Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 484: Each has his own plan

Zhang Zhixuan's battle with the centipede monster did not escape the surveillance of the Qianli Sensing Mirror. Hou Qingdong stared at Zhang Zhixuan, who had recovered his magic power, for a long time without speaking. He looked at Yang Weizhen, who was shocked, and said, "What do you think?"

"In the previous battle, this person showed three fourth-grade high-quality magic weapons. His own cultivation has reached the eighth level of the Purple Mansion. He is also the most difficult to deal with among the Purple Mansion cultivators. None of the five Purple Mansions on our ship can match this person. But we have a treasure ship. As long as we are willing, this person will not escape from our palm."

Hou Qingdong nodded and said, "You are right. Keep watching him and don't let him escape from our surveillance. According to this person's cultivation, the island he occupies must be very large, enough for us to live."

In this way, Hou Qingdong's treasure ship fleet followed Zhang Zhixuan all the way, and found Dafang Island without Zhang Zhixuan and his apprentice knowing it.

After Hou Qingdong and others found Dafang Island, they did not rush to take action, but continued to hide and monitor thousands of miles away, using the Thousand Mile Sensor Mirror to detect the intelligence of Dafang Island.

"I thought I would find a big island, but I didn't expect that the area of ​​the island was still insufficient. The Central Mountain Range was only the third-grade upper grade. I don't know how such a small island can cultivate such a master of the Purple Mansion period?" Yang Weizhen sighed and said a little depressed.

In order to track Zhang Zhixuan, this treasure fleet has consumed a lot of spiritual stones. The frequent use of the Thousand Mile Sensor Mirror consumed 60,000 spiritual stones, not to mention the resources consumed by the treasure fleet's navigation.

Unexpectedly, after more than three months of hard work, the small island found can only support tens of thousands of people. Even if all the mortals on Dafang Island are killed, there is still not enough space for the large number of mortals carried by the seven treasure ships.

If you want to gain a foothold on Dafang Island, even if you defeat Zhang Zhixuan and others and occupy the island, you have to allocate some treasure ships to garrison, and the remaining fleet will have to go out to find a larger island to gain a foothold.

Hou Qingdong asked, "How strong are the cultivators on the island?"

Yang Weizhen said, "We have been monitoring for six days and found that the island is quite strong. In addition to the master of the eighth level of the Purple Mansion, there is also a female cultivator of the sixth level of the Purple Mansion who leads the team to hunt monsters. In addition, there are seven foundation-building cultivators and more than 300 Qi training cultivators on the island. The Lingshan on the island is also protected by a third-level top-grade formation."

Qingchan practices in the underground cave every day and has not appeared during this period. The builder of the underground cave is Liu Xuanyan, whose own restrictions are very sophisticated, and there is no leakage of spiritual energy at all.

Although the Qianli Sensing Mirror is not bad, it did not detect her trace, which led to a large omission in the intelligence of Hou Qingdong and others.

"We should have been monitoring for a while, but we don't have enough spiritual stones on the treasure ship, so we can't continue to waste time. Besides, we are very close to Dafang Island. Once we are discovered by the monks on the island, I'm afraid they will immediately hold on to the mountain. After all, the treasure ship cannot go ashore. If the opponent relies on the formation to hold the mountain gate, we have no good way. If we leave the treasure ship and attack the mountain gate, even if we can win, I'm afraid there will be countless casualties."

Before Hou Qingdong finished speaking, the monks on the treasure ship blushed and shouted in unison: "Brother Hou, we all listen to you, you make the decision!"

Since the retreat from Giant Whale Island, Hou Qingdong has commanded this treasure ship fleet to win several battles and occupy several islands, and his prestige has been established.

He clearly knew that the monks on the treasure ship had been drifting on the sea for more than half a year, and now they are almost too excited to hold back. If it weren't for the Purple Mansion period monks to stop them, I'm afraid these people would have rushed up and rushed to Dafang Island in a mess.

"If we want to win, we must place the battlefield on the sea. According to our surveillance, the female cultivator of the sixth level of the Purple Mansion on the island often leads people to hunt monsters near the coast. We should adopt the strategy of besieging the point and attacking the reinforcements. First, use three third-level high-quality treasure ships to trap this person, let her go to ask for help to lure out the master of the eighth level of the Purple Mansion, and then dispatch the fourth-level treasure ship to hunt the opponent. After taking down these two Purple Mansion cultivators, this island will be a piece of cake for us." Hou Qingdong laid out his strategy and immediately decided to divide the troops into three groups after gaining everyone's approval. One group of three third-level high-quality treasure ships prepared to besiege Han Yan, another group of one fourth-level high-quality treasure ship prepared to attack the reinforcements, and the remaining three third-level high-quality treasure ships served as the reserve team, continuing to monitor Dafang Island while preparing to resist other reinforcements. After returning to Dafang Island, Zhang Zhixuan first had a good sleep to sweep away his fatigue. This time, he went to Xuanyang Island and went back and forth for half a year, and he didn't sleep a lot. He could only take a nap during the daytime.

After resting his spirit, Zhang Zhixuan immediately began to deal with the spiritual medicine, preparing to start the furnace to refine the foundation-building pill and train several foundation-building cultivators for the island.

Just when he was fully prepared, he suddenly received the sound transmission sound sent by Han Yan.

In the past six months, Han Yan has been leading the team to hunt monsters in the waters near Dafang Island. In recent times, they have gone deep into the sea for thousands of miles, which is considered to be in the depths of the ocean.

On this day, Han Yan took Yu Wancheng, Gu Qiwen, Yu Youzhen, and Lu Haoling, four foundation-building cultivators, to the sea to hunt monsters. As soon as they entered the deep sea, they were trapped by three third-level top-grade treasure ships from the east, west, and south.

The combat power of a third-level top-grade treasure ship is equivalent to that of a master in the early stage of the Purple Mansion. With the combined strength of the three treasure ships, even Han Yan is no match.

If she was alone, she would have a chance to escape as soon as the treasure ship appeared. After all, the speed of the third-level treasure ship could not catch up with Han Yan's escape light in a short time.

But the four foundation-building monks following behind her did not fly so fast. Han Yan hesitated for a moment and was immediately trapped by the three treasure ships.

Han Yan was unwilling to give up the four disciples unless it was absolutely necessary.

Even though they had not been disciples for a long time and did not have a deep relationship with her, the power of Dafang Island was weak and could not afford to lose four foundation-building monks.

Once Han Yan gave up on them, not only would the power of the island be seriously damaged, but the three elders would also lose their prestige, which would take a long time to make up for.

In order to cover the four foundation-building disciples, Han Yan could only let them escape first and stay behind to contain the three treasure ships.

On the third-grade upper-grade treasure ship, three fourth-grade lower-grade God-Destroying Crossbows were placed.

The God-Destroying Crossbow flashed with a strong light, and released a spiritual light of more than ten feet, piercing behind Han Yan.

The three treasure ships fired together, and nine crossbow arrows could be released at a time. Even Han Yan had to avoid the sharp edge of this power.

Every time the God-killing Crossbow was fired, there was a loud bang. The nine God-killing Crossbows were fired at the same time, and the rumbling sound was so deafening that it made people dizzy and tinnitus. It was like thousands of troops and drums beating together, or like a stone breaking the sky and waves roaring.

In this situation, Han Yan sent a sound transmission note to the island.

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