyang Sect, someone suddenly shouted.

"The ancestor has come to the mortal world."

The two walked around casually and entered the Goddess Peak from Taicheng County.

Lingjun has been in the calamity for 260 years. This time, she finally got lucky and caught up with Qingchan's ride to refine the Yuanshen.

After consuming countless precious spiritual objects, Lingjun's cultivation level has recovered to the ninth level of the Yuanying in less than 300 years.

This speed of cultivation requires a huge amount of precious resources. Only the core cultivators of the Yuanshen Sect are eligible to enjoy it.

In recent years, the cultivation level of the Yuanying cultivators in the sect has also made great progress. Han Yan has broken through two levels and advanced to the sixth level of the Yuanying, Xia Youqing has advanced to the seventh level of the Yuanying, and Gu Yan's cultivation level has also been raised to the eighth level of the Yuanying, but her calamity period is approaching. It seems that she cannot become a great cultivator before the calamity.

For large sects such as Wuji Sect and Yanghuo Palace, it takes at least 400 years for the great cultivators to recover their cultivation level after the calamity. The risk of casual cultivators in the calamity is greater. Not only is there no guarantee of safety, but it also takes 500 to 600 years to restore the cultivation level of the previous life.

According to Lingjun's current situation, with the support of Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan, the chance of refining the Yuanshen should be quite good.

After a few days of gathering with Lingjun, the two left the Goddess Peak and entered the territory of Qi. This time, they happened to catch up with the Qi Wanbao Conference. Zhang Zhixuan suddenly realized something and took Qingchan to disguise himself as a low-level cultivator and easily mixed into the Wanbao Conference.

More than a thousand years ago, Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan came to Qi for the first time and participated in a Wanbao Conference. At this Wanbao Conference, Zhang Zhixuan successfully purchased a fifth-level medium-grade alchemy furnace. Because of this alchemy furnace, there were many twists and turns, which offended the Yuanying ancestor of Wanfa Sect.

If Lingjun had not protected them secretly, Zhang Zhixuan and his wife would probably have to run away and become casual cultivators.

Now, more than a thousand years have passed, and the situation of the six sects in Qi has changed dramatically. Some Yuanying sects have broken their Taoism, and Yunxiao Sect has also been broken by Ziyang Sect.

After Qingchan cultivated his primordial spirit, Yunxiao Sect chose to withdraw from Nanyazhou in a panic. Now, even if they were given ten courages, they would not dare to seek revenge on Ziyang Sect.

Now half of Qi's territory is controlled by Ziyang Sect, and the Qi Wanbao Conference in the past few hundred years has also been dominated by Ziyang Sect. The cultivators who held the Wanbao Conference this time are also newly promoted Yuanying masters of Ziyang Sect.

Zhang Zhixuan has been cultivating Yuanshen for two decades. With his help and Qingchan Yu Daoren, they have already fought for six Jiuxiao Gangyu. The two families simply added two and one to make five. In addition to the infant cultivation pills refined by Ziyang Sect in recent years, in just over a hundred years, the sect has cultivated five Yuanying cultivators. Counting Duan Hongling and the other three, Ziyang Sect has more than 20 Yuanying cultivators.

This newly promoted Yuanying cultivator is named Zhou Fuhu. Compared with his master Lin Shaoyou, Zhou Fuhu's generation of Jindan caught up with the good times. Their generation of cultivators happened to catch up with Qingchan's cultivation of Yuanshen. The supply of spiritual objects in the sect increased several times, but the number of backbone cultivators was slightly insufficient.

Every Jindan ninth-level cultivator easily exchanged for infant spiritual objects.

By the time of Zhou Fuhu's next generation of cultivators, the number of golden elixirs had increased by more than three times.

With more cultivators, the competition for the spiritual objects for forming infants would naturally be much more intense, and the elders' council would also increase the difficulty.

Now Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan have long stopped caring about the trivial matters of cultivators forming infants, and even Liu Lingjun, Hanyan, and the elders' council do not interfere much.

Now the elders' council has the final say, and they are Chen Yunfeng, Liu Guyan, Duan Hongling, and Tang Yisheng. The general affairs of the sect are basically dominated by these four people.

Although Zhou Fuhu is a Yuanying cultivator, his relationship with Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan is not too deep. Since this person has practiced Taoism, he has only met Zhang Laozu a few times. On the contrary, his father Zhou Huayang can occasionally remain in the deep memory of Zhang Zhixuan.

Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan hid their cultivation, so they easily deceived this Zhou Laozu. The two people's spiritual consciousness is already very terrifying. As soon as they entered the market where the Wanbao Conference was held, they found a treasure with a great origin.

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