Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 40: Southern Wilderness Mountains

In the following period, Zhang Zhixuan taught Qingchan the tricks of fighting while receiving the rewards for the family mission from Zhang Mengling.

Guarding the spiritual field for a year was rewarded with 20 spiritual stones, and refining the Golden Bud Pill was more generous, with a one-time reward of 120 spiritual stones. Counting the family benefits that Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan received every year, the two of them already had 300 spiritual stones in their small treasury.

For a cultivator in the Qi training stage, 300 spiritual stones is already a lot of money.

An ordinary second-level upper-grade magic weapon is only about 150 or 60 spiritual stones.

This amount of spiritual stones is enough for Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan to settle down in the Southern Wilderness and practice for a while.

After receiving the spiritual stones and waiting for a clear and sunny day, Zhang Zhixuan took Qingchan down the mountain directly.

They left Lushan and walked tens of thousands of miles south along Lushan County. They slept in the wind and rain for three months before they walked out of the scope of the three southeastern counties and entered the wild and dangerous Ten Thousand Mountains.

The climate in the Southern Wilderness Mountains is humid and hot, which is not suitable for ordinary people to live. Therefore, there is almost no human habitation here for thousands of miles. Except for a few cultivators, no one can be seen.

Entering the Southern Wilderness, the spiritual energy is far more abundant than that of Yu Country. Even on the edge of the Southern Wilderness Mountains, Zhang Zhixuan can find some spiritual veins that are no less than Lushan.

Unfortunately, these spiritual veins are owned by owners. They are either occupied by monsters or some powerful cultivators.

For these spiritual peaks, Zhang Zhixuan has always run as far as he can. He and Qingchan carefully avoided these spiritual mountains and spiritual veins, and most of them walked through the wild mountains and ridges with thin spiritual energy.

Because of the map left by the clan leader, Zhang Zhixuan avoided some dangerous places in advance. After walking for more than a hundred days, he finally came to the first cultivator town marked on the map.

In the Southern Wilderness Mountains, because of the harsh climate, there is almost no space for mortals to survive. On the edge of the entire Southern Wilderness, there are a total of seven towns where cultivators gather.

Each cultivator town is a huge market with abundant spiritual veins and various rare immortal cultivation resources traded everywhere.

Sometimes, some foundation-building pills are even traded in these markets.

Of the seven towns, four are under the control of Qingxuan Sect, and one is jointly managed by more than a dozen foundation-building families in the three southeastern counties.

When the Zhang family was prosperous, they also had a lot of say in the Nanhuang market. Unfortunately, it has completely declined now. The family's shop has long been squeezed out and its influence has gradually weakened.

Of the remaining two towns, one is under the control of Wu Guo Xuansu Sect.

Xuansu Sect is the main sect of Wu, and the four major sects of Yu are almost all their vassals. The unique cultivation resources of Nanhuang make Xuansu Sect quite envious.

So they personally took action and occupied a market to trade the unique cultivation resources of Nanhuang.

The last town has the most chaotic management. It was established by a purple mansion period casual cultivator. This casual cultivator has few relatives and few disciples. He lacks confidants to manage the town, so the management of the town is handed over to casual cultivators with successful cultivation. Because the managers come from mixed sources and are of varying quality, killing and robbing treasures often occur.

Finally, the ancestor surnamed Liang issued a strict order, strictly prohibiting fighting within 30 miles of Black Mountain, and the situation was slightly better.

This market has the most good things flowing out, because there is no sect or family cultivators to squeeze, and the circulation of precious immortal cultivation resources here is more common.

If you really want to obtain some precious resources, you will have a better grasp here.

This market is the Black Mountain Market.

This is the holy land of Yu country's casual cultivators, and it is also the source of chaos in Yu country's immortal cultivation world.

In this place, there are countless immortal cultivation resources such as magic tools, elixirs, exercises, talismans, etc. that cannot be seen in the light.

Once you come to this place, once you leave the protection of the market, it is difficult for Qi training cultivators to protect their own safety.

Even so, casual cultivators who have no way to seek the truth and no resources still flock here, maintaining the bloody prosperity of the Black Mountain Market.

The purpose of Zhang Zhixuan and the others this time is the Black Mountain Market.

Because the news here is the most informed and the most chaotic, starting from here, it is very likely that you can find out about the Wu brothers.

Moreover, this place is not too far from Jiaohefang, which is managed by many families.

The Wu brothers, who had to leave their family, would definitely have close contacts with their family members in Jiaohefang.

As long as Zhang Zhixuan observed carefully, there would always be some clues.

The closer they got to Heishanfang, the more malicious cultivators there were around, and Zhang Zhixuan and his companions became more careful.

Because they had a detailed map jade slip, the two did not take any detours and went straight to Heishanfang carefully and secretly along the way.

After each of them paid a spirit stone, Zhang Zhixuan and his companions received an iron plate and entered Heishanfang freely.

Heishanfang is located at the foot of Heishan Mountain. There is a fourth-level middle-grade spirit vein on Heishan Mountain, and its branch extends into Heishanfang.

Hundreds of years ago, monsters lurked on Heishan Mountain, and even crossed the defense line of Qingxuan Sect and went deep into the three counties in the southeast to cause trouble.

Liang Taixu, a casual cultivator who had just opened up the Purple Mansion, stepped forward and took some casual cultivator friends to conquer Heishan and quell the monster disaster.

From then on, Liang Taixu occupied this spiritual vein, opened up Heihefang, and established his roots in the Nanhuang Mountains.

After hundreds of years, although Liang Taixu did not form a golden elixir, his cultivation had reached the peak of the Purple Mansion Stage. With the defense formation on the Black Mountain, he could deal with the attack of a golden elixir cultivator.

The entire Heishanfang was not a large place, with only a hundred shops and a street that was neither long nor short.

The streets were deserted, and not many monks stopped there.

Zhang Zhixuan and the two walked around the street, casually inquired about the news, and then walked directly to a shop at the end of the street.

The shop was deserted, except for a middle-aged monk who was reading an old book.

Zhang Zhixuan took a general look and found that the middle-aged monk's cultivation level was very low, only the third level of Qi training, which was far inferior to Qing Chan.

Zhang Zhixuan walked into the door and immediately said: "Fellow Taoist, are there any free caves on the mountain for rent?"

When the middle-aged monk saw someone coming in, he immediately put down the book in his hand and said enthusiastically: "There is enough spiritual energy in the Black Mountain. Countless caves have been opened over hundreds of years. There are countless caves of various levels. How can it be possible that they are all full.

I wonder what kind of cave a Taoist friend needs?

Although the fellow Taoist looks young, his cultivation has probably reached the late stage of Qi training.

If you want to live more comfortably, I recommend fellow Taoists to choose the third-level C cave.

This type of cave has a large area, with a total of more than a dozen houses, and is also accompanied by a two-acre second-level medium-grade spiritual field. It not only has an alchemy room, a weapon refining room, a talisman making room, but also a practice room for monks to test spells.

However, renting a cave like this is naturally more expensive, requiring one hundred low-grade spiritual stones per year. "

Zhang Zhixuan smiled and said: "My fellow Taoist cultivation is not high, but his eyesight is quite extraordinary, and he can actually see clearly my cultivation.

Unfortunately, I am short of money and cannot afford to rent such an expensive cave. Do you have any recommendations for a more affordable cave? "

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