Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 214 Liang Hanyang's Gift

The main ingredient for refining the Miaozhen Pill is called Xuanyin Fruit. Although this elixir is not as difficult to collect as Moon Grass, it has a relatively short storage time and is relatively rare near the Southern Wilderness.

In Qingxuan Sect's elixir garden, only a few Xuanyin grasses were planted, and the fruits they produced had already been ordered by the alchemists within the sect. Even if Zhang Zhixuan has a relationship with Han Yan within Qingxuan Sect, he can't compete with the alchemists within the sect.

This time, this third-level elixir was discovered in the treasure house of Taixu Pavilion. Zhang Zhixuan was determined to get it. Even if he paid for it, he would definitely take it back to Tiantai Peak to refine the elixir.

If you miss this opportunity, you may have to wait for decades to wait for the next one.

Seeing Zhang Zhixuan pick up the Xuanyin Fruit, Liang Hanyang also said with a happy face: "This Xuanyin Fruit was obtained by the fourth senior brother from Jiangkou County. It was originally intended to be used as an auxiliary medicine for the ancestor to refine a furnace of fourth-level elixir. Unexpectedly This time Black Mountain was hit by a disaster, and even the fourth-level main medicine for alchemy was destroyed by the East Pole locusts, so this Xuanyin Fruit can only be left here. If fellow Taoist don't choose it this time, we will have to use it. It can make one or two batches of elixir."

Xuanyin fruit has a relatively short storage time. It can only be stored for three years after being picked. There are three seeds in its fruit, but these three seeds can be stored for many years.

"How many spiritual stones does this Xuanyin Fruit cost?" Zhang Zhixuan asked.

Liang Hanyang replied: "The price of the Xuanyin Fruit is six hundred spirit stones. It is clear that fellow Taoist is a third-level alchemist. But this time, fellow daoist has helped us a lot. Even if you have four hundred spirit stones, it happens to be I can collect a share of five thousand spiritual stones. Fellow Taoist helped my Liang family. As long as my family can recover, I will definitely repay this kindness."

Zhang Zhixuan waved his hand modestly and said: "Young Taoist Liang, you are serious. Everyone has a short time. I helped you this time. Next time I have trouble, I will ask you for help. Are you too embarrassed to refuse? Otherwise, you will lose it." If your integrity and reputation are ruined, it will be difficult for your Taixu Pavilion business to grow."

After listening to Zhang Zhixuan's words, Liang Hanyang also felt a little emotional and said: "Everyone understands this truth, but some people may not be able to take the long term when thinking about problems. These people include me. The last time a Taoist friend came to Montenegro to ask for elixirs, I should It’s convenient, but unfortunately I rely on my ancestor as a backer, so I must monopolize this source of wealth and drive fellow Taoists down the mountain.

This time, Heishan suffered a disaster, and the ancestors have become much older. There are only a few years left in life, but the Zhang family has become more and more prosperous in recent years. With the support of you, Zhang Hanyan of Qingxuanzong will most likely be able to open up the purple Of the government. When your aunt opens the Zi Mansion in Qingxuan Sect, you will regret the trouble caused by Karma back then. How can Taixu Pavilion, which has lost the protection of its ancestors, endure it? It will only produce more blood. "

Seeing that Liang Hanyang made his words clear, Zhang Zhixuan also decided to say a few words of sincerity: "Fellow Taoist Liang is joking, I am not a petty person. Let me tell you an intimate word today, Patriarch Liang, no one dares to intimidate Taixu Pavilion." . With Patriarch Liang gone, Taixu Pavilion cannot be saved without the help of the Zhang family."

"I know this truth. I was originally very confident that my ancestor would be able to form elixirs, but now it seems that I am no longer sure.

What I just said is to resolve the grudges with fellow Taoists. In order to compensate for the troubles caused by my impulsive actions in the past, I heard that the fellow Taoist's Taoist companion, Miss Qingchan, has been building foundations for many years. This magical weapon is given to her. , think of it as an apology to congratulate her on establishing her foundation! "Liang Hanyang took out a flying knife weapon from his storage bag and pressed it into Zhang Zhixuan's hand.

