Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 456 Inventory 2

Compared with other places in the family, the majority of the family's income is still in Montenegro.

Zhang Guangyang has been responsible for managing the Montenegro industry in recent years, and he also introduced the situation in Montenegro to everyone.

"The three ancestors have made great progress in cultivation over the years, and Black Mountain has gradually returned to its former glory. Now there are more than 3,000 casual cultivators who have settled in Black Mountain. Even if they are not as good as the ancestors of Liang, they are not far behind. In addition, with the stationing With the increase in monks in Montenegro, food shortage has appeared again. Even if we add more than a hundred acres of spiritual land, it will be a drop in the bucket. Now, to solve the food shortage in Montenegro, we no longer need Taicheng County families to travel long distances to escort food and grass, but rely on the sect's whale beasts. Boat."

We account for half of the income in Heishanfang City, and the annual income is already 5,000. In addition, the income from renting out caves and fire refining rooms on the mountain is also 2,000 per year. Since my family took charge of Black Mountain, more than 100 acres of spiritual fields on the mountain have been cultivated, and the income from the spiritual fields has reached 4,000 per year.

In addition, Hanjiaotan Spiritual Medicine Garden has already produced output, especially Xuanyoucao, which is planted in large quantities. This kind of spiritual elixir is suitable for large-scale refining, and the income it brings to my family is 2,000 per year.

In addition, my family's time-honored shop, Baibao Pavilion, has enough supplies of third-level elixirs, spiritual talismans, and formations. Occasionally, when Uncle Si Dao comes back, he will also refine some third-level magic weapons. Relying on the sale of this high-level supply, every year The income is also very considerable, with an average of two thousand a year. "

Compared with thirty years ago, the Zhang family followed Qingxuanzong and won the battle of Taihong Mountain. Not only did the income at the foot of the mountain increase significantly, but the income on the Black Mountain also increased by half. After summarizing the family's income from all aspects, everyone did some math and found that the Zhang family's annual income actually reached 26,000.

"Let's talk about the expenses!" Zhang Zhixuan said with a faint smile.

Zhang Guangyang said: "Heishan Mountain has huge profits and huge expenses. Just maintaining the Black Mountain Mountain Protection Formation all year round will consume 6,000 spirit stones. In addition, the offerings from the Black Mountain monks are also a huge burden, not counting me, Yuantai and Tongpeng." There are currently eleven foundation-building monks in Black Mountain among the three families. We don’t have to bear the annual salary of the four foundation-building monks from Liang Patriarch’s family. For the remaining seven foundation-building monks, we have to pay 1,800 souls every year. Shi's salary. In addition, the 120 Qi-training monks who patrol and guard Fang City outside the mountain also receive a salary of 3,000 yuan per year. Plus some other expenses, the annual expenses of Black Mountain Spirit Vein are 1,000 yuan. One thousand."

Si Jin was also frightened and said: "The expenses at home are also very high. The ancestor of the Zifu has an annual salary of one thousand, and Aunt Hanyan subsidizes three hundred, which adds up to two thousand three. Thirteen foundation-building monks, Xiaozong Zhang Luoyun's side There is no need for us to pay, Si Dao, Tongcheng's annual subsidy is 100, and the remaining ten foundations are 500 per year except Brother Sihong, and the rest are 300 each, which adds up to 3,400. The total annual salary of the more than 300 Qi-training monks under him is as much as 4,700. In addition, the annual salary of the family vassals is also quite a lot. Last year, it was only 1,600 spirit stones. On top of the family’s annual salary, the annual expenses amount to 12,000.”

After listening to everyone's introduction, everyone finally understood the Zhang family's situation. Although the family's income has increased significantly, the family's expenses have also increased dramatically.

Excluding the huge expenses, the Zhang family's annual balance is only three thousand.

In the past thirty years, the family's remaining spiritual stones are only 60,000.

