Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 423: Dark Thunder

Seeing that the Liangyi Divine Light Talisman was getting closer and closer, Qingchan swung his hand and sacrificed the Qianyang Orb, which turned into a Qianyang Gangqi shield to block his head.

Two beams of light instantly penetrated the Qianyang Gangqi shield, and this fourth-level middle-grade orb immediately left a long crack, and instantly became unusable.

The Qianyang Orb is a very good magical tool, and its price is basically equivalent to that of a fourth-level upper-grade magical tool. Unfortunately, it is limited by the level, and it is only a fourth-level middle-grade, which is far from being comparable to a fifth-level middle-grade spiritual talisman.

However, the Qianyang Orb still won a moment of opportunity for Qingchan. She waved her hand and sacrificed two fourth-level spiritual talismans.

The grades of these two fourth-level spiritual talismans are one high and one low. One is an ordinary fourth-level lower-grade Xuan Gangqi Talisman, and the other is a Lu Yin Divine Knife Talisman that Qingchan had drawn not long ago, and its grade has reached the fourth-level upper-grade.

The Xuan Gang Qi Talisman could only slightly reduce the power of the Liang Yi Shen Guang Talisman, but the power of the Lu Yin Shen Dao Talisman was absolutely different. Although it was far inferior to the Liang Yi Shen Guang Talisman of higher grade, the Liang Yi Shen Guang Talisman broke through two lines of defense, and its power had been weakened by three or four points. Even if it was still stronger than the Lu Yin Shen Dao Talisman, it was no longer as sharp as before.

The two spiritual lights collided with each other suddenly, and a loud bang exploded instantly, and the space almost paused instantly.

After the explosion, the power of the Liang Yi Shen Guang was only 30%, and Zhang Zhixuan, Luo Ziyan, and Han Yan, three purple mansion cultivators who were not far away, also freed their hands to intercept it one after another. This fifth-level middle-grade spiritual talisman did not work in the end.

Qing Chan took this opportunity to escape with a sword light, and in an instant he left the battlefield and came to Chen Yuanyou's head.

Seeing that Qing Chan was too close to his own people, Shen Chenzhou could not continue to release the second fifth-level spiritual talisman. He released his spirit boat, and with a flash of light, he came near Qingchan, and released his flying sword to attack Qingchan.

However, Lu Hongniang just stared at him, and immediately sacrificed Qianchongfeng to block Shen Chenzhou's flying sword, making his attack ineffective.

Just when Shen Chenzhou was so majestic and arrogant, the crisis had quietly arrived.

A faint light came in an instant and attacked his back.

Shen Chenzhou had already formed a golden elixir, and had a strong sense of crisis. Just after releasing two spirit talismans, he instantly sensed the danger coming. He shouted to Yang Wangyuan: "It's impossible, hurry up." Then he took his disciples Chen Yuanyou, Huo Kaicheng, and Yu Yunzhong and fled without hesitation.

The one who attacked Shen Chenzhou from behind was Hu Peiyu, who had formed a golden elixir. She was a cultivator with thunder spirit roots. Although her cultivation method was different from Luo Hanying's, she had the magic weapon left behind before taking over the body, and the experience of a cultivator in the golden elixir stage. Her methods were even better than Lu Hongniang's. Even if she confronted Shen Chenzhou head-on, she would probably be able to fight on equal terms.

Hu Peiyu's attack was just right, just when Shen Chenzhou's old strength was exhausted and his new strength had not yet been generated. She also used the Yin Lei magic with very little movement. In this complex melee, many cultivators did not sense it, but Shen Chenzhou and Yang Wangyuan were not among them.

As soon as the Yin Lei was released, it was discovered by Shen Chenzhou's consciousness, but the Yin Lei released by the Jindan stage cultivator was extremely fast. Shen Chenzhou had just released his body-protecting Qi, and the Yin Lei had already hit his head.

