Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 461 Cultivating Spiritual Veins

Chapter 460: Cultivating Spiritual Veins

After catching the human-faced spider, Zhang Zhixuan and Qing Chan immediately took some monks to another barren mountain four hundred miles away. They hollowed out the mountain and dug out a huge nest. Then they used forbidden methods to restrict the four sides of the cave. The wall is as refined as fine iron. And a defensive formation was arranged to prevent the human-faced spider from escaping.

With the animal restraint order banning the spirit, the monks in the family can tame the human-faced spider and make it spit out spider silk at regular intervals. However, it is still more dangerous to collect the spider silk. This source of wealth must be guarded by the foundation-building monks.

The two third-order human-faced spiders have a very large appetite and require a large amount of meat every day. However, Huangyan Mountain has not yet produced any output. The three thousand laborers who work in the mine have to eat and chew every day, which requires the Zhang family to do their best. support.

Therefore, Zhang Zhixuan could only arrange for six Qi-training monks to hunt and kill the nearby beasts, while reducing the harm to mortals and feeding the human-faced spiders with the flesh and blood of the beasts.

After Zhang Zhixuan finished building the human-faced spider's nest, a month had passed, and the task of guarding the human-faced spider was also handed over to Zhang Tonghuai.

Although Tong Huai is very diligent in cultivation, his spiritual roots are not good. Even though he has been building the foundation for almost seventy years, his cultivation level is only at the fifth level of foundation building. He has been overtaken by Si Jin and Guang Yang. Among the elders in the foundation building period at home, Already considered average.

He is already two Jiazi at his age, and it is estimated that it will be difficult for another Jiazi to cultivate enough to break through the edge of Zifu. If there is no accident, his cultivation will stop at the foundation-building realm.

So after Zhang Zhixuan sought his advice, he arranged for him to be in Spider Mountain.

After all, Spider Mountain is a barren mountain. Even if there are spiritual stones to replenish it, it will not affect daily practice, but it will be very difficult to break through the realm. Moreover, Tonghuai may not have enough financial resources to refine spiritual stones every day for practice.

Even the ancestor of Jin Dan would find it difficult to do this. Although the amount of spiritual stones refined every day may not seem like much, over the course of hundreds of years, it adds up to a huge number.

By the time Zhang Zhixuan and Qing Chan returned to Huangyan Mountain, the place had already changed drastically. In order to escape the heat, the workers who mine the ore have moved to the spider's lair. The caves under Huangyan Mountain are so developed that they are almost like an underground city.

Because a large number of mortals moved in, the various caves inside were expanded and rooms were excavated.

The only trouble was the water source. There were no streams found in this mine, and domestic water had to be transported from the mountain. Sijin had to deploy three cloud-walking beasts to transport water to the mountain.

After more than a hundred years of domestication, the Zhang family has bred more than sixty cloud-walking beasts, seventeen fire dragon colts, and even four flying beasts have been successfully domesticated.

These domesticated horse monsters have begun to help the development of the Zhang family. They are present in almost all the Zhang family's strongholds. It is these cloud-walking beasts that connect the spiritual veins controlled by the family. Became one piece.

Seven or eight miles outside Huangyan Mountain, Sijin also began to organize people to cut down trees and cultivate fertile farmland, preparing to build towns at the foot of the mountain to provide some resources for the mines.

After all, all materials are transported from Huayang County, which puts too much pressure on Huayang County.

"How about the reserves of the Forbidden God Stone in the mine?"

"Uncle Fourteen, in just one month, we have screened out thirteen pieces of second-level ore and one piece of third-level ore. It seems that the annual income is at least two thousand spirit stones. If high-level ore is accidentally discovered, I am afraid that the income will still be lost. It will double." After being stationed in the mine without seeing the sun, Sijin's face turned a little pale, but she was very energetic and said happily.

Zhang Zhixuan said: "It seems that the output of this mine is very large, almost equivalent to one-tenth of the Chaoyin Mountain Lingshi Mine. If we get rid of Qingxuan Sect and go it alone, are you sure you can hold on to the mine and wait for rescue?"

