Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 1097: The Fusion of Two Worlds

Zhang Zhixuan is already a Yuanshen cultivator, and the fluctuations of mana emanating from his body are very strong. Even if he is careful to suppress it on weekdays, it is not suitable for him to have long-term contact with mortals.

Even if he is a Yuanying cultivator, the strong pressure emanating from his consciousness can easily hurt low-level cultivators, let alone mortals.

Although a cultivator with the Nine Yang Body has been found, he can only be taught by low-level cultivators in daily life. The youngest disciple of Zhang Zhixuan's lineage is Chen Yuanzhen, the new disciple of Xu Ziyun.

Therefore, this cultivator with the Nine Yang Body, named Zhuang Zijing, can only temporarily follow Chen Yuanzhen to lay the foundation, and can only accept the guidance of high-level cultivators after he has achieved success in cultivation.

The threshold for practicing the Nine-Turn Pure Yang Great Pill Method is very high, but it is not particularly difficult to get started. Even if Chen Yuanzhen's cultivation is not high, he can guide Zhuang Zijing to get started.

After Zhuang Zijing builds his foundation, he can follow Xu Ziyun and practice beside the Yuanying cultivator.

Zhang Zhixuan was not sure whether this cultivator with a pure yang body was the reincarnation of Ma Chunsheng.

Reincarnation is different from reincarnation. Reincarnation is to use the mother's qi of the cultivator's primordial infant to reincarnate, and occupy the nest of the pregnant woman's fetus before the consciousness is formed, and then pass the mystery in the fetus and practice with the memory of the previous life.

Reincarnation is the cultivator's life spirit light entering the netherworld, transforming into a ray of netherworld spirit light in the world, contaminated by the qi of the intersection of yin and yang, forming a fetus, and cannot be reborn with the memory of the previous life.

Only when the cultivator refines the fruit of Tao and transforms into an immortal body can he retrieve the memory of the previous life. Otherwise, no matter how powerful your supernatural power is, you will never remember the things of your previous life without becoming an immortal.

After settling Zhuang Zijing, Zhang Zhixuan and his wife immediately closed their doors and prepared to sacrifice and refine the incarnation. After obtaining the innate spirit pearl, the treasure was first TS, and naturally handed over to Qingchan, asking her to refine the incarnation.

The innate spirit pearl came from the depths of the Tianhe River, and it was in the same vein as the skills and supernatural powers practiced by Qingchan. The secret technique of Yi Qi Hua San Qing passed down by Qing Yunzi is also a top-level method of cultivating incarnation. In less than ten years, Qing Chan has already cultivated an external incarnation.

This incarnation has the first level of mana and soul, and its cultivation can also be improved slowly.

But the improvement is very slow. Qing Yunzi's cultivation is already the eighth level of soul, and the incarnation's cultivation is only the third level of soul.

At Qing Yunzi's level, the power of the incarnation no longer plays a key role. However, after cultivating an incarnation, the cultivator can be said to have an extra life.

Moreover, there is no limit on the life span of immortals, and the cultivation and mana can be slowly improved after cultivating an incarnation.

Once you enter the immortalization pool, become a true immortal, and cultivate the Tao fruit, you can no longer sacrifice the external incarnation.

For the cultivation after becoming an immortal, it is imperative for the cultivator to sacrifice the external incarnation.

Not long after Qing Chan's incarnation was cultivated, Qing Yunzi sent a letter.

Since Qing Yunzi and Zhou Laozu came back, many demon saints have come to the door, hoping to use the power of the two ancestors to eliminate the Dongji locusts that are causing trouble.

After several discussions, after Zhou Laozu recovered from his injury, the high-level cultivators of Yuanyang Realm prepared to join forces to wipe out the Dongji Locust, so that Huang Zhang Yaosheng's four Yuanshen could withdraw from Dongji Province. Huang Zhang Yaosheng is also a Yuanshen level eight master, and his magical powers are a bit stronger than Zhou Laozu.

When the two worlds merge, he can free up his hands, and Yuanyang Realm's chances of winning can also increase a bit.

