Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 600: Star-fixing Talisman

Zhang Zhixuan and his four companions had just come out of Chiyan Island, and the news had been leaked.

The Blood Sun Demon King in the Fire Dragon Abyss Sea can use magic and has been parasitic on the cultivators of the Chiyan Sect for more than a hundred years. More than half of the thirteen cultivators selected that year have now opened up the Purple Palace and become the backbone of the Chiyan Sect.

Although Zhang Zhixuan and his companions did not publicize it, the Chiyan Sect gave him rich demon hunting merits.

As the list of the demon hunting list changes, this matter naturally cannot be concealed from the demon cultivators.

However, Zhang Zhixuan and his four companions have been in seclusion in Fuyun City. Even if the Wulong Demon King hates them to the bone, he does not have the power to break through the sixth-level formation and kill them on Fuyun Mountain for revenge.

This time, the monster siege was actually pushed by the Wulong Demon King. Although he did not succeed in revenge in the past few years, he took advantage of the fact that the ancestor Xuanxin was recovering from his injuries and attacked Fox Spirit Island with internal and external cooperation, which not only weakened the foundation of the Chiyan Sect, but also eliminated a Jindan stage master.

However, with the loss of Wuhou, the demon cultivator who had the best chance of surviving the catastrophe and transforming into a human form, it was hard to tell the outcome of this war.

Among the six demon kings in the Fire Dragon Abyss Sea, the Blood Sun Demon King was the most difficult to deal with. Not only was he powerful, his cultivation was equivalent to that of a sixth-level Yuanying ancestor, but he was also cunning and vicious by nature, and had a powerful magic cultivation spell.

If it weren't for the fact that the Whale Ancient Demon King, who was also in the middle stage of the sixth level, had some conflicts with him, often worked without effort, and didn't like to participate in the fight between humans and demons, the two ancestors Tianyan and Xuanxin might not have been able to hold on for too long.

For Wuhou's death, the Wulong Demon King had already been deeply hurt. If he hadn't taken over from the Canjia Demon King to block the Chiyan Sect, he would not have handed Wuhou, who was surviving the catastrophe, to the Canjia Demon King for care. He didn't expect that outsiders were not reliable at all.

When he encountered danger, the Canjia Demon King hurriedly fled, leaving Wuhou behind.

Sometimes, the Wulong Demon King hated Canjia more than Zhang Zhixuan.

Unfortunately, Canjia, the coward, actually fled back to his lair.

Even if the Wulong Demon King wanted to plot against him, there was no way.

After receiving the information from the Xueyang Demon King, the Wulong Demon King was furious.

He led his army of demon beasts to Guya Island immediately. In order to avoid the low-level demon beasts being too slow, the Wulong Demon King took a step ahead and fled to Guya Island alone, wanting to kill Zhang Zhixuan and others to avenge his son Wuhou.

The main reason for Wuhou's death was that the Huolongyuan demon cultivators did not take good care of him. In order to avenge the Wulong Demon King, the Xueyang Demon King almost ignored the cost and exposed two nails when he broke through the Fox Spirit Island.

This time, in order to kill Zhang Zhixuan, the demon cultivators also gave their all.

Zhang Zhixuan was meditating when he suddenly sensed that a purple mansion cultivator was approaching the teleportation array. In an instant, he did not hesitate at all and slashed the opponent with the Jinhong Sword in his hand.

"Senior Zhang, I have no ill intentions!"

Zhang Zhixuan ignored the man's plea for mercy and chopped his head with the flying sword in his hand.

The man hurriedly offered a defensive magic weapon, but it was pierced by the Golden Rainbow Sword. This cultivator of the third level of the Purple Mansion died easily at the hands of Zhang Zhixuan.

Zhang Zhixuan took out the photo stone and recorded the scene of the killing just now. Then he summoned the monks on guard and said, "I have repeatedly ordered that no one can get close to the teleportation array without permission. This person just disobeyed the order and I have chopped off his head. Send this person's head to the whole island. I don't care how high your cultivation is or how powerful your backers are. Whoever dares to disobey the order will be beheaded by the flying sword in my hand."

