Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 201: Take Refuge

Zhang Zhixuan was meditating in the cave, when suddenly a sound of penetrating music came in. Zhang Zhixuan opened it and found that it was his uncle who had arrived outside the cave.

Zhang Mengling had just returned a while ago, and Zhang Zhixuan asked him to take charge of the family power on his behalf.

In recent years, Zhang Zhixuan's purple air divine light magic has been cultivated to a critical point, and he has no time to deal with family affairs.

Qingchan has a cold personality and is even more unwilling to spend time on such things. The clan leader is far away in Chaoyin Mountain and can't take care of this.

The three foundation-building cultivators are temporarily out of business, and the family is temporarily lacking a head cultivator. The only one who has the ability and prestige to manage the family cultivators is the nineteenth uncle Zhang Mengling.

Zhang Zhixuan opened the cave door and led Zhang Mengling into the cave, jokingly saying, "Uncle Nineteen just came back. Your beautiful wife and concubines have been waiting for ten years, which is not easy. You are not at home to accompany them, how can you have time to come to me?"

"I know that you have reached a critical juncture in your cultivation recently. If I can make the decision, I will naturally not bother you. But now there is a big thing at home, and you have to come in person." Zhang Mengling has a cold personality and doesn't like to joke. He didn't respond to Zhang Zhixuan's words and directly pointed out his purpose.

"Didn't I say that if there is a big thing, Uncle Nineteen can make the decision on my behalf, and just inform me afterwards. What is the reason for me to come in person?" Zhang Zhixuan asked curiously.

"Taohuatan Gu Chengxun wrote to me the day before yesterday, hoping to bring his disciples and descendants to join my family. Gu Chengxun has practiced to the ninth level of Qi training for many years. In order to show his respect, he wants you, Zhixuan, a foundation-building cultivator, to see him in person before making a decision."

There is a second-grade upper-grade spiritual vein in Taohuatan, which used to belong to a small family, but was later seized by three ninth-level Qi training cultivators. Gu Chengxun is one of these three ninth-level Qi training cultivators. He has practiced to the ninth level of Qi training for more than 40 years and is considered one of the more famous cultivators in Taicheng County.

What's more amazing is that this person's alchemy skills have a unique inheritance, and his alchemy level is also quite superb. He has been a second-grade upper-grade alchemist for more than 40 years, and his level is estimated to be higher than that of Zhang Mengquan, the ninth uncle.

Gu Chengxun's willingness to join the Zhang family was beyond Zhang Zhixuan's expectation.

In recent years, the Zhang family has naturalized many cultivators, most of whom have poor spiritual roots and low skills, and no one can match Gu Chengxun's cultivation.

According to this person's ability, even if he is a casual cultivator in Taicheng County, he can still live a comfortable life with Xihefang as his back.

In the past two hundred years, after the decline of the Zhang family, Gu Chengxun was the first alchemist to join the Zhang family. If this person is willing to join the Zhang family, he can immediately become independent. Zhang Zhixuan should indeed respect him and meet him in person.

Gu Chengxun did not come alone, but brought his wife, sons and daughters with him. Several disciples he accepted in his early years also followed him to Tiantai Peak.

In order to show their welcome to Gu Chengxun, Zhang Zhixuan and Zhang Mengling personally went down the mountain to wait at the Zhike Pavilion and took Gu Chengxun to Tiantai Peak in a very grand manner.

After settling Gu Chengxun's clansmen, Zhang Zhixuan personally took Gu Chengxun to the Wangyue Pavilion.

The two sat down as host and guest. Gu Chengxun took out a book from his arms and handed it to Zhang Zhixuan. He was the first to speak: "Senior Zhang, since I have come to surrender, we are a family from now on. This Gu's alchemy recipe is my gift to join the Zhang family. I will rely on Senior Zhang's protection in the future."

"Okay, okay." Zhang Zhixuan politely postponed for a few seconds, and finally took Gu Chengxun's alchemy book and looked at it carefully.

