Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 557 Level 5 Egret

This time, the Poison Dragon Pond Demon King focused his attack on the Yu Kingdom mainly to avenge the loss of the Heaven-Swallowing Toad and the Iron-Backed Ape.

In the past hundred years, the Yu Kingdom has lost five-level monsters one after another.

Using these two fifth-level monster pills, Liu Guyan cultivated Tang Fenglan, and Qingxuan Sect also cultivated Hu Peiyu, adding two more Jindan-stage cultivators in a row, and the power comparison in this direction has been unbalanced.

Moreover, Lu Hongniang occupied Guiyuan Mountain and Liu Guyan occupied Tianchan Cave, both of which have penetrated deep into the heart of the monster territory. Relying on two fifth-level spiritual veins, Qingxuan Sect's defense line directly expanded tens of thousands of miles to the south, taking a large area of ​​territory into its pocket.

Although this large area of ​​territory has not been fully developed, it has a lot of resources. There are only six or seven fourth-level spiritual veins, and the remaining low-level spiritual veins can support 100,000 low-level cultivators.

Similarly, if this area is controlled by monsters, it can also breed a large number of low-level monsters to supplement the Poison Dragon Pond monster army.

There are four armies of fifth-level monsters besieging Guiyuan Mountain, among which the Blood Cloud Marten is still besieging Yunling Mountain with its tribe.

This fifth-level monster is relatively smart, and its wisdom is no less than that of a 13- or 14-year-old boy.

Although it has the upper hand in Yunling Mountain, it is unwilling to consume its descendants. It only drives away some vassal monsters to consume the power of Huo Kaicheng and others, and wants to eliminate this group of enemies at the lowest cost.

In the direction of Guiyuan Mountain, although the wild boar king has the highest level and is already in the middle stage of the fifth level, the leader of this army of monsters is the fifth-level monster Wu Lin of the Poison Dragon Pond.

This fifth-level monster is the descendant of the Qingtong Monster King of the Poison Dragon Pond. He was awakened by the monster king shortly after he was born, and his wisdom is even higher than that of ordinary people.

This monster is less than 300 years old, and he has raised his level to the early stage of the fifth level. The speed of cultivation is not weaker than that of human cultivators.

You should know that the life span of monsters is far longer than that of cultivators. A sixth-level monster has a life span of at least 3,000 years. Some monsters of special races have a life span of more than 10,000 years, and even cultivators in the Yuanshen period are willing to admit defeat.

The life span of monsters is far longer than that of humans, so the speed of cultivation is naturally far from the same as that of human cultivators. If monsters want to upgrade their levels, they often need to spend more time to purify their blood.

Although Wu Lin is young, he has an extraordinary inheritance. This monster is also a master of refining weapons. He can refine the remains of monsters into sophisticated magic weapons. He has also learned many of the methods of refining weapons from human cultivators.

The Qingtong Demon King of the Poison Dragon Pond even captured some human cultivators and let them reproduce in the territory of the Poison Dragon Pond, passing on the skills of human cultivators to the monsters for use.

In the past few hundred years, taking advantage of the civil strife and shrinking power of Wu, the Qingtong Demon King has made trouble in the Southern Wilderness and captured many people.

In order to survive in the Poison Dragon Pond, these cultivators could only teach the human cultivators' methods of alchemy, weapon refining, talisman making, and array formation to the monsters, and even they themselves had to serve the monsters in the Poison Dragon Pond.

Fortunately, most monsters are not smart enough, and they need precious resources to open their spiritual wisdom. Even the demon king in the Nascent Soul stage can only let his descendants open their spiritual wisdom in advance, and cannot benefit all the monsters.

Otherwise, the monsters themselves are powerful, and they have learned the immortal arts of human cultivators. The power of the monsters in the Southern Wilderness will increase dramatically. Even if the ten major sects of the Great Zhou join forces, they cannot stop this enemy.

When Zhang Zhixuan's escape light appeared in Huayang Mountain, it was noticed by the low-level monsters nearby. Unfortunately, these low-level monsters have no wisdom and cannot inform Wu Lin of the information in the first time.

