Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 254: Eighth Level of Foundation Building

This time, the four foundation-building cultivators of the Zhang family took two years to attack Hongshan Sect, and successively killed nine enemy foundation-building cultivators. Most of the achievements of Purple Mansion cultivator Mu Huaishan were also attributed to the Zhang family. Their family has become the most meritorious immortal cultivation family for Qingxuan Sect.

After Zhang Zhixuan returned to the mountain gate, less than six months later, the Qingxuan Sect's reward came down. Not surprisingly, the Zhang family received a foundation-building pill, in addition to the ownership of three shops in Yuntaifang.

Yuntaifang is located at the foot of Yuntai Mountain. It is the largest market in the three northern counties controlled by Qingxuan Sect. It was very prosperous under the management of Hongshan Sect.

Although the territory of Hongshan Sect has been devastated in the past twenty years, Yuntai Mountain has not experienced war after all. There are two Purple Mansion cultivators guarding it, which is enough to protect the safety of the market. This market is now becoming more and more prosperous. There are more than a hundred shops in the market, and the scale is larger than that of Heishan Market.

The three shops are of great value. In this battle, the Wu family lost the patriarch Wu Xiangzhen, and the Qingxuan Sect only gave a foundation-building pill and a contract for a Yuntaifang shop. The rewards they received were not as good as those of the Zhang family.

The Zhang family must make use of these three shops.

Zhang Zhixuan wrote a letter to Liang Laozu's fourth disciple Kang Duhe, spent a sum of spiritual stones to borrow the Qingxuan Sect's whale pack beast, brought a batch of specialties from Taicheng County, and asked Zhang Tongning and Gu Chengxun, two ninth-level Qi training cultivators, to cross Duanyun Mountain and go to Yuntaifang to manage these three large shops.

Gu Chengxun is an alchemist, and he has practiced for many years and has experience. He is allowed to make decisions on major matters. Zhang Tongning is a direct descendant of the Zhang family and a second-level upper-grade talisman maker. He can also monitor Gu Chengxun nearby and prevent Gu Chengxun from embezzling dirty money.

Among the fourteen ninth-level Qi training elders in the family, only Zhang Tongning, Zhang Sihong, and Zhang Sipeng are under the age of sixty. Zhang Sipeng is one year older than Zhang Tongning, and is now 59 years old. If he cannot build a foundation within one or two years, he will have no hope in this life.

Hearing that Qingxuan Sect has given him a foundation-building pill, Zhang Sipeng was very jealous and came to Zhang Zhixuan several times to inquire about it, which has disturbed Zhang Zhixuan.

Now there are three foundation-building pills kept in the family, two in the open and one in the dark.

Seeing the people in the family surging, for the sake of justice, Zhang Zhixuan summoned the elders of the family and decided the ownership of the foundation-building pill as soon as possible.

After all the elders arrived, Zhang Zhixuan spoke directly: "Everyone knows that Qingxuan Sect has bestowed the Foundation Building Pill. Everyone wants the Foundation Building Pill. In order to show fairness, I have set the rules for exchanging the Foundation Building Pill today.

First, if you want to exchange the Foundation Building Pill, you must take out 10,000 good deeds. Good deeds can be borrowed and transferred. In order to avoid someone oppressing the same clan and robbing the family's good deeds, the transfer of good deeds must be notarized by Uncle Nineteen, leaving no loopholes for others to exploit.

Second, for cultivators with the same good deeds, those with good spiritual roots, young age, and a strong grasp of foundation building will be given priority.

Third, the descendants of cultivators who died in battle for the family will also be given priority under the same conditions.

The Foundation Building Pill is in my hands. Whoever can raise enough good deeds within six months can come to me to exchange it."

After hearing Zhang Zhixuan's conditions, Zhang Sipeng's face suddenly became a little gray. His father and grandfather were ordinary mortals, and his ancestors had no foundation at all.

In order to cultivate over the years, he has consumed a lot of family merits. Now he only has 800 merits. Even if there are a few clan members with good relationships, they can only collect 2,000 for him, which is less than 20% of the merits required to exchange for the foundation-building pill. And his age, spiritual roots, merits, and blood relationship can't impress the clan leader, Zhang Zhixuan and other foundation-building cultivators to raise merits for him.

