Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 50 Tracking Down the Mountain

Zhang Zhixuan turned his head, quietly pointed at Wu Xiangcheng, and whispered to Qingchan: "I will go down the mountain first and wait for him fifty miles outside the mountain.

You keep an eye on him quietly. Once he goes down the mountain, notify me immediately with the communication talisman."

Qingchan nodded excitedly and followed Wu Lao Da happily.

Qingchan's cultivation is already good now, and she has several magic tools given by Zhang Zhixuan. Even if she faces a cultivator at the ninth level of Qi training, she can fight with him.

Besides, she has also practiced the art of hiding Qi, and her aura is as if she is at the third level of Qi training. Once the enemy despises her, I am afraid that she will be in big trouble immediately.

Qingchan has no grudge against Wu Lao Da, and he never dreamed that this young girl would be bad for him, so for the next period of time, Qingchan stared at Wu Lao Da calmly and did not arouse his vigilance.

After waiting for a while, Wu Xiangcheng completed the transaction and left Black Mountain in a hurry.

As soon as Boss Wu left, Qingchan immediately sent out a communication talisman to inform Zhang Zhixuan down the mountain.

Zhang Zhixuan received the communication talisman and immediately adjusted his position and hid in a forest on the road that Boss Wu had to pass.

No cultivators were allowed to fight within thirty miles of Black Mountain.

As long as the cultivators who made a living near Black Mountain dared not violate it.

Therefore, Zhang Zhixuan hid fifty miles outside Black Mountain. At this distance, if an accident happened, the Liang Patriarch of Black Mountain would not care.

Zhang Zhixuan stood on the top of the tree and waited for a while, and found that Wu Xiangcheng had appeared in front of him.

A few miles behind him, there was a small black dot that was vaguely visible. Because it was far away, the general outline should be Qingchan.

Zhang Zhixuan opened the storage jade box, took out the black flying knife magic weapon, and held it tightly in his hand.

This magic weapon was Zhang Zhixuan's trophy. He had a narrow escape in Xihefang, and although he almost died, he also gained great benefits. He obtained three second-level medium-quality magic weapons.

These three magic weapons came from the gourd in the hands of the old man in black, the black flying knife and the rattan armor shield in the hands of the man in black.

But his most valuable gain came from the storage jade box on Guo Tongshan.

In the Yu Kingdom's cultivation world, storage magic weapons are very scarce.

Because of the lack of resources such as Kongming Stone and the lack of Kongsang trees, these storage magic weapons cannot be refined and produced in Yu Kingdom, and can only be purchased from Wu Kingdom at a high price.

As a result, Yu Kingdom's storage magic weapons are more expensive than those in other countries.

The price of this second-level high-quality storage jade box in Zhang Zhixuan's hand exceeded 200 spirit stones in the market, far exceeding the general second-level high-quality magic weapons.

After Qingchan entered the late stage of Qi training, Zhang Zhixuan handed over the bamboo sword and rattan armor shield in his hands to her, leaving only the black flying knife and the topaz gourd in his hands.

As soon as Boss Wu approached, Zhang Zhixuan could no longer wait and immediately sacrificed the black flying knife and slashed at Boss Wu.

Facing this sudden attack, Boss Wu seemed to be prepared. He took out a talisman and pasted it on his body. His body floated up a few feet, dodged the attack of the flying knife magic weapon, and jumped onto a big tree.

Seeing that the flying knife magic weapon did not work, Zhang Zhixuan waved his hands and used the golden needle technique. Two more than an inch long spiritual lights shot directly into Boss Wu's eyes.

Facing the attack of the golden needle, Boss Wu took out a talisman calmly and shook it. A wall of earth rose from the ground and blocked him.

Boss Wu, a cultivator who has been in the Southern Wilderness, has a lot of experience in fighting. Once he leaves the safe market, he immediately becomes alert. Zhang Zhixuan's sneak attack was noticed by him at the first time.

After using two talismans in a row, he changed the passive situation. Looking at Zhang Zhixuan opposite, Boss Wu said confidently: "We have no grudges, why do you block the road and attack?"

In order not to cause trouble for the family, Zhang Zhixuan certainly would not tell the truth, so he answered: "Killing outside the market is naturally to kill and steal treasures, what other reasons are there?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Zhixuan took out his topaz gourd. He gently shook the gourd a few times, and a stream of black smoke spewed out from the mouth of the gourd, turning into a black cloud and suddenly covering Boss Wu.

The black smoke became more and more, and soon Boss Wu was completely covered in it.

This black smoke carries a strong poison. Unless you take the poison-reducing pill in advance, it is easy to be poisoned.

Once poisoned, you will become a fish on the chopping board, at the mercy of others.

In the battle of Xihefang Market, the old man in black was killed by the crowd as soon as he offered the gourd magic weapon. He didn't use the power of this magic weapon at all, and it fell into Zhang Zhixuan's hands.

As soon as he smelled the foul smell in the black smoke, Boss Wu's face changed.

He was very experienced. He just felt a little drowsy and reacted immediately. He hurriedly took out a detoxification pill and took it, and then he felt a little better.

At this time, Zhang Zhixuan did not hold back, and the black knife magic weapon also took the opportunity to cut towards Boss Wu.

Although Boss Wu was over 60 years old, his cultivation was not as good as Zhang Zhixuan. So far, he was only at the eighth level of Qi training, and his magic power was not as pure as Zhang Zhixuan.

Facing Zhang Zhixuan's continuous attacks, he was a little flustered.

Boss Wu hurriedly offered a jade magic weapon, which emitted a red light and entangled the black knife magic weapon, preventing it from threatening him, and then hurriedly offered a communication talisman for help.

Boss Wu is from the Wu family, which is very powerful. I wonder if there are any strong reinforcements nearby?

Once a foundation-building cultivator comes to help, Zhang Zhixuan and the others will be in danger.

Seeing that he failed to stop Boss Wu from releasing the communication talisman, Zhang Zhixuan immediately took out seven or eight low-level spiritual talismans and hit Boss Wu all at once.

Seven or eight spiritual talismans turned into fireballs, golden knives, wind blades, ice cones, and wooden spikes, and hit the shield on Boss Wu directly.

The shield on his body suddenly dimmed, and soon broke apart, turning into fragments and completely dissipating.

Boss Wu's face changed, and he pasted a magic talisman on his leg.

His legs turned into afterimages, and he escaped more than ten steps away.

He barely escaped, his face turned pale, and a sharp ice cone more than an inch long was stuck in his shoulder. The blood just flowed out and was frozen into pieces of ice flowers.

Although Boss Wu escaped this attack, he was still hit by an ice cone on the shoulder, and his face became very ugly.

Boss Wu suppressed his injury and circulated the magic power in his body to stop the bleeding of the wound on his shoulder. At this point, he didn't dare to fight with Zhang Zhixuan anymore, and immediately used the light body technique to flee into the distance.

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