This time, the human and demon races worked together. More than 20 Yuanshen cultivators brought 6,000 Yuanying, 100,000 Jindan, and 1 million Zifu to gather in Dongji Province, and surrounded from four directions to eliminate the Dongji Locust.

Qing Yunzi occupied the south road alone.

Five Yuanshen cultivators, Zhou Laozu, Xuan Laozu, Shen Bingyun, Jinniu, and Baixiang, went to the north road, forming the second army.

Zhongchizhou Shen Jingxu Laozu, Yuyang Laozu, Gu Yuanchen, Lu Xuanyun, He Qiyun, Tianlang, and Qingyuan, seven Yuanshen, went to the east road, forming the third army.

The last group was led by the two ancestors Xuangui and Qingchan, followed by Zhang Zhixuan, Yu Daoren, Bai Laozu, Qingyang, and Jiuyuan.

In the middle, there were four demon saints Huang Zhang who were fighting against the Dongji locusts.

The five armies had different strengths, and the most powerful one was Qingyunzi, who was alone.

The weakest were indeed the two armies in the east and west, which had a large number of people.

Since the Dongji locusts were rampant, Dongjizhou has been ravaged into a wasteland.

All the spiritual creatures and lives along the way were devoured by the Dongji locusts.

Now that the top forces in the Yuanyang Realm have united, the Dongji locusts have finally ushered in their doomsday.

More than 20 Yuanshen cultivators fought with all their strength, and there were four in the late Yuanshen stage. Even if the True Immortal descended to the world, they would have to flee in panic when facing this lineup. Although the Dongji locusts were fierce, they could not beat the coalition of the human and demon races.

Moreover, the magical powers of the Dongji locusts could not suppress Qingyunzi. The reason why this evil creature has been rampant for thousands of years is that it relies on the racial talent of being everywhere and reborn at will.

This evil insect is not very powerful. Even Zhou Laozu can kill the real body of the East Pole Locust. It's just that this insect seems to have countless lives. No matter how many times it is killed, it can be reborn in the locust swarm immediately.

Even Qing Yunzi's sword immortal true meaning can't do anything to the East Pole Locust. In terms of magical powers, the East Pole Locust also restrains Qing Yunzi a little.

The only way to get rid of this insect is to completely eliminate the East Pole Locust swarm.

Although Qing Yunzi's magical powers are strong, it is useless to deal with the huge population of East Pole Locusts. Even if he is exhausted to death, he may not be able to kill the East Pole Locust swarm completely.

This time, Yuanyang Realm mobilized millions of high-level cultivators, holding the intention of burning their boats and clearing out the demon insects in one fell swoop.

More than 20 Yuanshen cultivators acted as the spearhead, and under their command, an endless army of cultivators killed the East Pole Locusts from all directions.

Millions of low-level cultivators played a vital role in this battle. They killed more than 90% of the East Pole locusts. They were the great heroes of this battle.

The cruel war lasted for more than ten years. Under the joint efforts of the human and demon races, the army under their command suffered more than 100,000 casualties before the East Pole locusts were wiped out.

Without the protection of a large population, this seventh-level East Pole locust wanted to escape, but was killed by Qingyunzi with a sword.

Before the two worlds merged, the cultivators of Yuanyang Realm finally eliminated the internal troubles and welcomed the new life in the best state.

Just when many cultivators killed the East Pole locusts, Zhuang Zijing, who had just successfully built his foundation about twenty years after entering the sect, suddenly saw a crack in the sky, like a bottomless cave.

A strong light rose up and poured directly into it. In an instant, time seemed to stop in the five continents and four seas.

Zhuang Zijing looked up and saw a huge red planet hanging in the sky.

The huge sphere occupied half of the sky, and a strong light that penetrated the sky and the earth shot in from the mysterious cave and fell into the Yuanyang Realm.

Just as Zhuang Zijing was shocked, several figures flew out from Lingjing Mountain. They were the familiar Yuanying of the sect.

"Quickly activate the mountain protection formation!"

At Liu Lingjun's command, the Ziyang Sect cultivators immediately activated the sect's mountain protection formation.

At the same time, more than 20 Yuanshen Zhenren from the Yuanyang Realm gathered outside the fetal membrane, with extremely solemn faces.

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