Although he had heard that Gu Chengxun's alchemy inheritance was quite extraordinary, Zhang Zhixuan found out today that this Gu's alchemy recipe actually recorded nine kinds of alchemy recipes, including two third-level elixirs. Among the two third-level alchemy recipes, one of the elixirs reached the third-level middle grade. As long as Zhang Zhixuan refines this kind of elixir, his alchemy can also break through the third-level middle grade.

Seeing this, Zhang Zhixuan's face changed, and he said with a slightly gloomy look: "Daoyou Gu, let's be frank. The things in your hand are very valuable. Even if you take them to Qingxuan Sect, they are still valuable. It is enough for Qingxuan Sect to accept you as a disciple, and you will get a lot of rewards for good deeds. Daoyou's family has such a precious treasure, why do you want to shelter it in our small Zhang family?

If Daoyou Gu can't explain the reason clearly, I'm afraid our Zhang family's temple is too small to accommodate Daoyou, a great god."

Gu Chengxun was very shrewd, and his face did not change as he slowly said: "Our ancestors were originally monks of Wu State Xuansu Sect. My grandfather was inclined to Liu Lingjun, a disciple of the sect, eventually had to flee from Wu because of the defeat, and lived in the Yu Kingdom under an assumed name.

A hundred years ago, in order to compete for a magical medicine in the Southern Wilderness, my grandfather killed a foundation-building cultivator. Later, I learned that this person was Li Ziyuan, the alchemist of Qingxuan Sect. The Li family has been rooted in Qingxuan Sect for five generations, and the relationship is complicated. They have made enemies with their family. If we go to Qingxuan Sect and the news is leaked, it will be like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth, and we may not be able to save our lives. "

Although Li Ziyuan died, his son Li Zhang has successfully built a foundation, and his cultivation has reached the seventh level of foundation building. Even his alchemy skills are better than his master, reaching the third-level upper grade, and his level is far higher than Zhang Zhixuan.

Among the foundation-building cultivators of Qingxuan Sect, Li Zhang is also a relatively important cultivator. His status in Qingxuan Sect is no less than Han Yan, and he is considered a core person among the foundation-building disciples.

Moreover, Li Zhang has a close relationship with the Wu family. His master is Wu Siheng's direct junior brother, and his relationship in Qingxuan Sect is much stronger than that of ordinary foundation-building cultivators. He is a person who has the power to establish relationships with Wu Siheng, Lu Hongniang and other purple palace cultivators.

Zhang Zhixuan knew a little about this person, but he still kept an eye on him and asked, "Since your family has been able to live in peace in Taicheng County for a hundred years, it means that your ancestors must have done a very clean job and left no hidden dangers. Why are you afraid that Li Zhang will find out?"

Gu Chengxun smiled bitterly and said, "Although the news didn't leak out back then, it's a pity that my family is unlucky. My brother is a drunkard. He is not good at talking. He drank a few glasses of spirit wine in Xihefang. After getting drunk, he boasted to others and accidentally leaked the news. What's worse is that the Wu family heard it.

He was captured by the Wu family just after leaving Xihefang. If a good friend hadn't seen this scene and informed me in advance, I would probably be kept in the dark when the family was exterminated."

If Wu Siheng didn't show up, the Zhang family could still withstand the pressure from Li Zhang. Although Zhang Chuyun has been in meditation for many years, he still has some face among the top leaders of Qingxuan Sect. In terms of relationships with the top leaders of Qingxuan Sect, the Zhang family is better than the Li family.

Moreover, Zhang Hanyan has extraordinary spiritual roots. She has now reached the seventh level of foundation building. Her status in Qingxuan Sect is no lower than Li Zhang. At first glance, her path is farther and more stable than Li Zhang's.

Without the sect's top leaders, Li Zhang alone cannot scare Zhang Zhixuan.

The Gu family's pill formula is very extraordinary. His family's inheritance is enough for Zhang Zhixuan to risk offending Li Zhang and save Gu Chengxun's family.

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