When a large number of garrison cultivators in Huayang Mountain withdrew in twos and threes, this situation was noticed by the fifth-level egret who was responsible for monitoring the battlefield.

The fifth-level egret has already opened its spiritual intelligence. After discovering the abnormality of Huayang Mountain, it chased Zhang Zhixuan while passing the news to Wu Lin with the Heart Lock.

Wu Lin originally planned to repeat the old trick and use the strategy of besieging the point to capture the Jin Laozu and his wife.

According to the information from the Poison Dragon Pond, there are only three Jindan-stage cultivators in Qingxuan Sect. In addition to Lu Hongniang, there are only Jin Laozu and his wife in Qingyang Mountain.

This time, they unexpectedly hit Lu Hongniang hard. They thought they had a sure win. Even if Jin Laozu did not take the bait, they could slowly remove Guiyuan Mountain, kill Lu Hongniang and get rid of an enemy, and push the front line back to the vicinity of Zhongxuan Mountain again.

Unexpectedly, the news from the egret was that there was another Jindan-stage cultivator in the direction of Huayang Mountain.

After receiving the news, Wu Lin made a prompt decision and sent a message to the Blood Cloud Marten through the Heart Lock, asking it to quickly eliminate the remaining enemies in Hongling Mountain, freeing up its hands to contain Lu Hongniang and others, and not letting the cultivators of Guiyuan Mountain break through and escape.

Then he sent a command to the fifth-level egret to harass and contain Zhang Zhixuan, while he took the wild boar king to besiege Zhang Zhixuan, ready to deal with an enemy like the last time he ambushed Lu Hongniang.

Wu Lin didn't know that there was a teleportation array leading to the Tianchan Cave on Guiyuan Mountain. After this medium-distance teleportation array was built, it was almost never used except for a few experimental uses.

The cultivators on Guiyuan Mountain had already left a retreat and did not have the heart to break out at the risk of their lives.

After sending off the low-level cultivators on Huayang Mountain, Zhang Zhixuan summoned the God Boat and immediately flew towards Tuo Mountain.

Huayang Mountain is less than 30,000 miles away from Tuo Mountain. According to Zhang Zhixuan's current speed, it is only a day's journey.

They had just left Huayang Mountain when the fifth-level egret caught up with them. This kind of monster beast that is born to fly has a speed far exceeding that of a Jindan cultivator. Even if Zhang Zhixuan controls the God Boat, his speed is not as fast as this egret, and the distance between the two sides gradually began to close.

Seeing the egret catching up, Zhang Zhixuan was prepared. He raised his hand slightly and released the first fifth-level magic weapon, the Golden Light Divine Net.

Instantly, a large net grew against the wind, and a large area of ​​blazing fire appeared on the net, releasing a wall of fire several dozen feet high, and rushed to the front in an instant.

The fifth-level egret was shocked. It was a water-attributed monster and hated fire magic the most.

Seeing that the golden light divine line net was coming very fast and it was difficult to dodge in a hurry, the egret emitted a large amount of blue light from its body, and actually wanted to directly break through the siege of the golden light divine line net.

Unexpectedly, the flames on the golden light divine line net were extremely overbearing, and the blazing fire trapped the egret in the sea of ​​fire in an instant.

The egret emitted blue light all over its body, and the abundant water elemental power in its dantian seemed inexhaustible. Even if it was trapped in the net, its vitality was not damaged at all.

Zhang Zhixuan pinched the magic formula, and the Heavenly Fire Divine Needle flew out suddenly. I saw a red light flew out for a few miles in an instant, fiercely piercing the body of the egret monster.

The Heavenly Fire Divine Needle came from Qing Chan's previous life collection. The grade of this magic weapon is also the fifth-grade middle grade. As a famous Yin weapon in the world of immortal cultivation, the speed of the flying needle magic weapon is extremely amazing.

Just when the egret monster had no reaction, the Heavenly Fire Divine Needle pierced through the defense shield of the egret monster and pierced its body.

The egret monster felt a pain in its body and let out a long howl. In an instant, it spit out a walnut-sized blue inner pill, and its whole body kept shaking, and it actually successfully forced out the flying needle that had shot into its body.

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