Seeing that the cultivators below were sad, they were obviously angry about Zhang Zhixuan's rash killing, but they dared not say anything. Zhang Zhixuan also explained a few words: "The last time your leader formed a team to hunt monsters, the news leaked as soon as the people left the mountain gate, which eventually led to the ancestor Xuanxin being re- The demon cultivators must have planted a nail in the Chiyan Sect, so except for the four Jindan cultivators, no one can get close to the teleportation array. Once someone damages the teleportation array, it will be difficult to defend the island.

You should hand over the storage bag on this person to the sect. I hope you know that if the island is breached, we Jindan cultivators may be able to escape, but low-level cultivators will never be able to survive. It is for your own good to strictly abide by the order, which is beneficial to your destiny and future. "

Compared to Han Yan's kind heart, Zhang Zhixuan's heart is much harder. When he was not very advanced, he could kill his fourteenth uncle with his own hands to establish his prestige and use his head to command the whole clan.

Zhang Zhixuan naturally did not hesitate to take action against such an outsider who violated the order.

Just half a day after killing this person, the Wulong Demon King appeared near Guya Island.

After discovering this Yuanying stage demon cultivator, Zhang Zhixuan instantly knew that his killing of the tribulation demon beast had been exposed.

In an instant, he rang the sound transmission bell and asked for help from the direction of Chiyan Island.

The sound transmission bell hanging on the teleportation array of Guya Island is a set of sixth-level combined magic tools, which is far more powerful than the spiritual jade book of Qingxuan Sect. It can transmit images to various islands in an instant to request assistance.

After receiving the message from Zhang Zhixuan, Chiyan Island was preparing to send monks and teleport assistance. The Wulong Demon King suddenly hit a three-inch black stone talisman.

The stone talisman easily passed through the protective formation and landed directly above the teleportation array.

The stone talisman turned into a mysterious black light, which actually covered the teleportation array of Guya Island. The spiritual light of the teleportation array was a little dim in an instant, and the space was also fixed.

"No, it's the Dingxing Talisman."

With Qingchan, his wife who is a talisman maker, Zhang Zhixuan has a deep understanding of various spiritual talismans. He naturally knows the famous sixth-level spiritual talisman such as the Dingxing Talisman clearly.

This spiritual talisman can fix the space and is the nemesis of various teleportation arrays. It can directly melt the core Xuankong Stone of the teleportation array.

The sixth-level Dingxing Talisman cannot even withstand the intercontinental teleportation array.

Such a talisman is already a strategic treasure, far superior to ordinary spiritual objects of the same level. Even if it is not as precious as the Purple Sun Sky Fire Talisman, it is also a treasure worth more than one million spiritual stones.

The Black Dragon Demon King used this item without hesitation to prevent Zhang Zhixuan from looking for help. This shows how much he hates the enemy who killed his son.

Seeing that the teleportation array was useless, Zhang Zhixuan immediately flew to the center of the array.

"What should I do?"

Qing Chan said with a gloomy face: "I can only hold on. Although my cultivation has improved a little, I am still not a match for the sixth-level poisonous dragon. It is even more impossible to survive if I abandon the formation. The demon king came alone and had no power to break the formation. Now I can only wait for help from other directions."

The Black Dragon Demon King destroyed the teleportation array, let out a crazy long roar, and revealed his original form into a dragon several hundred feet long, raising a huge wave and surging onto the Cliff Island.

The mortal villages and towns near the coast were submerged by the sea in an instant, and the mortals who did not have time to evacuate were killed and injured in an instant.

The mortals on the island are all relatives of the monks of Cliff Island.

Such heavy casualties instantly made the low-level cultivators stationed in the formation silent and howling.

"Don't cry, what's the use of crying? When you cultivate to the Jindan and Yuanying realms, you can naturally hunt monsters for revenge."

The Jindan cultivators were smart and were annoyed by the crying of the crowd. Zhang Zhixuan immediately used the Lion Roar Technique and let out a strong roar.

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