Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 13 Liu Qingchan

Although he killed the cat demon, it was a pity that Liu Hushan was still damaged here due to his recklessness and carelessness.

Unless ordinary people have extraordinary talents, it will be difficult for them to cultivate to the innate stage in their lifetime.

As an ordinary person with an ordinary background, Liu Hushan could become an innate warrior, but he had to go through many hardships and obstacles.

It's a pity that he was a little reckless today and lost his life.

There are five low-level monks in the entire Lushan County. Except for the county magistrate Zhang Menggong, who is on the second level of Qi training, the remaining four are all innate monks.

As for the hundreds of thousands of mortals near Lushan County, almost all of them practiced Kung Fu, and there were only four who could truly break through their innate abilities.

From this we can see how difficult it is for those who do not have spiritual roots to practice Taoism.

Zhang Zhixuan sighed inwardly, and then asked everyone to make a simple stretcher and carried Liu Hushan, whose body was already stiff, directly to his home.

After Liu Hushan broke through Xiantian, he served as the patrol officer of Lushan County for fifteen years now.

In fifteen years, because the official salary was relatively generous, a lot of inheritance had been accumulated over the years.

Not only did he save 300 acres of fertile land outside the city, he even bought a three-in-one compound in the county town.

Liu Hushan has no biological brothers, his parents have passed away, and his wife died in childbirth.

Because he had a good relationship with his wife, he later did not take another concubine. Except for an eight-year-old daughter, there was no one in charge of the family.

Everyone carried Liu Hushan into the house, and immediately the servants of the Liu family were in chaos.

Because there was no master, these servants had anticipated the decline of the Liu family. They packed up their belongings one after another, competed for the Liu family's frivolous wealth, and then dispersed in a rush.

The eight-year-old Liu family girl knelt down next to her father's body, clutching her father's big hand tightly, tears welling up in her eyes. None of these Liu family servants cared about their young lady.

Zhang Zhixuan and Zhang Menggong had no time to rest and sent the monster materials to the county government.

Zhang Menggong was originally a weapon-refining apprentice, capable of processing first-level monster materials and refining first-level magic weapons.

The cat demon is a first-level low-level monster. His materials are basically useless to Zhang Zhixuan, and he can't sell any spiritual stones, so he simply handed over these low-level materials to Zhang Menggong.

As for the remaining cat demon flesh and blood, because Zhang Zhixuan didn't want it, Zhang Menggong also distributed it equally to the county captain, Captor and other innate monks.

The best part of it was reserved for himself. Anyway, he didn't have Zhang Zhixuan's mysophobia. Even if this cat demon had just eaten the hearts of ten people, he didn't care.

The two finished taking care of the sundries and went directly to Liu Hushan's home.

Zhang Zhixuan glanced at the lonely and pitiful little girl, looked at the Liu family servant who had fled away with the gold and silver in his arms, frowned and said: "What is this like?

That's outrageous. How could Liu Hushan be regarded as having died in the line of duty and was considered a hero of the Zhang family, yet there were still cunning servants who dared to deceive the master? "

Although Zhang Mengong is the elder of the Zhang family, he has far less say in the family than Zhang Zhixuan. When he saw that Zhang Zhixuan was unhappy, his face suddenly darkened and he shouted sternly: "The third class of Yamen servants, quickly arrest these unscrupulous servants and demote them all to miners." Slave mining.”

"Does Liu Hushan have any other family members?" Zhang Zhixuan asked

"There are no direct relatives. The closest clan members are related for more than three generations," Zhang Menggong replied.

"Liu Hushan is gone, what will happen to his daughter?"

"I can only let the Liu family adopt him. Inspector Liu left a lot of property. Since these Liu family members want to inherit Inspector Liu's property, they will not starve to death. Besides, the government will take care of it to some extent." Zhang Menggong sighed. said.

"Little girl, how old are you this year?" Zhang Zhixuan looked at the child's loneliness and pitifulness, and asked again.

"Although Inspector Liu is a smart child, it's a pity that she can't speak since she was a child. Although she is neither dull nor stupid, it's a pity that she is a bit autistic and pitiful." A soldier who had a good relationship with Liu Hushan replied.

Zhang Zhixuan reached out and touched the girl's head. The girl's delicate little eyes shone with light. She shrank in fear, and then hugged her dead father tightly. Her tears had already wet Liu Hushan's clothes.

"What's this child's name?" Zhang Zhixuan asked.

"My nickname is Qingchan." The soldier replied.

"Boss Liu looks tall and rough. I never thought he would give his daughter such a nice name." A soldier under Liu Hushan said.

"Although Boss Liu can't be said to be illiterate, he can only recognize a few words. This name was given to him by a Taoist priest who begged for alms.

Eight years ago, as soon as the child was born, the mother passed away.

At that time, a wandering Taoist priest came and stayed in Mr. Liu's house for a few days. He named the child Qingchan. "The soldier who has a special relationship with Liu Hushan replied.

Looking at this poor little girl, Zhang Zhixuan felt sad in his heart.

The fate of this little girl was very miserable. Her mother died just after she was born. When she was learning to speak, she became mute. Just when she became sensible and grew up, her last relatives also left her.

"Liu Hushan is a very good person. Although we have only met him once or twice, he would die to save me today.

It's a pity that he didn't survive, otherwise he would have been a good person.

Although he was being sentimental, even if he didn't save me, I could still escape the cat demon's spell, but he was just an ordinary mortal and didn't really understand the monk's methods.

Her daughter is so young, and she will be alone in the future, so she will have to take care of her.

This child is almost at the age of cultivation. If she has spiritual roots, let her follow me to the mountains to cultivate.

If she does not have spiritual roots, I will find a good and honest family for her in a few years, so that she can live a peaceful and happy life. "Looking at the tearful little girl Liu Qingchan, Zhang Zhixuan thought secretly in his heart.

Zhang Zhixuan was alone and helpless in this life, and he felt a little soft-hearted for such a helpless child. So he pretended to be relaxed and said: "I still lack a maid to wash clothes and cook. This child looks smart and clever, so let her follow me!

Little girl, your father has gone and is going to another world.

Don't hold his hand tightly and make him worry when he leaves.

You have grown up, you should be more sensible. "

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