Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 191 Golden Silkworm

After taking away the spiritual objects on Qingliang Mountain, Zhang Zhixuan and his companions did not delay and immediately returned to Yuntai Mountain to listen to orders.

Because of the contraction of Hongshan Sect, Qingxuan Sect occupied the wealthy Jiangkou County without any major battles. Relying on eleven foundation-building cultivators and their independent disciples, the Qingxuan Sect cultivators quickly took root in Jiangkou County.

Some of the local families in Jiangkou County moved to Taihong Mountain, and some were exterminated by Qingxuan Sect. The local mortals were also divided up by these Heishan independent cultivators.

These Heishan independent cultivators were preparing to marry wives and concubines on a large scale among the local mortals and establish their own families. Their disciples were the vassals of these foundation-building families.

Qingxuan Sect would naturally not give up after easily occupying Yuntai Mountain, a fourth-level spiritual vein. Occupying Yuntai Mountain would not only weaken the potential of Hongshan Sect, but also serve as a frontier stronghold to resist Hongshan Sect and protect the hinterlands of Jiangkou County and Taicheng County.

Therefore, Qingxuan Sect must station a large number of monks on Yuntai Mountain to resist the invasion of Hongshan Sect monks at any time. Qingxuan Sect attaches more importance to this fourth-level spiritual vein than Chaoyin Mountain. It even used the sect's treasury to set up a fourth-level upper-grade formation and arranged three purple-mansion monks, Shen Conglong, Zhu Wuya, and Wang Chengxiang, to guard the mountain gate for a long time.

Qingxuan Sect also arranged Sun Changgeng and Han Wangpeng on Chaoyin Mountain, which is closest to Yuntai Mountain, to reinforce Zhu Wuya and the other two at any time.

Qingxuan Sect has deployed five purple-mansion monks on both sides of the Duanyun Mountains alone. With these five purple-mansion monks guarding, as long as Hongshan Sect does not fight to the death, they can basically defend these two fourth-level spiritual veins.

Even Jin Laozu hid in Jiangkou County, ready to ambush Yang Wangyuan at any time.

This time, the Chaoyin Mountain battle broke the backbone of Hongshan Sect. If the war breaks out again and several Purple Mansion cultivators are injured, this sect may be destroyed by Qingxuan Sect.

This situation was also known to Yang Laozu of Hongshan Sect, so he did not dare to start a dispute again without absolute certainty.

Without the intervention of Hongshan Sect, Jiangkou County was quickly pacified. Zhang Zhixuan and others stayed in Yuntai Mountain for more than half a year. When everything was stable, they followed Sun Changgeng and others back to Chaoyin Mountain.

This time, when crossing Duanyun Mountain, there was no war as Zhang Zhixuan expected. They pacified Jiangkou County easily, almost like a picnic.

Jiangkou County is richer than Taicheng County. It was developed earlier. Both spiritual fields and spiritual objects are more abundant than Taicheng County.

Although Zhang Zhixuan and his team were relaxed in Jiangkou County this time, they gained a lot.

Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan were given a treasure that is very important to the Zhang family, the golden silkworm.

The golden silkworm is a second-grade superior spiritual insect. It can spit out a spiritual object of black gold silk, which is also of the second-grade superior grade.

Black gold silk can be woven into spiritual cloud yarn, which is used to refine monks' robes, flags, calligraphy and painting, scrolls and other magical instruments, which is very useful for a family.

In the entire Taicheng County, only the Liu family of Taibai Mountain caught the golden silkworm in the early years and then successfully domesticated it. This precious spiritual insect can bring high income to the Liu family every year, almost catching up with the white jade bee of the Zhang family.

The reason why Zhang Zhixuan was able to share this treasure is mainly because he saved the lives of Wu Xiangzhen and Liu Zixuan.

On Chaoyin Mountain, if it weren't for Zhang Zhixuan's rescue, both of them would have died, so when they encountered good things, they didn't want to compete with Zhang Zhixuan.

In addition to being allocated four golden silkworms, Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan also brought more than a dozen spiritual mulberry trees. These spiritual mulberry trees are necessary for domesticating golden silkworms, and their grades have also reached the second-grade inferior grade. Each tree is more than ten feet tall and weighs several hundred kilograms, so it can't be put into the storage bag at all.

In order to transport these spiritual mulberry trees back to Taicheng County, Zhang Zhixuan was also very worried.