After hearing Zhang Zhixuan's words, Si Jin's expression changed, and he suddenly became excited and said: "As long as we cultivate spiritual veins in Huangyan Mountain, establish formations to guard, and add the puppet beasts at home, I think we have a good chance. But it is best to put ten Brother Six is ​​transferred back. If he comes back and adds some helpers, we can stabilize the situation even if the Zifu period monks attack."

"Sihong has reached the edge of breaking through Zifu. It is better to practice in Taihong Mountain. However, Zhu Wuya is in charge of Taihong Mountain, and the puppet beast in his hand can be transferred back to Huangyan Mountain."

When Sijin saw that her fourteenth uncle wanted her to take charge of the fourth-level puppet beast, she suddenly felt a little embarrassed: "I don't have enough cultivation, I'm afraid I won't be able to exert the power of the fourth-level puppet beast."

Zhang Zhixuan said: "Heishan Chen Yuanzhen can be the leader for a while, but his lifespan is running out. He can stay in Huangyan Mountain for ten or eight years at most. During this period, you must also practice hard and strive to break through to the late stage of foundation building."

After coming out of the mine, Qing Chan began to set up formations on the mountain. Zhang Zhixuan also took action immediately, fetching the fourth-level puppet beast from Taihong Mountain, and then wrote a letter to Heishan and dispatched Chen Yuanzhen to help guard Lingshan.

Chen Yuanzhen had already married and taken concubines in Montenegro, leaving behind many heirs, but his children had no one to build a foundation and could not support the family at all. He is a disciple of Patriarch Liang. He is quite famous in Black Mountain, and his children and grandchildren are not short of training resources.

According to the agreement between Patriarch Liang and Zhang Zhixuan, Patriarch Liang's disciples have a lot of autonomy. Except for the obligation to guard Black Mountain, Zhang Zhixuan has no right to control their freedom. But after all, they have disciples, and they have to give the Master of Black Mountain some face.

Since Zhang Zhixuan personally wrote the letter, Chen Yuanzhen did not dare to neglect, let alone refuse easily. Besides, there was an additional subsidy for coming to Huangyan Mountain to take charge, so it was not for nothing.

When Chen Yuanzhen arrived at Huangyan Mountain, the Zhang family had already cultivated a third-level spiritual vein on the mountain.

Unlike Spider Mountain, Huangyan Mountain is now a very important property of the Zhang family, and a large number of monks must be stationed on the mountain. In order to support these monks to practice, Zhang Zhixuan took out 30,000 spiritual stones from the treasury at one time and cultivated a third-level upper-grade spiritual mountain from scratch.

The Zhang family has many spiritual veins nearby, and even under the Ten Thousand Snake Cave, there are several hidden spiritual veins, one of which is third-level.

However, among these spiritual veins, except for Lingjing Mountain, which has been developed for many years and has reached the third-level middle-grade quality, whether it is Tiantai Peak or Jiuhua Mountain, the spiritual vein level is only the third-level lower-grade, and the spiritual energy strength is far less than that of Huangyan Mountain.

In addition to Chen Yuanzhen, Si Jin and Ze Qian will also move to this spiritual mountain, and there are more than 60 monks and a fourth-level puppet beast who move here together.

Qing Chan also looted the family treasury and used the spirit bones of the Canglan beast to refine a fourth-level array. Although the power of this fourth-level array can only be exerted to one-third due to the insufficient strength of the spirit vein, it can barely block a cultivator who has just opened up the purple mansion.

Moreover, Tong Huai and Guang Liang are in charge nearby, and Ze Rui and Sheng Gao of Lingjing Mountain are not far from Huangyan Mountain. In addition, the Wu family, Liu family, Su family and other allies, as long as the Qingxuan Sect, the backing, does not fall and no earth-shaking changes occur, Huangyan Mountain can be said to be as solid as a rock.

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