Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 63 Letter from Han Yan

Zhang Zhixuan had just returned to the mountain gate and had not rested for a few days when he received a message from the clan leader asking him to go to the back mountain.

Zhang Zhixuan quickly went to the back mountain and found that things might not be simple.

During the tea time, several other elders who were still on the mountain gate also came one after another. With so many elders coming, something big must have happened in the family.

Zhang Zhixuan thought for a while and didn't know what important things happened in the family recently. Just when he was racking his brains, he heard the patriarch Zhang Leqian say: "The reason why I called everyone here today is because I received a letter from Qing Dynasty." Letters sent by Xuanzong.

The letter was written by Han Yan. In general, besides reporting that she was safe, she hoped that the family would send a few capable people to help her earn some good deeds in preparation for exchanging the Foundation Establishment Pill in the future.

Han Yan has been practicing to the ninth level of Qi training for five years, and now it is almost time for Qingxuan Sect to compete for the foundation building pill. In order to avoid accidents, Han Yan hopes that we will send people over to help her earn some sect good deeds in exchange for building foundation pills. Kidan. "

Seeing Zhang Zhixuan's puzzled face, the clan leader glanced at him and continued to explain: "Han Yan is also known as Zhang Mengxi in the family, her nickname is Han Yan, and she has been a member of Qingxuan Sect for more than fifteen years.

She is a Binglinggen monk. In order to help her further her path, your 19th uncle personally sent her to Qingxuan Sect when she was a teenager.

This incident caused some trouble that year, and the two of them almost died on the road. For this reason, I became furious and executed the two traitors who had colluded with outsiders and leaked family information.

You were still young at the time and had just started practicing, so you didn’t know the details. "

In the clan leader's constant chatter, Zhang Zhixuan knew that Zhang Hanyan, who he had occasionally heard and felt was mysterious when he was young, was the real direct monk of the Zhang family.

She has a close blood relationship with Zhang Tairen, the founder of the sect, and Zhang Chuyun, who developed and expanded the Zhang family. She is the fourth generation member of the Zhang family, the direct great-grandson of Patriarch Tairen, and the great-niece of Patriarch Chuyun.

According to the common hierarchy, her seniority is higher than that of the clan leader.

The patriarch Zhang Leqian is over 160 years old this year, but his father and ancestors were ordinary mortals. According to the genealogy strictly, he is the sixth generation of the Zhang family.

But the seniority of monks is not strictly based on the seniority in the mortal world.

Unless there is a blood relationship between three generations of direct relatives, one will inherit the seniority of his father's generation in the family monks' hierarchy.

For example, Zhang Zhixuan's father is a monk of the Meng generation. He will inherit his father's seniority and become a monk of the Zhi generation. Otherwise, according to the family's age order, he will be considered a monk of the Si generation.

According to the blood relationship in the world, although this Zhang Mengxi is only in her thirties this year, she is nine generations higher than Zhang Zhixuan, and she doesn't know what to call her aunt.

But in terms of seniority among monks, she is only one generation higher than Zhang Zhixuan, and is currently the youngest monk of the Meng generation. If she meets her in the family, just calling her "little aunt" is enough.

After hearing this sudden news, the fourth uncle Zhang Menglong said happily: "If Han Yan can build the foundation, the family's situation will be slightly better. At least there are monks who can speak in Qingxuan Sect, and they can borrow more or less Take a look at the huge resources of Qingxuan Sect.

Since Patriarch Chu Yun passed away, the family has mainly relied on Grandma Yunzhi to take care of her in the Qingxuan Sect. Now Grandma Yunzhi's life is coming soon. Once Grandma Yunzhi passes away, what dignity will our family have in the Qingxuan Sect? "

After listening to what the fourth uncle said, his fifteenth uncle Zhang Mengchong agreed: "Fourth brother is right. Han Yan has been away from Qingxuan Sect for more than ten years, but he has never spoken to the family.

She spoke at this time, presumably because she encountered something difficult. As long as she could successfully build the foundation, she could alleviate the family's unfavorable situation.

Moreover, Han Yan's spiritual roots are very good, and she has a high chance of advancing to the Zifu stage. As long as she becomes a Zifu stage monk, the family will prosper again. "

The patriarch Zhang Leqian let everyone express their opinions, and then made the final decision: "Since everyone agrees to go, we will dispatch the most elite manpower.

This time, you four elders, Meng Long, Meng Chong, Meng Qin and Zhixuan, are going to Qingxuan Sect together.

Meng Long is a third-level formation mage. With the formation techniques, the four of you will be able to fight even if you meet a foundation-building monk. Who will win when the time comes?

With the four of you taking action, you have experience and cultivation, and I feel completely at ease. "

After everyone had discussed it, they began to say goodbye to their relatives. Early the next morning, the four of them went down the mountain together and went straight to the gate of Qingxuan Sect.

Qingxuanzong's mountain gate is close to Nanhuang Mountain, which is about the same distance as Zhang Zhixuan's last trip to Nanhuang. However, Black Mountain is farther to the east, while Qingxuanzong's mountain gate is farther to the west.

Qingxuan Sect straddles two major spiritual mountains. Qingyang Mountain and Zhongxuan Mountain cross and merge, gathering the essence of the two major spiritual veins and jointly creating the foundation of this sect near the Southern Wilderness Mountain.

Initially, Qingxuan Sect established the mountain gate just to monitor the strange movements of the Southern Wilderness monsters. It was regarded as the first line of defense established by human monks in front of the Southern Wilderness monsters.

Over thousands of years, as human monks continued to expand and enterprising, Qingxuan Sect gradually established a firm foothold, turning the three southeastern counties into the hinterland of human existence. He also established several monk towns in the Southern Wilderness, gradually spreading his influence to the mountains of the Southern Wilderness.

Compared with the chaotic Heishan area, the monk towns controlled by Qingxuan Sect seemed to be more orderly. Zhang Zhixuan and the four of them basically encountered no accidents along the way, let alone any evil incidents such as killing people and seizing treasures.

Several people went straight to the mountain gate of Qingxuan Sect and handed the letter to the gate.

Fourth uncle Zhang Menglong was an old and experienced man, and he quietly handed a spiritual stone to the receptionist.

The Qingxuan Sect had a vast territory, and their mountain gate spanned two sacred mountains, which was ten thousand miles in radius. A cultivator in the Qi training stage would have to spend one or two months running around the mountain gate of the Qingxuan Sect.

While waiting for news, Zhang Zhixuan and his four companions lived directly in the mortal town outside the Qingxuan Sect's mountain gate.

There were countless small towns scattered around the Qingxuan Sect's mountain gate, especially on the north side. Most of the mortals in these towns were descendants of the Qingxuan Sect's Qi training cultivators.

They enjoyed the care of the Qingxuan Sect and lived and multiplied in a safe environment.

After thousands of years, the population of these towns has increased, exceeding that of the three southeastern counties. Now most of the Qingxuan Sect's entry-level cultivators are selected from these mortal towns.

Zhang Zhixuan and his companions waited for more than two months before their aunt Zhang Hanyan came out of the mountain gate to greet them.

After all, the Qingxuan Sect had a territory of ten thousand miles, and there were hundreds of sacred mountains and spiritual veins in it. It took more than two months from the time I received the letter to the time I arrived at the mountain gate.

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