Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 388 Teleportation Array

The three of them rested in Black Mountain for a few days, and then quietly came to Lingjing Cave.

The three of them are monks from the Zi Mansion. If they don't want to alarm the low-level monks in the family, Si Jin and others will naturally not be able to find any traces. Even because of the recent incident in Ten Thousand Snakes Cave, the monks at home patrolled the house more closely.

After the three of them entered the Ten Thousand Snake Cave, they arranged formations on the low-level spiritual veins along the way to prevent some monks with low cultivation levels from exploring.

Because it is related to the secret of Lingjing Cave, Zhang Zhixuan is not planning to develop these low-level spiritual veins in the near future.

The current situation of the Zhang family is that there are few people and many spiritual veins, and the spiritual veins controlled by the family are far from being in short supply. In fact, even the Qingxuan Sect is in the same situation. If they want to fill up all the spiritual veins they occupy, it will only take hundreds of years.

The three of them once again entered the cave in a familiar way. Zhang Zhixuan looked at the precious spiritual objects in the cave and carefully counted the relics in the cave. These relics were banned by forbidden laws and could not be taken out without the correct method.

"Judging from the strength of the external restrictions and the spirituality of the magical artifacts, there are three of these magical artifacts that have reached the sixth level, and there are twenty-seven fifth-level magical artifacts. The remaining precious spiritual objects are temporarily limited by lack of knowledge. It’s not identifiable at all.”

Seeing Zhang Zhixuan's envious face, Qing Chan smiled sweetly and said: "Brother Zhixuan, in my memory, there are methods to unlock two magical artifacts. Do you want to take out these two magical artifacts and let you have a look?"

Hearing that Qingchan was able to take out two magical artifacts, Zhang Zhixuan was suddenly shocked. He knew clearly that the grade of each of the magical artifacts left in Liu Xuanyan Cave Mansion was far higher than the thousand artifacts in the hands of Patriarch Liang. At Chongfeng, the lowest magical instruments are all fifth-level mid-grade ones.

If these precious magic weapons fall into the hands of three people, they will not be able to function as they should. Even with Qingchan's current magic power, it will be very difficult to refine the fifth-level middle-grade magic weapons.

Once outsiders notice that it is a child holding gold, disaster will come if you are not careful.

Seeing Qing Chan looking at him with a half-smile but not a smile, Zhang Zhixuan shook his head and said: "It's better not to overestimate your capabilities. These two magic weapons are just waiting for you to use them after forming the elixir."

Compared with the magical weapons that cannot be used temporarily, Qing Chan can take away three of the many jade slips of martial arts left by Liu Xuanyan in his memory.

One of these three exercises is called Bajingxuan Gong, which specializes in water spiritual roots and wind spiritual roots. This exercise is very complete and can be practiced directly to the Nascent Soul stage. Even in Qingxuan Sect, there are only three exercises that can compete with it.

Unfortunately, Qing Chan has already practiced Tianhe Dafa, an equally powerful technique. The Qingxuan Sect also has a complete collection of this technique, and he can also practice it to the Nascent Soul.

Compared with Zhang Zhixuan, who had to create his own methods in the Golden Elixir stage, Qing Chan has relatively few methods to practice, so this step can be placed in Nascent Soul. When she reaches Nascent Soul, this technique will have high reference value and be very useful to her.

The second jade scroll is called Yiyang Xuanzhang. This method is relatively incomplete. It can only cultivate the golden elixir. However, this method mainly focuses on the golden fire root. For Zhang Zhixuan, who is preparing to create his own method. very useful.

After getting this skill, Zhang Zhixuan planned to exchange it with the sect, and then exchange it for a skill that focuses on the golden fire spirit root. He will introduce the foundation-building skills as soon as possible without delaying the few monks in the family who have practiced the Pure Yang Secret Code. of practice.

When Zhang Zhixuan saw Qingchan holding the third jade slip, his face turned red instantly, as if he had seen an unsightly scene, so he immediately asked: "What's wrong?"

Qing Chan threw the jade slip in his hand directly into Zhang Zhixuan's palm, and said with a flushed face: "See for yourself."

With a quick glance of his consciousness, he immediately saw clearly what was inside. This jade slip contains a large amount of information, with hundreds of thousands of words in text alone. There are also hundreds of illustrations in it, which are actually about the dual cultivation of yin and yang.

This spell is called the Yin-Yang Alchemy Technique. It is an authentic secret technique of combining spirituality and dual cultivation. It is not a simple tonic technique. To practice this spell, it is best to be a monk with the spiritual roots of water and fire. If both men and women have not lost their original yang and true yin, practicing this spell will have a greater effect. Especially when breaking through bottlenecks, you can get twice the result with half the effort.

If you wait for Qing Chan to form an elixir, Zhang Zhixuan can double cultivate when he breaks through the golden elixir realm, which can increase the probability by 30%, and the effect is even greater than the inner elixir of a fifth-level monster.

Practicing this spell can save almost hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones.

In Liu Xuanyan's cave, in addition to three sixth-level magic weapons, the most precious spiritual objects are two sixth-level spiritual talismans.

The materials for refining the sixth-level spiritual talisman are very rare, and their power is much stronger than the magic weapon. They can also be used by golden elixir stage monks, and the price is a little higher than the sixth-level magic weapon. If they could be taken out, these two sixth-level talismans would soon be of great use.

It's a pity that there is no way to extract the sixth-level spiritual talisman from the memory absorbed by Qingchan. These two spiritual talismans can only make Zhang Zhixuan anxious and jealous.

Zhang Zhixuan and Han Yan followed Qing Chan and walked along the cave.

This cave has a vast area, covering thirteen miles from east to west and more than seventy miles from north to south. There are more than 10,000 acres of spiritual fields inside. Unfortunately, the spiritual fields have become overgrown with weeds because they have not been taken care of for many years.

There is also a spiritual medicine garden of more than 300 acres in the center of the spiritual field. These 300 acres of spiritual fields for planting spiritual medicine are all above the third level. If he wants to cultivate these hundreds of acres of spiritual fields, Liu Xuanyan will spend a lot of spiritual energy. I'm afraid the stone will be more than a few hundred thousand.

Even excluding external objects such as machines and spiritual talismans, Liu Xuanyan consumed at least three million spiritual stones just to build this cave. Even if she is equivalent to a great monk at the Nascent Soul stage, building such a cave is still a laborious matter.

The three of them had no time to take care of the spiritual fields, so they came to a stone cave in the north. Qing Chan cast a spell and opened the door of the stone cave.

A milky white light shield was suspended in the stone cave. There were seven stone platforms inside the light shield, and each stone platform actually placed a piece of top-grade spiritual stone. Top-grade spiritual stones are very rare. Even though the status of the Zhang family's three purple mansions in the Qingxuan Sect has greatly increased, things like top-grade spiritual stones have not fallen into their hands.

The Qingxuan Sect controls two small spiritual stone mines, and only one top-grade spiritual stone can be mined every few decades. These most precious resources are basically divided up by the two ancestors of Jinlu.

Entering the cave, Zhang Zhixuan carefully looked at the ancient stone formation and said cautiously: "Is this the legendary teleportation formation?"

Qingchan smiled and said: "Brother Zhixuan guessed correctly, this is a super long-distance teleportation formation. In the previous life, in order to build this teleportation formation, the Xuansu Sect's treasury was almost emptied. It was because of this teleportation formation that Liu Xuanyan built the cave here."

Zhang Zhixuan looked at the ancient teleportation formation in disbelief and said: "Where is the destination of this teleportation formation?"

Qingchan said playfully: "Why don't you guess?"

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