Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 470: Spoils of War

Han Yan's cultivation level is the sixth level of Purple Mansion. He brought a fourth-level low-grade puppet beast from Huangyan Mountain, and thirteen foundation-building cultivators to help. His combat power is no weaker than Zhu Wuya and Luo Ziyan. Although this reinforcement did not carry a fourth-level formation, it was equivalent to the arrival of a ninth-level Purple Mansion master.

Up to now, the Qingxuan Sect has already rushed to three Purple Mansions, fifty foundation-building cultivators, plus Zhang Zhixuan and three other cultivators, besieging the Nine Ghosts Demon God. Their combat power is no weaker than that of a Jindan master.

The Nine Ghosts Demon God still needs Liu Yian to provide some of his mana. He has to split his attention and fight Lu Hongniang, so he has no advantage.

The reinforcements from Taicheng County are like a shot of cardiotonic, which postponed the battle for another day. At this time, it has been four and a half days since Zhang Zhixuan and his four fought against the demon cultivators, and the reinforcements from Qingyang Mountain are not far away from them.

The demon cultivator Liu Yian was not good at direct fighting. Although he had a high level of cultivation, his energy was mostly tied up by Lu Hongniang and Qing Chan. In this difficult battle, he only achieved a small amount of results.

In the four and a half days of fierce fighting, he only seized the opportunity to kill six foundation-building cultivators, and the rest of the cultivators survived intact.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Liu Yian once released his magic weapon, the smallpox banner, but unfortunately this magic weapon was restrained by the Ziyang treasure pill refined by Zhang Zhixuan, and it did not play the role of a group battle weapon at all, nor did it turn the situation around.

Just when everyone was struggling to hold on, three sword lights flashed and slashed at the Nine Ghosts Demon God, cutting the powerful Jindan Demon God into several pieces.

Zhang Zhixuan looked up and found that there were actually three Jindans, one of whom was Hu Peiyu from the Qingxuan Sect, and he also met the other two for the first time.

The two people were Tang Fenglan and Nie Xingyuan. Among the two, Nie Xingyuan's mana was stronger than Hu Peiyu's, and the spirit boat in his hand was also extraordinary. He actually arrived at Luyang County at the same time as Hu Peiyu.

Less than a quarter of an hour after the three met, they arrived at the edge of the battlefield.

These three people were all Jindan cultivators, and their combat power far exceeded the previous waves of reinforcements. The three sword lights they released were all level five flying swords.

The three sword lights broke the Dharma body of the Nine Ghosts Demon God, and even the white bone skull flag that arranged the formation was instantly cut off by the sword light.

This formation originally had no spiritual veins to rely on, and Liu Yian chose the place to ambush Zhang Zhixuan and the other four in a barren mountain, and the foundation of the formation was also weak.

It was okay to face low-level cultivators, but if you meet a high-level cultivator of the same level, you can't stop it for too long. Moreover, the cultivators inside the formation have tied up all of Liu Yian's energy, and he has no way to stop the three Jindan outside.

The three Jindan ancestors came and first broke the Nine Ghosts Life-demanding Formation, and then cooperated with Lu Hongniang to surround Liu Yian in the middle.

Qingchan, Zhu Wuya, Zhang Zhixuan and other purple palace cultivators fled to the periphery in a flash, constantly releasing sword lights to harass Liu Yian and distract his attention.

The remaining foundation-building cultivators began to help Wei Zongxun, adding the power of the siege formation to trap Liu Yian inside the light curtain.

At this point, Liu Yian instantly regretted it.

He was already very experienced, and he sensed the danger before sneaking an attack on the four people.

The reason why Liu Yian insisted on taking the risk was that he could only spread one kind of plague, and most of his skills were on the smallpox plague banner.

His master, the plague Taoist Ma Xingyue, was on guard against his disciples and passed on his seven powerful plagues to seven disciples. Apart from the spells for spreading plague, Liu Yian's ability to fight was only average.

Seeing that the Ziyang Baodan refined by Zhang Zhixuan restrained the smallpox plague banner, Liu Yian instantly sensed the disaster. He knew that if he could not destroy the Purple Yang Pill as soon as possible, his future would be ruined by this pill.

