Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 189 Jiangkou County

After the clan leader stayed in Chaoyin Mountain for a few days, he began to arrange personnel to escort the Ma family's migration personnel. The journey from Jiufeng Mountain to Tiantai Peak is long, more than 10,000 miles. Although it only takes three or four days for a foundation-building cultivator like Zhang Leqian, it may take half a year for an ordinary mortal to complete this journey.

In half a year, migrating 20,000 people and traveling thousands of miles, the food and supplies consumed along the way are astronomical figures.

The journey was tiring and there was no waterway to go. Even for a large family like the Zhang family that controlled more than 100,000 people, it was difficult to migrate 20,000 people at one time.

However, mortals are the foundation of the immortal cultivation family. Only with a sufficient population base can enough cultivators be raised. This time in Chaoyin Mountain, the family cultivators lost a lot of blood. With 20,000 people to supplement, clan leader Zhang Leqian could not refuse at all. Even if it was troublesome, he would protect these mortals to migrate to Lushan.

As long as these 20,000 people went to Lushan, they could easily integrate into the Zhang family without cultivators to rely on. According to the normal birth rate, in just a hundred years, the descendants of these people can give birth to dozens of children with spiritual roots, which is enough to make up for the family's blood loss this time.

In this way, Zhang Leqian took several family Qi training cultivators to protect these mortals and left Jiufeng Mountain, while Qingchan temporarily followed Zhang Zhixuan to garrison in Chaoyin Mountain.

As time passed slowly, the people drawn by Qingxuan Sect began to come to Chaoyin Mountain. This time, in order to attack Jiangkou County more smoothly, the cultivators of Qingxuan Sect also won over the scattered cultivators on Black Mountain.

In this battle, a total of eleven Black Mountain foundation-building scattered cultivators went down the mountain, including Liang Laozu's fourth disciple Kang Duhe.

Although Kang Duhe was only Liang Laozu's fourth disciple, his cultivation was no less than that of the eldest disciple Wei Bohan. He has been practicing to the ninth level of foundation building for many years, but he is more than twenty years younger than Wei Bohan, and his hope of opening up the Purple Mansion is also greater.

Kang Duhe's coming is enough to represent Liang Laozu's attitude. This time he almost blatantly stood on the side of Qingxuan Sect.

In the past, when the four major sects of Yu State had conflicts and fights, the attitude of Heishan was almost to not help either side.

But as Patriarch Liang was not far from his death, he also had to plan for his disciples.

Heishan was close to Qingxuan Sect, and the time for the invasion of monsters was not far away. Once he was gone, if he wanted to defend this place, he would have to rely on Qingxuan Sect to survive in the future, and the scattered cultivators on Heishan could only sit on the side of Qingxuan Sect.

So this time, the cultivators of Heishan almost blatantly helped Qingxuan Sect.

Maybe when Patriarch Liang was gone, the scattered cultivators of Heishan would completely lose their independence, either joining Qingxuan Sect as a whole or becoming vassals of Qingxuan Sect.

Eleven foundation-building cultivators came to Heishan, plus the twenty-six foundation-building cultivators from the foundation-building families of the three southeastern counties gathered here, and the fifty-seven foundation-building cultivators of Qingxuan Sect had enough strength to cross Duanyun Mountain and have a big battle with the cultivators of Hongshan Sect.

This time, the Qingxuan Sect went to Jiangkou County in a big way. Except for the necessary mountain guards, almost all the mobile forces were transferred to Chaoyin Mountain.

Even the Purple Mansion monks, because Lu Hongniang and Hu Peiyu returned to Qingyang Mountain, it was difficult to take action in the next battle. The Qingxuan Sect also dispatched two Purple Mansion monks, Shen Conglong and Zhu Wuya, from the two sacred mountains of Zhongxuan and Qingyang to go down the mountain.

These two are hard-working monks of the Qingxuan Sect. They are both old Purple Mansion monks of about the same age as Zhang Chuyun. They are over 300 years old and spend most of their time practicing in the base camp of the Qingxuan Sect.

