Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 331 Danxia County

Zhang Zhixuan and his companions waited for more than a month in the market of Wuning County before they received the Danyang Order issued by Danyang Sect. With this token, they exchanged a few polite words with Dong Zhongyun and hurried to Danxia County.

Although Danyang Sect of Song State is a Yuanying Sect, its territory is only about twice as large as that of Yu State.

After entering Song State, it is not obvious from the border counties. The deeper into the territory of Song State, the denser the population.

When they arrived near Danxia County, there were villages scattered everywhere. In these villages, Zhang Zhixuan could occasionally find some low-level cultivators stationed.

Danxia County is the base camp of Danyang Sect. There are Yuanying cultivators sitting nearby. It has been very peaceful for hundreds of years, and there has been almost no large-scale fighting.

Since coming to this world, Zhang Zhixuan has been active in the sparsely populated and vast southern wilderness. Every day, he sees only monsters and endless primeval forests. Occasionally, there are immortal cultivation families settling down, which are also scattered on the spiritual veins.

Except for the monks, there is little communication between towns. Even if the Zhang family settled in Lushan and other places, they are not far from each other. Because there are poisonous snakes and miasma everywhere, as well as some mixed low-level monsters, it is difficult for mortals to travel safely, and communication is very rare.

Only by following the internal caravan can the mortals of the family migrate to other places.

Although the conditions in the three northern counties are slightly better than those in the three southeastern counties, and there are few monsters attacking villages, it is still a wild scene with man-eating beasts everywhere.

In the entire Yu Kingdom, only the Huanshui Sect is close to the Wu Kingdom, and the conditions are slightly better. Over the past few hundred years, a lot of population has been multiplied.

The area of ​​Danxia County is very large, almost equal to the territory of the three southeastern counties combined.

In the entire Danxia County, there are sacred mountains everywhere. There are as many as seven towns where monks live. The monks who practice in this county are considered low-level casual cultivators, adding up to more than 200,000 people, which is almost equivalent to a quarter of the population of Song State.

Zhang Zhixuan and his companions flew all the way to Danxia County. After they got some information, they first came to a market called Yuzhang City.

Yuzhang City is one of the seven cities of cultivators in Danxia County. The town is built on a fourth-grade upper-grade spiritual vein. Most of the cultivators in the city are family cultivators in Danxia County and nearby independent cultivators. The cultivators of Danyang Sect mainly live in Luoxia and Zhaoxuan.

Zhang Zhixuan and his companions were looking for Yuzhang City. Just after crossing a mountain, they suddenly felt that their magic power stagnated and they slowly fell from the air.

Zhang Zhixuan looked up and found that there was a large cloud in front of him. A small city of not very large size was looming in the cloud, as if hidden in the depths of the cloud.

Zhang Zhixuan was delighted, knowing that Yuzhang City was in sight. The cultivation of the two had reached the purple mansion, and they could let their escape light fall, which meant that there was a flight ban in the town, and this ban was very clever, probably above the fourth level.

Sure enough, Zhang Zhixuan and his companions walked forward for more than ten miles, and a square town appeared in front of them. This town was actually built with white jade, and every brick and tile of the buildings inside was engraved with forbidden methods. The protection of the entire city was stronger than the mountain gate of Qingxuan Sect.

The circumference of the white jade town is only about fifty miles, but this town is very majestic. The city wall is more than ten feet high, and the wall surface is almost as smooth as glass, and it constantly emits faint white mist.

Yuzhang City is located on the mountainside of a mountain. This mountain was originally a fourth-level upper-grade spiritual vein. Later, the cultivators of Danyang Sect used formations to gather most of the spiritual energy into Yuzhang City.

Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan came to the front of the city gate and found that there was actually a foundation-building cultivator and six ninth-level Qi training cultivators stationed at the city gate. In addition, there were two third-level puppets, one wolf and one tiger, placed on the left and right of the city gate. The cultivators guarding the city gate alone were no weaker in strength than a foundation-building family.

Although there was a formation in the city, Zhang Zhixuan still quickly figured out that there were only two gates in the city, one in the south and one in the north.

Seeing Zhang Zhixuan and the other approaching, the Foundation Establishment cultivator on guard held a white jade talisman and gently swept it, and two purple lights suddenly flashed from the jade talisman. Seeing this scene, the Foundation Establishment cultivator's face changed, and he said respectfully: "This is the first time for the two seniors to come to Yuzhang City, do you have a letter of introduction from the seniors of the sect?"

"Do you have to have a letter of introduction to enter the city?" Zhang Zhixuan did not have a letter of introduction from the Purple Mansion cultivator of the Danyang Sect. If he could not enter Yuzhang City, his visit to Song State would be useless.

The guard of the foundation-building monk was afraid that Zhang Zhixuan might misunderstand him and immediately said, "This is not necessary, but if you are here for the first time, you still need to enter your identity and receive an identity jade card. If you want to live in the city for a long time, you also need to rent a cave in the mountain."

Zhang Zhixuan smiled and said, "I don't know how long I have to wait in Yuzhang City, but I have a Danyang Order. Can it be used as an identity token?"

Seeing Zhang Zhixuan take out the Danyang Order, the guard of the foundation-building monk relaxed his face and said with a smile, "Senior, you said it earlier. You are a distinguished guest of Danyang Tower. This token is the best recommendation."

After Zhang Zhixuan took out the Danyang Order, the guard of the foundation-building monk confirmed the token and quickly let Zhang Zhixuan and the others enter the city.

The largest store in Yuzhang City is still Danyang Tower. This Danyang Tower is far more magnificent than the Danyang Tower in Qingtao, Wuning and other markets. Every brick and wood is built with spiritual wealth, and it is engraved with magical talismans. You can tell at a glance that there is a powerful formation guarding it.

Holding the Danyang Order, Zhang Zhixuan and the other person went straight to the second floor.

In less than a moment, a high-ranking cultivator with a handsome appearance came up to the second floor with seven or eight white-clothed attendants.

This man was wearing a blue Taoist robe, and he had a dignified appearance with a hint of simplicity on his face. He seemed to be quite old, and his cultivation had reached the Zi Mansion.

Seeing Zhang Zhixuan and the other two, this man looked shocked. He was the shopkeeper of Danyang Tower and had countless customers. Judging from Zhang Zhixuan's demeanor and bone age, he knew that they were not very old, probably around a hundred years old.

This person's face was expressionless, and he greeted Zhang Zhixuan and Zhang Zhixuan without any airs, but he secretly thought in his heart: "These two people look like they are only a hundred years old, but their cultivation level has reached the Zi Mansion, especially the female cultivator, her His cultivation is even higher than mine, and he can't even see through it at all. He must be above the middle stage of the Purple Mansion. Even within the sect, those who have such achievements are the sect's elites and can pass on the true seeds of the sect's Taoism. ”

This person first checked the Danyang Order in Zhang Zhixuan's hand, and then laughed and said: "I am Bai Mengyuan, the shopkeeper of Danyang Tower in Yuzhang City. It turns out that the two fellow Taoists are the virtuous couple of Qingxuan Sect. I heard that Zhang Zhixuan applied for the Danyang Order some time ago. You I have been waiting for this distinguished guest for a long time.”

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