Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 466 Ziyang Treasure Pill

After the four of them arrived at Hongling Mountain, Tang Shaoyang's wife Mu Yihan had already reached the final moment. Zhang Zhixuan used the Heaven Eye Treasure Light Technique to see that she was already covered by death energy, and the remaining vitality was shrunk in the fetus in her belly.

Seeing Tang Shaoyang coming back, Mu Yihan's face suddenly turned red, and she struggled to say: "I'm already dying, and I don't know if I can save the baby? Use your flying sword to cut open my belly, take out the baby and leave immediately! The baby is already seven months old, and if he is lucky enough not to be infected with the plague, he should still be alive."

Tang Shaoyang, regardless of being infected with the plague, took Mu Yihan's hand and said: "Don't worry, I have invited the Black Mountain Patriarch Zhang. He has already refined the elixir that restrains the plague. Not only will you be fine, but the baby can also be saved."

Zhang Zhixuan looked at Mu Yihan's condition, frowned and said: "Can you still use your magic power and refine the elixir now?"

Mu Yihan shook her head with difficulty. She was pregnant with a seven-month-old child, and her body was already weak. Now she has been infected with the plague for several months, and she has no power to mobilize her magic power and refine the elixir.

"In this case, we can only use the external application method." Zhang Zhixuan's face sank and said to Tang Shaoyang.

Zhang Zhixuan dissolved a pill of anti-plague powder and asked Tang Shaoyang to apply the medicine on Mu Yihan every day. Although the external application method is not as effective as taking elixirs, Mu Yihan's health still began to improve over time.

Three months later, after using up the dissolved elixir, Mu Yihan began to recover, and it was time for the child to be born.

This child was infected with the plague before birth, and it was bound to be stillborn.

However, Mu Yihan continued to provide vitality to the child after being treated with the plague-eliminating powder. She was a female cultivator in the foundation-building period, and her foundation was far better than that of ordinary pregnant women. Moreover, the innate vitality in the body of pregnant women was extraordinary.

Under various factors, the child survived tenaciously and waited until the time of birth.

Zhang Zhixuan used the Qi-Looking Spell to find that the child's life and death qi had been balanced, like a Tai Chi diagram.

As long as the child is born, he will naturally restrain this type of plague.

The placenta, hair, essence, blood, bones and flesh on his body can all serve as antidotes, and the effect is estimated to be even better than the plague-eliminating powder.

Of course, Zhang Zhixuan would not use the child's blood, flesh and blood to make an elixir. It would be enough to just take the placenta. The main reason why Zhang Zhixuan waited so long in Hongling Mountain was for this thing.

The placenta is also known as the purple river placenta. Although it is an acquired form, it actually has innate energy, which is better than the child's blood, flesh and blood.

Since discovering that the child can resist the plague, Zhang Zhixuan has been thinking hard for a long time, trying to find a way to defeat the plague and save the millions of people in Luyang County.

"Just using the placenta as medicine can save a lot of people, but it is a one-time elixir after all, and the number of people saved is also fixed.

If the medicinal properties of the placenta can be used to restrain the plague, it would be great to make a treasure pill."

Zhang Zhixuan thought hard, and finally had to take a risk to see if he could refine a treasure pill.

The treasure pill is a special elixir in the Wanbao Pavilion of the Great Zhou Dynasty. This elixir is like a magic weapon, with various mysterious effects, and mainly uses gold and stone as medicine.

The method of refining the treasure pill has always been the secret of Wanbao Pavilion. Although there are many treasure pills that have been circulated, and many smart and talented people have cracked the refining methods of many low-level treasure pills. However, the systematic research on treasure pills is still the most in-depth in Wanbao Pavilion.

Qingxuan Sect is also fortunate to have collected a method of refining a treasure pill.

This treasure pill is called Chiyin Pearl. The main medicine is the demon pill of Chiyin Mang, which is refined with seven different minerals. Carrying this treasure pill can not only ward off snakes and insects, but also nourish yin and yang, and beautify the skin.

With the refining method of this Chiyin Pearl as a reference, Zhang Zhixuan began to create a new treasure pill that can transform plague and restrain external evil.

Originally, this idea was difficult to achieve. Although there was a purple river placenta that restrained the plague, it still required countless cultivators to study to transform the dead air of the plague into vitality.

At least choosing an external medicine to match the purple river placenta requires selecting from countless materials.

Even if the idea is correct, it may take countless experiments and hundreds of thousands of years of hard work to perfect the method of refining this precious pill.

However, the innate purple qi refined in Zhang Zhixuan's body is extraordinary and has the effect of harmonizing yin and yang. If the purple qi can be refined into the precious pill, it may be able to transform the two qi of life and death and refine a real precious pill.

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhixuan immediately began to experiment. He refined the purple river car that restrained the plague into a pearl, and then integrated several warm and replenishing minerals into the elixir. Finally, he continuously released purple qi and used his innate purple qi to sacrifice this elixir.

This was his first time to use purple qi to refine the elixir. He had no experience at all in the past, and the materials that restrained the plague were very rare. It would be very difficult to find a second purple river car that restrained the plague. Therefore, this time, refining the precious pill could not fail at all. Zhang Zhixuan could only pray that his idea was correct and he could refine the precious pill in one go.

Perhaps it was God's blessing that his idea was actually feasible. The innate purple qi could actually be used as medicine. On the thirteenth day of Zhang Zhixuan's sacrifice, he actually refined a precious pill that could control the plague.

The grade of this precious pill was also very high, reaching the fourth-grade lower grade, and it could continuously absorb the dead air from the plague and transform it into vitality to improve the grade.

This precious pill could only control one kind of plague in Luyang County. Except for this special smallpox plague, it was useless for other kinds of plague. The scope of use was actually very narrow. After this plague, it was estimated that it would be shelved and useless.

After refining this Ziyang treasure pill, Zhang Zhixuan immediately began to experiment at the foot of Hongling Mountain.

Patients with plague, as long as they lick this treasure pill, will inhale a stream of disease and pass in a stream of vitality. Patients with slightly stronger constitutions can often be cured.

On average, about 95 out of 100 sick people can survive.

Seeing that the effect was good, Zhang Zhixuan immediately wrote a letter to inform Lu Hongniang and Zhu Wuya, asking them to stop collecting the spiritual medicine for Quwen San.

After all, Quwen San is a fourth-level middle-grade spiritual pill. Collecting a furnace of spiritual medicine requires tens of thousands of spiritual stones. Now there are other ways. If you can refine one less furnace, you can save a lot of costs.

After Zhang Zhixuan treated all the mortals at the foot of Hongling Mountain, Lu Hongniang and Zhu Wuya also returned to Hongling Mountain.

With the protection of these two people, Zhang Zhixuan and his four companions began to walk the streets and treat patients along one human village after another.

The four of them were all people with accomplished cultivation, so they would not spend too much time on the road. In just three months, they had visited half of the villages in Luyang County and cured more than 200,000 patients.

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