The cultivation of these two people is very impressive. Shen Conglong has reached the sixth level of Purple Mansion, and Zhu Wuya is even more powerful, and his cultivation has reached the late stage of Purple Mansion.

Among the thirteen Purple Mansion monks of the Qingxuan Sect, except for Lu Hongniang, who has the highest cultivation, this person is more powerful than Sun Changgeng.

In order to prevent Yang Wangyuan of Hongshan Sect from bullying the weak, Jin Lan Taoist of Qingxuan Sect also came out in person and secretly followed the sect's Purple Mansion cultivators to guard against Yang Wangyuan of Hongshan Sect from hurting people at any time.

In order to mobilize the greatest force, the Purple Mansion of Qingxuan Sect only left ten foundation-building cultivators and two hundred Qi training cultivators in Chaoyin Mountain to guard the spiritual stone veins, and then led a large group of people and horses to cross the Duanyun Mountains and enter the territory of Jiangkou County.

The cultivators of Hongshan Sect controlled a total of four counties, which guarded Taihong Mountain, the mountain gate of Hongshan Sect.

Jiangkou County is located at the southernmost end of Taihong Mountain, on both sides of the Lijiang River.

Although the four counties controlled by Hongshan Sect have a larger population and have developed more farmland, their fourth-level spiritual veins are actually not as good as those of Qingxuan Sect.

Hongshan Sect only controls three fourth-level spiritual veins, which is far less than that of Qingxuan Sect.

Although Qingxuan Sect could only control one fifth-level spiritual mountain, Qingyang Mountain, at first, it soon took over three fourth-level spiritual veins, Zhongxuan, Tuoshan, and Jiaokou.

More than two hundred years ago, under the command of Zhang Chuyun, Jiaohe was occupied.

More than ten years ago, Shuangjiao Mountain was captured, and now Chaoyin Mountain is cultivated.

The fourth-level spiritual veins occupied by Qingxuan Sect have exceeded Hongshan Sect by twice, and their purple mansion cultivators have far exceeded Hongshan Sect after the battle of Chaoyin Mountain.

Although according to the power of Qingxuan Sect, it is not yet capable of annihilating Hongshan Sect, but it is still very sure to occupy a county of Hongshan Sect and take over a fourth-level spiritual mountain of Hongshan Sect.

There are only seven purple mansion cultivators in Hongshan Sect who can take action now, and their cultivation is not as good as that of masters such as Sun Changgeng and Zhu Wuya. In addition to retreating to Taihong Mountain, a fifth-level spiritual vein, it is impossible to defend the fourth-level spiritual mountain.

So after the Qingxuan Sect monks came over, the Hongshan Sect monks quickly gave up on a fourth-level spiritual mountain near Jiangkou County.

This mountain is called Yuntai Mountain, and it is the most important stronghold for the monks of the Hongshan Sect to control Jiangkou County. There is also a large-scale market on the mountain, which can provide the Hongshan Sect with considerable financial resources every day.

For such a very important spiritual vein, Yang Wangyuan of the Hongshan Sect gave up on it without any delay.

It can be seen that this person has a decisive character, just like a poisonous snake that retracts its head. If you are not careful, you will be bitten.

Taoist Jin Lan of Qingxuan Sect was also someone who accepted what was good for him. He seemed to have some tacit understanding with Yang Wangyuan. After taking Yuntai Mountain, he stopped and began to clear out the Zhuji family in Jiangkou County.

These foundation-building families have been entangled with the Hongshan Sect for many years, and their relationship is complicated and unclear. Taking advantage of the absolute advantage now, the high-level monks of the Qingxuan Sect are not willing to leave any hidden dangers, and must kill them all.

Zhu Wuya and others have decided that after taking Lingshan in Jiangkou County this time, they will distribute it to the casual cultivators on the Black Mountain and settle them down as vassal families of the Qingxuan Sect in Jiangkou County to help them control this brand new territory.

As long as these Black Mountain foundation-building monks can take root in Jiangkou County, hundreds of years later, relying on their help, Qingxuan Sect will be able to control this territory as firmly as it controls the three southeastern counties.

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