Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 324 Zhang Tongcheng

"This child's spiritual roots far surpass mine. He is a monk with the three spiritual roots of water, wood, and earth. Although he is only fifteen years old, his cultivation has already caught up with my father." Speaking of Zhang Tongcheng, a trace of kindness appeared on Zhang Siheng's face.

Zhang Zhixuan knew that the fourth uncle Zhang Menglong did not leave many good deeds for future generations because Siheng's cultivation was not high. In order to prevent him from causing trouble and attracting the prying eyes of other casual cultivators, even the few magical weapons on the fourth uncle's body were left behind by the family. Nor was it left to Siheng for inheritance.

Zhang Zhixuan asked Zhang Siheng to sit down and talk, and then said: "Since his spiritual roots are good, why should he join the Qingxuan Sect? The family has enough foundation-building pills stored in it. With me and Han Yan taking care of it, we can collect enough to exchange for the foundation-building pills. Good deeds are very easy.”

Zhang Siheng hesitated for a moment, and finally said the truth: "When my grandfather was dying, there was a lot of regret in his words. If he had joined the Qingxuan Sect, he would have made great progress on the road. Once he could successfully build the foundation in the sect, , he can also take care of his family. His last wish is also that if the younger monks have good spiritual roots, they will join the sect in his place."

"If the fourth uncle had joined the Qingxuan Sect back then, without his assistance, it would be difficult for the clan leader alone to block the prying eyes of various casual cultivators, and he might not be able to protect the mountain gate. The spiritual veins of Tiantai Mountain have been lost, and most of the family's spiritual roots are not Good monks can only become casual monks, including my father.

Except for the fourth uncle, nineteenth uncle, Aunt Hanyan and other monks with good spiritual roots who can join the Qingxuan Sect and save their direct relatives, the fate of one hundred thousand mortals near Lushan County will also be uncertain.

Without the protection of my family, I would definitely follow my father and become a casual cultivator, and I might not be able to find Qingchan. At the beginning of practicing Taoism, there will not be a relatively stable environment, and you may not be able to practice to a high level.

The fourth uncle's decision back then was to give up his own path and leave his hope to the people who would come after him.

At the last moment of his life, the fourth uncle finally regretted it! But this is also human nature.

Siheng, who had been raised by his fourth uncle since he was a child, must have known all about this matter. The reason why he kept secret later was probably because he was afraid of affecting the fourth uncle's tall image in the hearts of the clan! "

Zhang Zhixuan pondered for a moment, glanced at Zhang Siheng with a complicated expression and said: "Since it is the fourth uncle's last wish, you don't have to worry about it. I originally planned to visit the sect in a while, so I just brought it with me a few days in advance. Head to Tongcheng to Qingxuanzong."

Seeing Zhang Zhixuan agree in pain, Zhang Siheng left Wangyue Pavilion with satisfaction.

After Zhang Sijin stabilized his realm, Zhang Zhixuan sacrificed the poisonous dragon boat and took Zhang Tongcheng to Qingxuan Sect.

After entering Qingxuanzong, Zhang Zhixuan first came to Fangshi and visited his old friend Chen Hongyuan.

Now Chen Hongyuan is also very old. His lifespan is already 220 years old, which can only last for more than ten years at most.

Chen Hongyuan's son Chen Guangning took two Foundation Building Pills but failed to build the foundation, which almost consumed Chen Hongyuan's lifelong good deeds. In order to save more wealth for Chen Guangning, even though Chen Hongyuan is old and frail, he has still been refining magic weapons in the market in recent years, trying to accumulate some heritage for the descendants of the Chen family.

Seeing that Zhang Zhixuan is still so young, Chen Hongyuan said with a hint of envy on his face: "Zhang Daoyou is becoming more and more famous in Montenegro, but he hasn't come to visit his old friend in five years."

Zhang Zhixuan said: "Young Daoist Chen are joking. I heard that Guangning's grandson Yuanzhou has a good spiritual root, and Daoyou Chen can be regarded as a successor."