In order to get rid of his nemesis and survive the disaster, Liu Yian had no choice but to take risks.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world. He was surrounded by four Jindan monks, and the plague gas released by the smallpox banner was restrained and absorbed by the Purple Yang Pearl, and could not affect the four Jindan at all.

In less than half an incense stick of time, Liu Yian's body was cut into more than a dozen pieces by the four people, and even his soul was dispersed by Nie Xingyuan, and his soul was destroyed on the spot.

The magic weapon in his hand, the smallpox banner, was also absorbed by Zhang Zhixuan with the Purple Yang Pill, and then refined into ash by the four Jindan with true fire.

The magic weapons on the demon monks are full of traps and hidden dangers, which are a disaster that normal monks cannot avoid.

The four Jindan monks are not short of magic weapons, so they naturally will not choose the magic weapon on Liu Yian to sacrifice. If he is not careful, his master Ma Xingyue will catch the flaw and enslave him, and hundreds of years of hard work will be ruined.

All the magic weapons on Liu Yian were refined into ashes, and the magic materials on him were also refined in the wilderness. Even the several magic cultivation techniques seized were destroyed and incinerated by everyone.

The benefit of killing this sixth-level Jindan big devil was only 110,000 spirit stones, while the cultivators dispatched included four Jindan, six Zifu, more than 50 foundation-building, and thousands of Qi training cultivators.

There is no way to gain much from fighting against demon cultivators. In this battle, six foundation-building and more than 30 Qi training cultivators were lost. Just for their pensions, the sect needs to take out a considerable amount of spirit stones.

Moreover, because Liu Yian spread the plague, the mortals in Luyang County lost 400,000, and even the cultivators were killed and injured for more than a thousand years.

The losses caused were no less than the sect wars that lasted for decades. In order to rebuild Luyang County after the war, Qingxuan Sect also had to invest a lot of money.

In this battle, Qing Chan used a fifth-level talisman, which played a key role in stopping Liu Yian, and was given 30,000 spirit stones. Zhang Zhixuan and Han Yan, together, received 6,000 spirit stones.

Another benefit the Zhang family got was the recipe for the Plague-Removing Powder, a fourth-grade middle-grade recipe that was also very valuable. Although 36,000 spirit stones could not exchange for a fifth-grade spirit talisman, the Zhang family still made a little profit with this recipe, and did not lose money like the sect.

All seven foundation-building cultivators in the family participated in this battle. Fortunately, there were no casualties, but Si Jin and Tong Huai were more or less injured and needed to recuperate for a few years.

After killing Liu Yian, everyone returned to their respective mountain gates, while Zhang Zhixuan and Qing Chan continued to treat the remaining patients.

It took another three months for them to completely eliminate the plague in Luyang County. After absorbing a large amount of plague, the grade of the Ziyang Treasure Pill was also upgraded to the fifth-grade lower grade.

Unfortunately, after the plague, this treasure pill will lose its effect and can only be stored in the family treasury and covered in dust.

After the plague was eradicated, just as Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan were preparing to return to Black Mountain, Tang Shaoyang and Mu Yihan and his wife found them.

Tang Shaoyang knelt on his knees and said, "Greetings to Grandmaster Zhang. Grandmaster Zhang saved my life and my wife's life that day. I promised to be his slave and obey his orders. Today I specially brought my wife to fulfill my promise."

Tang Shaoyang is more than ten years older than Zhang Zhixuan. On the contrary, Zhang Zhixuan was earlier in the foundation building period. When he participated in the Chaoyin Mountain battle, Zhang Zhixuan was already in the middle stage of foundation building, while Tang Shaoyang was not far from just building the foundation.

In the battle a hundred years ago, the identities of the two people could be said to be not far apart. Now, more than a hundred years have passed, and their cultivation has become very different.

Zhang Zhixuan refused for a long time, but seeing that Tang Shaoyang was determined to repay his kindness, he had no choice but to say, "No need to do that. When something like this happens, we high-level cultivators always have to save people. Saving your wife is just a piece of cake for me. If you insist on repaying your kindness, why not join my Zhang family and become a guest elder? Don't ever talk about being a slave."

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