Zhang Sipeng left the family ancestral hall in despair. After listening to Zhang Zhixuan's conditions, he no longer had hope of exchanging for the foundation-building pill. He himself didn't dare to gamble on the probability of one in thirty to take the risk, so he could only try to accumulate some merits and put his hope on his descendants.

Zhang Sipeng has married seven or eight beautiful wives and concubines over the years and raised six or seven children. Because these children are still young, they haven't practiced the exercises yet, and they haven't been on the spirit-testing platform, so it's unclear whether they have spiritual roots.

However, he thought to himself: "As long as I work harder and have more children, there will always be one or two with spiritual roots. After three or five generations, I can accumulate a lot of good deeds. Once there is a foundation-building pill in the future, my descendants will not repeat the same mistakes."

The Zhang family has a history of only 400 years, and it has only been 200 years since they learned from Qingxuan Sect to establish the good deeds system. The time for the cultivators in the family to accumulate is short, and they can't save much good deeds at all.

Except for the cultivators in the foundation-building period, the one with the most good deeds is the nineteenth uncle Zhang Mengling.

It has been sixty years since he cultivated to the ninth level of Qi training, and the accumulated good deeds have exceeded three thousand. This time, Qingxuan Sect gave the foundation-building pill, and the nineteenth uncle has decided to exchange it for his nephew Zhang Sihong even if he has to go bankrupt.

He exchanged the talismans, magic tools, and elixirs he had accumulated for many years for good deeds, and raised another 600 good deeds, and then took Zhang Sihong to find Zhang Zhixuan directly.

Seeing Zhang Mengling and the others arrive, Zhang Zhixuan opened the door of the cave to greet them in person.

"Uncle Nineteen, are you here today for Sihong's foundation-building?" Zhang Zhixuan asked straight to the point without any politeness.

Zhang Mengling nodded and said, "It's for Sihong's matter. I have tried my best to collect only 3,600 merits. Sihong has only been practicing Taoism for a short time, and has only accumulated 600 merits, which is far from enough to exchange for foundation-building pills. So I can only be shameless and come to you to ask for some."

Zhang Mengling has a very good spiritual root. If he has the foundation-building pill, he has more than 70% chance of successfully building a foundation. He originally planned to take the risk before the age of 60, but unfortunately he saw Zhang Mengqin's miserable failure in building a foundation before building a foundation, which immediately broke his defense. From then on, he became discouraged and placed his hopes on the next generation.

Among the dozen elders of the family, only Zhang Mengling has face in front of Zhang Zhixuan. Although some of the remaining elders are older than him, they are all his juniors in the way of Taoism. When Zhang Zhixuan became an elder of the family, these people's cultivation level was far behind, and they did not do him any favors or help in his early years, and their friendship with him was also relatively shallow.

Zhang Zhixuan smiled and said, "I will give Uncle Nineteen's face no matter what. Sihong still needs 6,000 merits. Each of us three foundation-building cultivators will lend him 2,000. Qingchan and I can give him the merits now. Uncle Three needs Uncle Nineteen to go to Chaoyin Mountain to see him again."

After getting 4,000 merits from Zhang Zhixuan, Zhang Mengling was satisfied and took Zhang Sihong to Chaoyin Mountain. He borrowed 2,000 merits from the clan leader and collected 10,000 merits to exchange for the foundation-building pill for Zhang Sihong.

Zhang Sihong is a cultivator with two spiritual roots. He has been practicing to the ninth level of Qi training for seven years. His magic power has already reached the peak. After getting the foundation-building pill, he immediately chose to close the death gate.

At the critical moment of Zhang Sihong's foundation-building, Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan both took the thousand-year-old spiritual milk to break through the realm.

The thousand-year-old spiritual milk entered the body through the throat and instantly turned into a trickle, flowing to Zhang Zhixuan's dantian.

Zhang Zhixuan has been cultivating to the seventh level of foundation building for seven years. He was not far from breaking through. With the thousand-year-old spiritual milk entering his body, he broke through in a very short time and cultivated to the eighth level of foundation building.

What surprised Zhang Zhixuan even more was Qingchan. She broke through the seventh level of foundation building last year. Unexpectedly, she also broke through after taking the spiritual milk. Only three months later than Zhang Zhixuan, Qingchan's cultivation level once again caught up with Zhang Zhixuan. According to this progress, she will be able to impact the purple palace in ten years.

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