This flying knife magical weapon is called the Locust Demon Knife. It is very spiritual and is a third-level high-grade magical weapon.

Zhang Zhixuan was also familiar with the material of the flying knife weapon. It turned out to be the blade leg of the fourth-order East Pole Locust. Because of this East Pole Locust, Montenegro lost more than 100,000 spiritual stones this time.

Patriarch Liang killed the fourth-order East Pole Locust and found almost nothing except cutting off a few blade legs.

This insect-like monster has no inner elixir in its body, and there are no other valuable materials in the Dongji Locust. Even its compound eyes are worthless because the fourth-level Dongji Locust cannot refine the Locust Spirit Powder.

Although the third-level high-grade flying knives are not as good as the Xuanyin Gourd, the price of the third-level magic weapon is more than one thousand four hundred spirit stones.

The Dongji Locust is a fourth-level monster, and the flying knives made from the materials on its body are slightly better than ordinary flying knives.

How dare Zhang Zhixuan ask for such a precious thing in vain. If he asked for this thing today, he would have to repay it with a bigger favor in the future, so he tried his best to refuse and refused to accept it no matter what.

"After killing the fourth-level East Pole Locust, Sixth Master Chen Yuanzhen made six flying knives. My ancestor saw that I had worked hard for many years and gave me one.

I am a petty person myself. If the Taoist friend does not accept it today, I will suspect that the Taoist friend will cause trouble for me in the future. I am really not willing to bear such a life of fear. Fellow Taoist, please put it away! "

Although Zhang Zhixuan tried his best to refuse, Liang Hanyang was firm and insisted that Zhang Zhixuan accept this high-grade flying knife weapon.

For many years, Liang Patriarch's disciples Wei Bohan and Kang Duhe failed to open the Zifu. However, the families of Taicheng County, Zhang Chuyun and Wu Sixeng, both successfully opened the Zifu and had deep connections with the upper echelons of the Qingxuan Sect.

Even the Hu family who settled in Taicheng County got rid of perverted monks like Hu Peiyu, which made Liang Hanyang feel that the feng shui in Taicheng County was really good.

Zhang Hanyan is now in his early sixties, has reached the seventh level of foundation building, and is a Ice Spirit Root monk. He is already one of the most valued disciples of the Qingxuan Sect in the foundation building stage, and he is very sure of breaking through to the Zifu stage.

And Zhang Hanyan also has the powerful Zhang family to help her at a critical moment, and can raise resources for her to open up the Purple Mansion. It is highly likely that she will open up the Purple Mansion before she turns 100.

When Zhang Hanyan opens up the Purple Mansion, if the Liang Patriarch is gone, and Wei Bohan and Kang Duhe have not opened up the Purple Mansion, Liang Hanyang and others will have no choice but to turn to Qingxuan Sect. Although they are not weak in strength, they are all newcomers in Qingxuan Sect, and their foundation and connections are far inferior to Zhang Zhixuan.

He told Zhang Zhixuan the truth that he himself is a petty and vengeful person. If Zhang Zhixuan holds a grudge and comes to trouble him, who will he rely on to resist?

Seeing that Liang Hanyang is determined to make Zhang Zhixuan accept the flying knife magic weapon, Zhang Zhixuan can only accept the magic weapon helplessly and swear to never trouble him in the future.

Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan already had one third-grade high-quality magic weapon each. This time, with the addition of the Xuanyin Gourd and the Locust Demon Sword, each of them had two third-grade high-quality magic weapons. Even in the Qingxuan Sect, few people could match them.

Hanyan was already a core disciple of the Qingxuan Sect, a seed cultivator who had opened up the Purple Mansion. She did not have a third-grade high-quality magic weapon, and even had only two middle-quality magic weapons, one of which was the Qingni Bottle bought for her by Zhang Zhixuan.

Although she was at the seventh level of foundation building and was a cultivator with different spiritual roots, she could not match Zhang Zhixuan in terms of magic power or magic weapons. Even if she was a little better than Zhang Zhixuan in terms of skills, the Skyfire Golden Sword was originally known for its powerful power. In terms of single combat, Hanyan was far from being Zhang Zhixuan's opponent.

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