He personally spent six hundred spiritual stones and hired more than a dozen Qingxuan Sect foundation-building monks to carefully carry these dozen spiritual mulberry trees and climb over the Duanyun Mountains. Even Qingchan was no exception. He personally carried a spiritual mulberry tree and spent more than forty days to cross the Duanyun Mountains and return to Chaoyin Mountain.

When we arrived at Chaoyin Mountain, it was easier to walk along the way, and the Zhang family also had a mixed transport team of stepping cloud beasts and fire dragon horses. They customized some huge special vehicles and quickly delivered these spiritual mulberry trees to Tiantai Peak.

There are already white jade bees in Lingjing Mountain. Who knows if the golden silkworm will conflict with the white jade bees.

So under the command of the seventh uncle Zhang Mengyuan, the family planted these dozen spiritual mulberry trees near the Wangyue Pavilion and arranged monks to take care of the golden silkworms.

Compared to the fierce white jade bees, the golden silkworms are quite gentle. As long as they have enough spiritual mulberry leaves to eat, they will sleep quietly in the silkworm house.

When it is time to spin silk, they will also spin the black gold silk into a special silk bag. Four golden silkworms can spin about three pounds of black gold silk in a year.

In just one year, the accumulated black gold silk can be woven into eight feet of spiritual cloud yarn, which can be used to refine three second-level top-grade robes, with a value of more than three hundred spiritual stones.

Unfortunately, the ninth brother Zhang Zhifan does not know how to refine robes, and the family can only sell the eight feet of black gold silk to Qingxuan Sect every year, which can be exchanged for about 200 spiritual stones.

Two hundred spiritual stones a year is a very powerful supplement for a strong foundation-building family like the Zhang family.

The clan leaders have heard about the spiritual insects such as golden silkworms for a long time. This time, they saw the real thing and they are also very concerned about this spiritual insect.

The best spiritual plant of the family, Uncle Seven, personally transplanted the spiritual mulberry trees. Although the long journey caused the trees to lose some of their vitality, most of them were successfully transplanted under Uncle Seven's careful care.

With the mulberry leaves on the spiritual mulberry trees, it is easier to domesticate the golden silkworms.

However, the golden silkworms are second-level superior spiritual insects after all, so the family still sent an elder to look after them all year round.

This elder is also a newcomer, and this person is Zhang Zhixuan's eleventh brother Zhang Zhijing.

Zhang Zhijing's spiritual roots are not good, and he is only a four-spiritual root cultivator, but he has a strong character and is more diligent in cultivation. At the age of fifty-four, he broke through the ninth level of Qi training and became an elder of the family.

Now, the cultivators of the Zhi generation have finally grown up. According to Zhang Zhixuan's estimation, at least three people will be able to break through the ninth level of Qi training before the age of sixty in the future.

Less than two months after Uncle Seventeen died in Chaoyin Mountain, Zhang Zhijing succeeded in breaking through. There are still seven elders of the ninth level of Qi training in the family, but the cultivators of the Zhi generation have grown up and occupied the majority.

Although there are already seven ninth-level Qi training cultivators, the family business has been expanding over the years and there are still not enough people.

Uncle Nineteen is in charge of the business of Baibao Pavilion on the Black Mountain and cannot do without people for the time being. Uncle Seven is over a hundred years old and is devoted to taking care of the family's spiritual fields. It is useless to leave them outside.

Uncle Eleven is in charge of the family's clan rules and regulations. He is devoted to practicing in Tiantai Peak. In addition, he is old and weak, so he basically does not leave the mountain now.

Second brother Zhang Zhihe is an alchemist and is tied to Xihefang. The family's business in Xihefang is now under his control.

Ninth brother Zhang Zhifan led people to guard the spiritual veins of Wanshe Cave. Even the fourth brother Zhang Zhian, who is good at raising horses, is responsible for keeping an eye on the family's transport team to prevent other families from secretly breeding and affecting the Zhang family's financial resources.

Moreover, Chaoyin Mountain also needs a ninth-level elder to manage the monks stationed by the family, and Jinsican also needs people. Although the scale of Qinggang stone mining in Heimang Mountain is not large, it is better to send a family elder to take charge of the overall situation so that he can communicate with the Zhou family at any time.

The family's business is getting bigger and bigger, and the backbone monks are becoming more and more scarce. If you want to alleviate this situation, it should take a few years.

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