Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 311 Black Light Cloud Sea Formation

After discussing with Luo Ziyan and others, Zhang Zhixuan decided to mobilize the Black Mountain monks as soon as possible to defeat the monsters head-on and lift the siege of Black Mountain. After defeating the Green Dragon, he would find a way to mobilize manpower to reinforce Lu Hongniang and others in Guiyuan Mountain.

On the second day, Zhang Zhixuan mobilized elite troops, took out the formation flags of Black Mountain that had been sealed for many years, distributed them to the monks under his command, and then asked them to arrange them into formations to cooperate with the five Purple Mansion monks.

There is not only a fifth-level defense formation on Black Mountain, but also a fourth-level inferior attack formation, the Black Light Cloud Sea Formation.

In the battle of Hanjiaotan that Zhang Zhixuan participated in, Black Mountain Sanxiu relied on this formation to cooperate with Liang Laozu inside and outside to break through the Xuanyin Corpse Refining Formation arranged by Qingjiao.

Although Liang Laozu has passed away, the formation instruments of this formation are still in the Black Mountain Treasury.

It takes three hundred cultivators to set up this formation, forming thirty sets of third-level lower-grade sea of ​​clouds formation. Now there are many cultivators on Black Mountain, and Zhang Zhixuan carefully selected more than three hundred people soon.

These three hundred cultivators, the lowest cultivation is at the late stage of Qi training, and three hundred people form a formation, even the fourth-level late Qing Jiao can compete with it.

Zhang Zhixuan first let the cultivators below get familiar with the formation for a few days, and then read out the wartime discipline, admonishing everyone to learn lessons and not leave the protection of the formation to avoid meaningless losses.

Five purple palaces pressed the formation in the sky, sixty foundation-building cultivators served as the backbone, and three hundred Qi training cultivators fiercely killed the monster army.

At the same time, Black Mountain did not lift its defenses. Su Heng and ten other foundation-building cultivators led the remaining low-level cultivators to guard the mountain gate. With the ten of them as the backbone, even if the Qing Jiao went out again, it would be difficult to break through the Black Mountain gate in a short time.

After Zhang Zhixuan finished practicing Qi Condensation Technique and inhaled the morning purple Qi for a day, he issued the order to assemble.

For many years, as long as conditions allowed, he would refine the purple Qi in the early morning, and he never slacked off for a day. It was because of this hard and self-disciplined practice that his purple Qi technique could improve rapidly and help him successfully open up the purple mansion before he was a hundred years old.

After everyone assembled, three hundred Qi training cultivators formed a formation and marched straight to the center of the monster army.

After waiting for so many days, the monster army had long been impatient. If it weren't for the Qing Jiao's coercion, these monster tribes would probably fall into a cruel internal struggle immediately.

Low-level monsters have no wisdom. Wolf monsters can't be with sheep monsters. Tiger monsters will also hunt wolf monsters and swallow their blood to strengthen themselves.

This rule of natural selection and survival of the fittest is the instinct of the monsters. Although Qing Jiao can suppress this instinct for a short time, over time, these monsters will still rebel, either reuniting or fleeing everywhere.

The reason why high-level monsters are powerful is that they have a large population. For example, the Iron-backed Ape in Guiyuan Mountain has a population of more than 10,000. The Jindan cultivators who are alone cannot compete with them at all.

Seeing that the cultivators are willing to leave the solid defense formation, Qing Jiao has no patience to wait any longer. He immediately led a huge army of monsters and killed everyone aggressively.

The two sides just approached ten miles, and Qing Jiao took the lead and sprayed a white flame towards everyone.

This white flame is powerful, but it is Qing Jiao's true fire, which can cover the sky and dye the blue sky white.

Even if they are ten miles away, everyone still feels a heavy pressure, and the air nearby seems to be burned out, filled with a hot and oppressive heat.

Luo Ziyan shouted, "It's a good time." A trace of anger appeared on her pretty face. A three-inch red gourd was hanging above her head.

Red light came out from the mouth of the gourd, wrapping up wisps of white flames and putting them into the gourd.

Luo Ziyan was a fourth-level top-grade alchemist. She could earn 5,000 merits every time she refined a foundation-building pill. Over the past few decades, because she had refined a large number of foundation-building pills, Luo Ziyan had accumulated more than 100,000 merits. With so many resources accumulated, Luo Ziyan had as many as nine fourth-level magic tools, and she was almost the first person in Qingxuan Sect in terms of the number of magic tools.

This gourd was a fourth-level middle-grade magic tool that specifically restrained fire-attribute spells. The gourd could absorb and refine any fourth-level flame. No matter how powerful the Qingjiao's life-definition true fire was, it was restrained by this magic tool, and its power was weakened by three points.

Although the Qingjiao's life-definition true fire was powerful, Luo Ziyan could not refine it all at once, but there were still four people around her. Qing Chan offered Xuan Yin Gourd, Zhang Zhixuan offered Huoyun Ding, Han Yan offered Qing Ni Bottle and other magical instruments that restrain fire attribute spells to help Luo Zi Yan resist the true fire. Although the magical instruments they offered were only of the third level, the purple mansion cultivators had profound magic power, and even if they used third-level magical instruments, the effect was extraordinary, enough to help Luo Zi Yan block the attack of Qing Jiao's true fire.

At the same time, a fourth-level iron-winged divine eagle and a fourth-level red-crowned white crane flapped their wings and crossed a distance of a hundred feet, and in an instant they came to the top of everyone's head.

The iron-winged divine eagle screamed, and a flash of lightning appeared all over its body. A flash of lightning formed instantly, and the speed of lightning was extremely fast, and it hit everyone's head in an instant.

Qing Chan instantly offered Qian Yang Orb, and the orb turned into a spiritual light, quickly forming a solid aura shield to block this lightning spell.

The red-crowned white crane also took action almost at the same time, and opened its big mouth to spray out a puff of yellow smoke. Yanyun knew at first sight that it was a powerful poison. Even though they were a long way away, several Purple Mansion cultivators could smell a slight stench. They suddenly felt sore all over and their heads felt dizzy.

The two fourth-level monsters are already of high level, especially the red-crowned white crane, which is a fourth-level late-stage monster like the green dragon. The yellow smoke it emits is a highly toxic substance that it has refined for many years.

This white crane looks very beautiful, but in fact it is a rare poisonous crane, and its inner elixir has also accumulated strong toxicity. The poisonous smoke it emits is extremely toxic, and it can only be restrained by taking a fourth-level detoxification pill.

Luo Ziyan is a veteran alchemist who carries a fourth-level detoxification pill. Noticing the severity of the yellow smoke emitted by the white crane, she did not hesitate to give the fourth-level detoxification pill to the other four people.

Everyone immediately took the detoxification pill and fled into the sky, leaving the battlefield in the air to prevent the yellow smoke from drifting into the black light cloud sea formation and causing serious damage to low-level cultivators.

In order to be foolproof, Zhou Zijian took out a fourth-level Gangfeng Talisman from his storage bag and blessed it on the black light cloud sea formation.

A strong wind suddenly blew above the sea of ​​clouds, blowing the yellow smoke far away, away from everyone.

The green dragon instantly understood the intention of Zhang Zhixuan and others, and screamed fiercely. It swung its body and joined forces with the two flying monsters to fight Zhang Zhixuan and his five companions. The remaining fourth-level early stage green fox monster led the monster army to fight desperately with the cultivators in the black light sea of ​​clouds.

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