Chen Hongyuan said with a bitter look on his face: "What's the use of a good spiritual root? Guang Ning is a second spiritual root monk. Unfortunately, his character is not good enough and he spent his whole life hanging out in the qi training period. In terms of longevity, he may not be able to match me, an old man who is about to die. I'm afraid I will still have to bear the pain of losing my son when I am dying.

Zhixuan, unless you and Qingchan become immortals, you must not have children or grandchildren. If your children and grandchildren are not as good as your parents, you will suffer the pain of white-haired people sending black-haired people to you. "

Chen Guangning is about the same age as Zhang Zhixuan. He is already a centenarian. He may not be able to match Chen Hongyuan in terms of longevity. Chen Hongyuan's worries are completely justified.

As a monk practices Taoism, the more advanced his cultivation becomes, the more difficult it becomes to have children.

Especially after cultivating to the Nascent Soul stage, giving birth to offspring requires the influence of yin and yang and chance. A high-level monk may only be able to give birth to one descendant in his lifetime.

Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan have not lost their true yang and true yin. Although their relationship has already been established, they must choose the critical moment when they practice dual cultivation, and use the power of true yang and true yin to break through the profound realm, instead of being greedy for temporary pleasure. A great waste of talent.

"We haven't seen each other for several years. What's the important thing for you to come to the sect this time?" Chen Hongyuan made a cup of spiritual tea for Zhang Zhixuan and asked politely after Zhang Zhixuan sat down.

Zhang Zhixuan put down the tea cup and said: "As a junior like me, I want to join the sect, and I will come to the sect to find a teacher for him. Secondly, my alchemy skills have reached the peak of the third level, and I am going to redeem a fourth-level elixir recipe from the sect. Used to break through bottlenecks.”

"It's a pity that I am already old, otherwise I would have accepted this child as my disciple." Chen Hongyuan said with a smile.

Chen Hongyuan's family has a close relationship with the Zhang family. Chen Guangning's wife is a member of the Zhang family, and Zhang Sideo is also married to the Chen family. The blood lines of both parties have gradually merged.

"I'm afraid it won't work. This child is separated from Sidao by a generation. How can uncle and nephew worship the same person as their teacher." Zhang Zhixuan waved his hand.

"I was just joking, don't take it seriously. Do you have a candidate for this child's master?" Chen Hongyuan smiled mischievously, and suddenly remembered Zhang Zhixuan's current status, frowned and said: "You are now a purple mansion cultivator, and there are countless foundation-building cultivators who want to have a relationship with you, but you have to be careful about the choice of this child's master, so as not to choose a flatterer and a person with bad intentions, which will affect the child's future."

Zhang Zhixuan asked: "I plan to let Tongcheng worship Qi Wanting. How much do you know about this person's personality and habits?"

"Qi Wanting is the disciple of your Zhang family's Chuyun Patriarch. In recent years, your family has become prosperous, and the disciples of Chuyun Patriarch all want to get close to you to strengthen your momentum, but according to my understanding in the market, this person is stingy and his character is not bright." Chen Hongyuan and Zhang Zhixuan have been friends for almost a hundred years, so he told the truth without being polite.

Chen Hongyuan has been running a shop in Qingyang Market for more than a hundred years. In terms of his understanding of the sect monks, even Han Yan is far inferior to him. Since Qi Wanting is not suitable, Zhang Zhixuan has no suitable candidate.

Tongcheng is the descendant of the fourth uncle, and Zhang Zhixuan must find a suitable master for him.

"Does Chen Daoyou have a suitable candidate?" Zhang Zhixuan asked directly.

"What do you think of Wei Zongxun?" Chen Hongyuan did not answer directly, but asked back.

"Wei Zongxun is a formation master. He does not have a deep friendship with our Zhang family. I am afraid that I can't invite him." Zhang Zhixuan had dealt with Wei Zongxun once and was quite satisfied with him. However, this person's status is very high. Now his cultivation has reached the sixth level of foundation building and has advanced to the third-level upper-grade formation master. He may not buy face for the Zhang family, so he said with some concerns.

"Leave this matter to me. I have done him a great favor in my early years. Wait a few days, I will write a letter to see what he means." Chen Hongyuan said with a big promise

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