Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 16 White Jade Bee

The spiritual rice has matured. Zhang Zhixuan and his partner picked the spiritual rice while taking out a black paper crane more than two inches long from the house.

He used cinnabar to write dozens of words on the paper crane, and then lightly tapped the magic power. The black paper crane flew lightly into the sky and flew slowly towards the mountain gate.

This is a kind of communication paper crane, which contains a magic spell called Thousand Miles Communication, which can reach a distance of a thousand miles.

If the distance exceeds a thousand miles, the magic power stored in this paper crane will be exhausted.

The mountain gate is only about five or six hundred miles away from Lushan County. At this distance, communication with communication paper talismans is safer.

Unless there are cultivators who deliberately intercept on the road, the information can be transmitted to the mountain gate in less than two hours.

The two of them picked the spiritual rice separately, one in the east and one in the west. Zhang Zhixuan just stretched his body and heard Qingchan shouting, and even the spiritual rice he picked was scattered in a pool.

This kind of chalcedony rice cannot be put into the soil at all. Once the spiritual rice is in the soil, it will take root and sprout, and it will be inedible immediately.

Zhang Zhixuan was about to scold her when he suddenly found that Qingchan's face was swollen and bruised. He ran over with tears in his eyes. Because he couldn't speak, he whimpered.

Seeing this, Zhang Zhixuan's heart softened. He picked up Qingchan and looked at her carefully and asked, "What's wrong? Was you stung by a spiritual insect?"

There are often some pests in these spiritual fields. Because there is spiritual energy in the spiritual fields and spirituality in the spiritual herbs, these pests will slowly mutate and become all kinds of strange spiritual insects.

Some of them are more dangerous and have very strong poisons. Even monks who are poisoned may die.

However, all things are interdependent and mutually exclusive. Generally speaking, within thirty steps of the poisonous insects, there is usually an antidote to the poison.

Qingchan held back his tears, pulled the corner of Zhang Zhixuan's clothes and ran over, pointing to the seven or eight white jade bees flying around, and yelled in his mouth.

"I know, it was these bees that stung you. Don't worry, I will take care of them and avenge you." Zhang Zhixuan pointed at the beehive and smiled.

He first carefully observed Qingchan and found that although Qingchan's head was swollen, he was not in danger of life.

Then he observed the size, shape, and habits of the white bees for a moment, and finally walked into the room quickly and looked carefully from the piles of bookshelves.

Because Zhang Zhixuan had just come down the mountain and was not familiar with the work in the spiritual field, the older generation of spiritual plant husbands such as the seventh uncle and the second uncle wrote a lot of their own notes and experiences and gave them to him so that he could read them at any time.

Moreover, Zhang Zhixuan was also very studious. During the more than ten years of cultivation, he often read various immortal cultivation notes and copied many family collections so that he could read them at any time down the mountain.

Zhang Zhixuan flipped through several books, and finally excitedly opened a spiritual insect book, pointed to a page on it and said: "It's really a white jade bee.

Strange, how could there be a white jade bee here?

This kind of spiritual insect is either found in the deep mountains of the southern wilderness or raised in the mountain gates of famous sects. How could it appear here for no reason?"

Zhang Zhixuan suppressed his doubts, ran out of the yard and carefully observed the white jade bee's hive, and found that there were many ordinary bees mixed in the white jade bee's hive, with only a dozen white jade bees mixed in total.

"It turns out that wild bees have mutated by absorbing spiritual energy." Zhang Zhixuan was delighted when he found the reason, and thought secretly.

The white jade bee is a spiritual insect that is very beneficial to cultivators. The honey they produce is a second-grade high-quality spiritual medicine.

Once the queen of the white jade bee advances to the third level, the royal jelly it produces is a third-grade medium-quality treasure. It can not only increase cultivation and nourish the body, but also is the main medicine for refining the third-grade medium-quality jade bee pill.

This kind of spiritual insect usually places its nest next to exotic flowers and plants.

"Except for Qingxuan Sect, I haven't heard that the nearby cultivator has successfully cultivated white jade bees.