Shen Chenzhou did not have a fifth-level defensive magic weapon, and relying solely on his body-protecting Qi could not stop Hu Peiyu's long-planned sneak attack. He was instantly splashed by Yin Lei, and a chill suddenly came from his flesh, and a swelling pain came from his meridians.

This Yin Lei magic is very vicious. Once hit by Yin Lei, even if you don't die at the time. It's like a ulcer attached to the bone, and you will be entangled by Yin Fire all the time. Only pure Yang magic can cure it, and there is a possibility of recovery.

Although Shen Chenzhou is a Jindan-stage cultivator, he did not practice pure Yang magic because of his spiritual roots, and the mana in his body did not have much restraining effect on Yin Lei. He was severely injured in an instant and fled from Yuntai Mountain Gate in a panic.

"It turned out to be Hu Peiyu. It seems that this girl has been in the Dan stage for many years and her foundation is relatively stable. Jin Laogui is really vicious. He actually used his disciples as pawns and used Shen Conglong, Zhu Wuya and other purple palace cultivators as bait to lure me into the hub.

This person has already formed a Dan stage. The chance of winning this trip is basically not 10%. Even if I use the three fifth-level talismans in my hand, I am afraid that they may not be able to hurt Liu Qingchan.

Besides, I had a faint feeling just now, and my heart actually had a strong palpitation for no reason. I am afraid this is also a warning from God to me! This kind of feeling means that Qingxuan Sect has enough things that can threaten my life. I can't hesitate anymore. I will save as many disciples as I can!"

Seeing Hu Peiyu, Yang Wangyuan's heart suddenly burst into tears. He regretted that he did not listen to Shen Chenzhou's advice and chose to go his own way.

If they followed Shen Chenzhou's advice, the two sects would merge into one, relying on the fifth-order formation of the mountain gate and two Jindan-stage cultivators. Even if Qingxuan Sect had four Jindan cultivators, it would be difficult to break through their own mountain gate, and the situation could be delayed. Perhaps there are talented disciples among the younger generation, and they may not be unable to counterattack.

Unfortunately, because of his paranoia, he once again wasted the power of the sect in this doomed battle.

As soon as Hu Peiyu appeared, Yang Wangyuan immediately released the spirit boat to start retrieving people. Now Shen Chenzhou was seriously injured and escaped first. If Yang Wangyuan did not leave, he would be besieged by three Jindan-stage cultivators.

However, the purple mansion cultivators of Hongshan Sect were almost completely at a disadvantage. Yang Wangyuan did not dare to delay time and could only try to bring the three purple mansions of Shi Changqing, Tian Wenxuan and Zou Chengde nearby onto the spirit boat. As for the remaining three, they soon died in the siege of the Qingxuan Sect cultivators.

These people included Zhang Zhixuan's opponent Wang Boxiong. Although he successfully restrained Zhang Zhixuan, his fate was doomed once the old ancestor of the Jindan period left. Although he struggled desperately, he still died under the joint efforts of Zhang Zhixuan and You Nianwei.

In this battle, Hongshan Sect and Nanlu Pavilion lost four purple mansions. Even Shen Chenzhou, a Jindan period cultivator, was severely injured by the Yin Lei magic. It would be difficult for him to take action for at least a hundred years.

The losses of this failure were almost the same as when Qingxuan Sect attacked Taihong Mountain.

Qingxuan Sect already had three Jindans, and there were many cultivators in Yuntai Mountain, including thirty foundation-building disciples. Moreover, the purple mansion cultivators of Qingxuan Sect were also very advanced. Even without withdrawing personnel from the rear, Taihong Mountain could be successfully besieged.

After escaping back to the sect, Yang Wangyuan immediately realized that Taihong Mountain could no longer be defended. He was decisive for once and immediately arranged for the cultivators to blow up the spiritual veins, then plundered the sect's treasure house, and took all the foundation-building cultivators to flee to the Nanlu Pavilion Mountain Gate.

As for the Qi training cultivators on Taihong Mountain, they had been completely abandoned by Yang Wangyuan and fell into the ranks of casual cultivators.

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