Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 268: First Battle with Demon Cultivator

In Nanyazhou, as long as the traces of demon cultivators are found, no matter how big or small the sects or the immortal cultivation families are, they will put aside their past grudges and eliminate the demon cultivators first.

Especially the several countries that were vassals of the Wu Kingdom, they all suffered from these demon cultivators hundreds of years ago.

Three hundred years ago, Liang Rusheng, the leader of the Seven Star Sect, was persuaded to open an ancient restriction in order to refine the Nascent Soul, and released an ancient demon that had been sealed for many years.

Dealing with the giants of the demon path, Liang Rusheng's means were naturally not enough. He was just tricked by the ancient demon to open the seal, and was immediately possessed by the demon, and the entire Seven Star Sect also fell into the hands of the demon.

Relying on the mysterious and unpredictable means of the demon path, the ancient demon that possessed Liang Rusheng quickly controlled all the high-level cultivators of the Seven Star Sect, and then lurked for a hundred years.

A hundred years later, Liang Rusheng, who was possessed by the ancient demon, advanced to the Nascent Soul, and also refined three Nascent Soul demons.

The ancient demon, who thought he had won, launched an attack instantly. In just three days, he slaughtered all the cultivators and mortals near the Seven Stars Sect, and used their flesh, blood, and souls to refine a powerful magic weapon.

After the incident was exposed, the Xuansu Sect quickly mobilized and led the vassal sects to fight the ancient demon to death. After decades, the supreme elder Liu Xuanyan killed the ancient demon at the Demon Sealing Cliff and ended this human disaster.

However, although the ancient demon was killed, there were still some demon cultivators controlled by the demon.

These demon cultivators controlled by the ancient demons are always trying to resurrect their ancestors. The demon cultivators have countless strange magical powers. As long as the disciples of these ancient demons are still there, the ancient demons may still be resurrected, and this demon disaster cannot be considered over.

Because of this demon disaster, not only the area controlled by the Seven Stars Sect was barren with bones exposed, but wherever the demon cultivators went, the local area suffered heavy losses, and even reduced by half the population.

Because of these demon cultivators, the Wu Kingdom destroyed countless immortal cultivation families and killed most of the independent cultivators. If it weren't for the great master Liu Xuanyan who had great magical powers, the Wu Kingdom would probably not be able to suppress the last demon disaster, and the casualties would be serious.

So even if they found a clue of the demon cultivators, the Qingxuan Sect did not ignore it, but instead mobilized most of its forces to eliminate this group of demon cultivators in one fell swoop.

This group of demon cultivators had only more than 30 people in total, disguised as a small family in the Qi training period, and had survived in Longjiang County for a hundred years.

The demon cultivators were insidious and cunning. In order to achieve the effect of a surprise attack, Liang Laozu and others did not conduct advance investigations to avoid alarming the demon cultivators on the mountain.

Zhang Zhixuan and other Taicheng County cultivators followed Han Wangpeng and almost recklessly killed the mountain where the demon cultivators were entrenched.

Dozens of sword lights cut through the sky, which naturally could not be hidden from the demon cultivators on the mountain.

Seeing that the stronghold had been exposed, these demon cultivators did not entangle, and instantly turned into dozens of blood lights and fled from all directions.

Seeing that the demon cultivators had already fled, Zhang Zhixuan and others could only disperse and stop one opponent each.

Judging from the fleeing demon cultivators' light, this group of demon cultivators only had one purple mansion and more than ten foundation-building cultivators, and the rest of the cultivators were almost all in the Qi training stage.

However, demon cultivators were cunning, and no one knew whether there were any golden elixir ancestors among the Qi training demon cultivators.

Everyone could only choose an opponent by chance. The people selected for this operation were all good players in the foundation-building stage. Zhang Zhixuan, the clan leader, Qingchan, and Hanyan were not far apart so that they could help each other.

Zhang Zhixuan slashed down with a sword and instantly stopped a demon cultivator in the foundation-building stage, shouting: "Where are you going?"

He glanced over and found that the clan leader had easily solved the opponent.

The demon cultivator he stopped was indeed a Qi training cultivator, far from being an opponent of the clan leader with a high cultivation level.

And Hanyan's opponent seemed to be a demon cultivator in the foundation-building stage, but his cultivation level was insufficient, and Hanyan could easily deal with it.

Qing Chan's opponent was a late-stage demon cultivator who looked quite difficult to deal with. He had already released three corpses from the late stage of foundation building to fight Qing Chan together.

Even though it was dark, Zhang Zhixuan looked up and found that the cultivator fighting with him looked only in his twenties. He had a white jade face and looked extremely handsome. Although he was a man, his every move was like that of a female cultivator.

Although he looked young, his magic power was very strong. He only released a ray of blood light to block Zhang Zhixuan's Zhongyang Sword.

This blood light was the famous magic of the demon cultivators, the Blood Jade Mysterious Light. Almost all the disciples of the ancient demon Liang Rusheng could use this magic.

Zhang Zhixuan's expression did not change. He raised his right hand and released the Locust Demon Sword. He would not stop until he killed this person.

His magic power was already very strong, and the Locust Demon Sword was a top-grade magic weapon. Although the blood light magic was powerful, he could not resist it in an instant.

Seeing that the Blood Jade Mysterious Light could not be resisted, this person immediately offered a white flag. The three-inch flag suddenly swelled up and turned into a large flag more than three feet high. From the flag, three skeletons slowly walked down.

These three skeletons can emit a shrill demonic sound, disturbing the soul of the cultivator. Even though Zhang Zhixuan's consciousness is strong, he feels very uncomfortable for a while.

At the same time, the three skeletons released three bone swords and fought with the locust demon sword in mid-air.

Since entering the late stage of foundation building, there are very few foundation building cultivators who can fight with him for several rounds. Today, Zhang Zhixuan encountered this demon cultivator, and he immediately became competitive and wanted to show his means to defeat this opponent.

Zhang Zhixuan moved his magic power, raised his hands, and instantly sacrificed three fire thunders. The fire thunders came at a very fast speed and instantly hit the three skeletons.

These three fire thunders are the three powerful spells that Zhang Zhixuan's Heavenly Fire Golden Sword Art has. At his current level, he can already send out three extremely yang fire thunders at once. Even if the power of a fire thunder is not as strong as the one-time magic weapon Fire Thunder Bead, the three thunders in succession are enough to make the cultivators in the foundation-building period drink a pot.

Even though the three skeletons have reached the third level, they are inherently restrained by fire thunders. Their heads were instantly blown apart, and the soul fire hidden in the skeletons' skulls was instantly extinguished.

The young man of the demon sect sacrificed the skeletons every day, and his consciousness had a deep connection with the soul fire of the skeletons. When the soul fire of the skeletons was extinguished, his consciousness was instantly implicated.

He felt a pain in his mind, and his reaction was suddenly slowed down.

The cultivators fight on the front line, and even if they are careless for a moment, they will die in the hands of the enemy.

Zhang Zhixuan was originally good at seizing opportunities, and he sacrificed the Heavenly Fire Golden Sword in an instant. With one slash of the golden sword, the man's head was cut off.

Fearing that the demon cultivators might have some strange means of resurrection, Zhang Zhixuan raised his hand and sprinkled the Samadhi True Fire, turning the corpse of the demon cultivator into ashes.

At this time, Han Yan also successfully dealt with the demon cultivators in the early stage of foundation building, and cooperated with the clan leader Qing Chan to take down the most difficult demon cultivators in the ninth level of foundation building. The four members of the Zhang family also dealt with their opponents.

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