Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 22: Array

The words of He Laodao convinced the dozens of Qi-cultivating cultivators below. He continued to say, "Xihefang has abundant spiritual energy and powerful formations. If we attack from outside, it will definitely take a lot of time. Once the five nearby immortal cultivation families send people to rescue, we may fail and suffer countless casualties.

It is best to take advantage of the opportunity of tomorrow's Xihe meeting to sneak into the market and attack the market from inside and outside.

Although Wu Xiangyuan has a third-level formation to rely on, he is restrained by Wei Mazi and his apprentice. As long as the formation of the market If I reveal a flaw, I can enter the market and completely defeat the resistance of the monks in Xihefang.

Xihefang does not do business with monks in the foundation-building period, so the three of us cannot show up to avoid alerting Wu Xiangyuan.

The task of sneaking into the market is left to you. "

"Senior He, you need a name card to participate in the Xihe Small Meeting. Most of us are new faces, except for a limited number of people like Guo Xiaoer, who do not have an invitation card for the Xihe Small Meeting." The middle-aged Taoist Wang Xuanke said in embarrassment.

"Don't worry about this. Although the old fox can't do it himself, he can still give us a lot of help in secret.

He has prepared thirty invitation cards for us, and everyone can think of ways to get at least a dozen of the remaining name cards.

There are forty Qi training monks sneaking in, which is enough to cause a lot of chaos by surprise. "

The old Taoist He discussed with everyone for most of the night and finalized almost all the details before breaking through the air.

The remaining Qi-training monks also dispersed, meditated and rested for a while to recover their energy before slowly coming to the vicinity of Xihefang.

Relying on the business cards sent by the Hu family monks, they dispersed and mixed into the market one after another.

Zhang Zhixuan and others knew nothing about what happened outside, and they did not know that the market was facing great danger.

The annual Xihe Small Meeting is a rare grand ceremony for the casual cultivators in Taicheng County.

Any casual cultivator who settled nearby, as long as they were guaranteed by the cultivators of the five major families, could get a business card and enter the market to exchange some elixirs, spiritual herbs and other immortal cultivation resources.

Every time the Xihe Small Meeting, a small half of the cultivators in the entire Taicheng County would come.

In the most years, more than 600 cultivators gathered in Xihefang. On that day, Xihefang seemed like a city of immortal cultivators.

There were also many cultivators coming to Xihefang today. Before noon, the casual cultivators nearby and the cultivators of the five major families entered Xihefang in twos and threes.

Seeing that many nearby cultivators had come, the Xihe meeting started quickly, and many independent cultivators simply set up stalls to exchange some spirit stones and spirit pills with each other.

Because of the lack of channels for delivery, the things on these independent cultivators' stalls were slightly cheaper than those in the market shops.

After spending thirty spirit stones to buy the Golden Bud Pill, Zhang Zhixuan still had more than twenty spirit stones in his hand, including the family benefits that Xiao Qingchan received this year.

He planned to buy a water attribute array plate with these twenty spirit stones.

In order to learn the Soul Gathering Rain Art, he bought a second-level lower-grade magic platform and four first-level array flags from his seventh uncle Zhang Mengyuan. If he could match it with an array plate, he could set up a second-level array.

Now that he has been very proficient in releasing the Soul Gathering Rain Art, the array platform and array flags are no longer useful.

If he does not continue to invest in the purchase of array plates, the spirit stones he spent before will be useless, and he can only wait a few years to sell them at a low price.

Zhang Zhixuan looked around the stalls of the casual cultivators and found that the things in their hands were very mixed, almost everything. According to Zhang Zhixuan's eyesight, many things could not be recognized.

Zhang Zhixuan picked and chose, and finally took a fancy to a gray round stone array.

The stall owner was an old cultivator, his clothes were dusty, his body was thin, and he had a huge head, which was as conspicuous as a clown in a troupe.

"Old senior, how much is your array plate?"

"The young man has extraordinary eyesight. Among the things on the stall, this array plate has the highest grade, which is already a third-grade array plate. If you want to buy it, I will sell it to you at a lower price, as long as you have 100 spirit stones." Seeing that a customer had come, the old stall owner foamed at the mouth and introduced his things incessantly.

Seeing the old casual cultivator dancing and spitting, Zhang Zhixuan frowned and said, "Old senior, I am a cultivator of the Zhang family, and I will have to live in the market from now on.

You must know the price of the third-level array plate. If your array plate is really third-level, I will ask Baicaoxuan to buy it for a thousand spirit stones.

If you lie and deceive Baicaoxuan, I'm afraid you can't easily walk out of the market.

Old senior, how about it?

Do you want to take the array plate to Baicaoxuan for identification?"

The old casual cultivator blushed and waved his hand awkwardly, saying, "It turns out that the kid is not a casual cultivator, but a famous Zhang family cultivator.

No need to go to Baicaoxuan, the array plate Although the grade is not the third grade, this array plate is really good. If you really want it, you have to take out at least fifty spirit stones. "

"May I ask, old senior, did you make this array plate yourself?"

Although Zhang Zhixuan is young, he is smart and capable when he speaks. After his lie was exposed, the old casual cultivator stopped lying and told the truth: "I have never learned how to arrange the array, and the array plate is certainly not made by me.

However, decades ago, before I set foot on the path, I was sailing in the vast sea. The ship capsized due to wind and waves, and then I suddenly encountered a giant whale and was swallowed by the giant whale. It was also my good luck that I not only survived safely, but also got this array plate.

Although I can’t tell for sure what this array is, it should be a second-level array. It also has special meaning to me. If you offer too few spirit stones, I will never sell it. ”

Array platforms, array plates, array flags, and other things are rarely available in Xihefang.

It is not easy to train array masters, and other cultivators are unwilling to use foreign array masters to set up arrays, lest others discover the flaws in the arrays.

Although the Zhang family has trained a third-level array master, Zhang Menglong, they have only sold three second-level arrays in decades, all of which were sold to the lowest-level casual cultivators.

Nearby family cultivators, not counting the five major families, are small immortal cultivation families without foundation-building stages, and will go to Qingxuan Sect to buy arrays.

After all, the array masters of Qingxuan Sect are high above, and basically will not be bribed by the enemy, and will not reveal the flaws in the arrays. Show it to others, so as not to ruin the reputation.

Zhang Menglong is over 80 years old and has a little less energy now. He is still the elder of the family and has a lot of family affairs.

Besides, Zhang Zhixuan does not have many interactions with the old man, and they are not close blood relatives, so he does not want to trouble him to spend time and effort to refine the array plate for him.

Array plates are not easy to sell in the market, so Zhang Zhixuan can only try his luck in the hands of the casual cultivators who set up stalls in the Xihe small meeting to see if there are any suitable array plates.

The elderly casual cultivators are very experienced and familiar with the goods in the market, so they repeatedly offer high prices, hoping to get a good price for the array plate in their hands.

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