On the contrary, Zhang Zhixuan and Qing Chan discovered Liu Xuanyan's Lingjing Cave and made a fortune selling elixirs, acquiring about 200,000 spiritual stones.

In addition, the harvest from Han Jinghong Cave Mansion was as high as 80,000 yuan. Although Lu Hongniang took the lion's share of the hunting for the iron-backed ape, the Zhang family's Sanzi Mansion also gained 40,000 yuan. In addition, he obtained Xuanying Chalcedony in Fengmo Cave and received 100,000 spiritual stones. In the battle with the Hongshan Sect, he also seized as much as 130,000 yuan.

In addition to the miscellaneous income from killing the green dragon, in total, the three Zifu monks of the Zhang family handled more than 700,000 resources in the last sixty years, not counting the Fire Spirit Fruit Tree, the Vermilion Fruit Tree, and the Green Dragon Nei Dan and a large number of precious resources.

Of course it was impossible for Zhang Zhixuan to hold such a huge sum of spiritual stones in his hands, but instead exchanged them for various precious resources.

The investment in the puppet beast alone, one fourth-level and three third-level ones, totaled forty-six thousand, plus the spiritual stones spent to use the puppet beast, it already exceeded fifty thousand.

In addition, the cost of two teleportation tokens refined with Xuan Kong Stone was as high as 37,000, and the three Zifu monks spent a total of 80,000 or 90,000 on purchasing magic weapons. It also cost 50,000 yuan to purchase the spiritual objects used to open the Zi Mansion.

Over the years, the three Zifus have invested 20,000 to 30,000 yuan in purchasing spiritual elixirs and spiritual objects.

The remaining massive resources have been replaced by the Zhang family's large number of fixed assets such as exercises, shops, spiritual fields, etc. The spiritual stones in the family treasury are only a little over 50,000.

Zhang Zhixuan and other three Zifu monks only have 70,000 spiritual stones in their hands, but the three Zifu period ancestors have accumulated as many as 270,000 good deeds in their families. The family's dozen or so foundation-building monks also owe the family 50,000 yuan for their good deeds.

After summarizing the situation at home so that the foundation-building monks could have an understanding of the family's finances, Zhang Zhixuan glanced at everyone and continued: "The stalls at home are already very large, and we need a foundation-building monk to manage and investigate the family accounts. Ze. Qian, you are the youngest, so you have to work harder on this matter. You are in charge of the family's financial power.

In addition, Tonghuai, you will be the family law enforcement elder from now on. As long as the family monks violate the family rules, no matter who is involved, you must be selfless and deal with them strictly, and never let the black sheep endanger the overall situation of the family. It is not easy for us to be where we are today. You are the elders of the family. You cannot be selfish and only focus on your own small profits. You must look further and plan for the long-term of the family. "

After a long talk, Zhang Zhixuan realized that he was far off topic, so he changed the topic and said: "Everyone already knows about the situation at home. Regarding the rules for exchanging Foundation Establishment Pills, you all should share your opinions."

Zhang Sihong has never been married, has no descendants, and has no personal interests involved, so he was the first to speak.

"The threshold for redeeming Foundation Establishment Pills at home is indeed very low. Over the years, the family has always had a reserve of Foundation Establishment Pills. In order to cultivate enough Foundation Establishment Stage monks to serve as the backbone, the rules for redeeming Foundation Establishment Pills are basically low. There are several nearby The family is not as easy to exchange for Foundation Establishment Pills as our family is.

Now that the base of younger monks in the family is getting bigger and bigger, the competition for Foundation Establishment Pills will become more and more fierce. Even if the threshold is raised in the future, I think this kind of thing will cause countless disturbances and troubles. As the makers of the family system, we cannot keep our eyes fixed on the present. For the sake of the family’s bright future, the rules we formulate must be fair and just, provide opportunities for monks with poor family backgrounds to advance, and also provide more convenience for seedlings with good spiritual roots. We cannot Suppressing talents outside and hindering their development. "

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