However, even if this kind of spiritual object is cultivated by other cultivators, it is estimated that it will not be leaked casually. After all, even if the third-level middle-grade royal jelly is not used for alchemy, it is also a very precious spiritual object." Zhang Zhixuan thought in panic.

"The hive of spiritual insects such as white jade bees cannot be easily moved. If they leave the familiar environment, they will stop collecting honey and even go crazy and attack their companions.

These characteristics are the blood and tears experience summed up by cultivators over the years.

There are a total of more than a dozen white jade bees in this nest of beehives, and they seem to be only of the first-level lower grade.

It can only be considered as a recent mutation. It will take at least dozens or hundreds of years to cultivate a third-level white jade queen bee."

Zhang Zhixuan used the object control technique to gently cut off a piece of the honeycomb, then collected a little honey, and crushed the honeycomb and smeared it on Qingchan's little face.

The venom of the white jade bee is not too strong. Although Qingchan was stung several times, his life was not in danger.

Its beehive is also a spiritual object. It can remove the bee venom when applied externally, and can also be used to refine a second-level medium-quality detoxification pill.

"Do you want to drink honey water frequently in the future?

If you want to drink honey water every day, you have to keep an eye on this nest of bees every day.

Once a new white bee appears, you must tell me as soon as possible. If other strange bees appear, you must notify me as soon as possible.

Otherwise, all the white bees will die, and the honey will not be so sweet later." Zhang Zhixuan touched Qingchan's head and said with narrowed eyes.

Qingchan looked at the hateful bees, drank some sweet and fragrant honey water, thought for a moment, and finally nodded.

In order not to disturb this nest of white jade bees, the spiritual rice more than ten meters near the beehive was not picked.

After Zhang Zhixuan and the others finished picking the rice, they weighed it.

Today's spiritual rice harvest is good. Although three or four points of spiritual rice have not been picked, and Qingchan has also scattered a few kilograms, the total output is not much lower than last year.

Twenty-five acres of spiritual rice, the total output has exceeded 5,000 kilograms.

The family will not sell even a kilogram and a half of these more than 5,000 kilograms of chalcedony rice, and all will be provided to the cultivators in the family for cultivation.

The day after the paper crane was sent to send the message, the family cultivators had already gone down the mountain.

The cultivators who came to transport the spiritual rice were the seventh uncle Zhang Mengyuan and the seventeenth uncle Zhang Mengjian, followed by seven or eight young cultivators around the age of twenty.

The one with the highest cultivation level was only at the third level of Qi training, and the lowest one had not yet broken through the innate.

Several people drove three huge carriages, and the horses pulling the carriages were nine feet tall, looking mighty and majestic, not like ordinary horses.

"Even the stepping cloud beast was brought out?" Zhang Zhixuan looked at the giant horse and asked curiously.

The stepping cloud beast is a kind of spiritual beast domesticated by the Zhang family.

Two hundred years ago, Zhang Chuyun, a genius cultivator of the Zhang family, got a third-grade top-grade demon beast, the Fiery Horse.

Taking advantage of the family's direct relationship, the Zhang family successively bought good horses at high prices to breed with it. After thousands of failures, they successfully bred a new breed of horse.

Compared with common horse-like demon beasts, the Cloud-Stepping Beast is much gentler in character. When running at full speed, its speed is also faster than that of a cultivator in the late stage of Qi training.

Moreover, this kind of spirit beast has very good endurance. It can run two thousand miles in a day and a night.

Unfortunately, the grade of this spirit beast is not high. The newly born Cloud-Stepping Beast is only the first-grade lower grade. Even if it grows to adulthood, it is only the first-grade upper grade.

Moreover, it is very difficult for this spirit beast to reproduce. The family has been operating for 200 years, but only successfully cultivated more than a dozen Cloud-Stepping Beasts, and only seven are alive now.

"Taicheng County has not been peaceful in recent decades. For safety, the nineteenth brother asked us to bring the Cloud-Stepping Beast.

In case there is danger on the road, even if we can't beat the enemy, we can outrun them and bring the spiritual rice back safely." Seventh uncle smiled.

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