Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 631: Testing

Although Yang Xuanzhen has a longer seniority in Xuansu Sect than Liu Xuanyan, she was able to cultivate the Nascent Soul with the help of Liu Xuanyan.

Her cultivation and magical powers are far inferior to Liu Xuanyan, and Yang Xuanzhen's status in Xuansu Sect is still far inferior to Liu Xuanyan.

She betrayed and attacked Liu Xuanyan that year, and kept the matter hidden in the dark.

The public statement of Xuansu Sect was that Liu Xuanyan encountered an accident and disappeared outside.

In the end, it was Liu Lingjun who received the master's message and directly attacked Yang Xuanzhen, making the matter known to the world.

Even if Yang Xuanzhen resolutely refused to admit it, the cultivators of the Hundred Sects in the Southern Wilderness tacitly accepted that she was a traitor.

From then on, Liu Lingjun's name became a taboo in Xuansu Sect. After hundreds of years, ordinary low-level disciples had no knowledge of this old matter. Liu Lingjun, a well-known Nascent Soul cultivator, had no record in Xuansu Sect.

However, this kind of thing is a scandal after all, and the high-level cultivators of Xuansu Sect also try not to mention Liu Lingjun's name to avoid irritating and angering Yang Xuanzhen and his disciples.

Hearing Yang Xuanzhen and Yu Hanxiang mention their old friend, the two Jindan cultivators of Xuansu Sect turned pale, sweating all over their bodies, and even their hands and feet were shaking.

In the civil war of Xuansu Sect, seven out of seventeen Jindan cultivators died in the battle, and only more than half of them survived.

This also includes the three Jindan cultivators captured and surrendered by Yuan Yanlai and others. Yang Xuanzhen's direct line only has four Jindan cultivators left, and the remaining few are also fence-sitters who can't be relied on at critical moments.

In the past three hundred years, the three Jindan cultivators who surrendered that year have lived in fear, like turtles who shrink their heads and dare not take the lead in everything.

Even so, Yang Xuanzhen was on guard against them. These three people were all restricted by Yang Xuanzhen. Although they saved their lives, they actually had no freedom.

"Master, according to our spies hiding in Qingxuan Sect, the development of Qingxuan Sect has been extremely rapid in recent years. Judging from the soul lamps in their ancestral hall, this sect already has eight Jindan stage masters. These eight Jindan cultivators, Taoist Jinlan, Hu Peiyu, Lu Hongniang, Luo Ziyan, Zhang Zhixuan, Liu Qingchan, and Zhang Hanyan, have well-documented and clear origins.

The only key secret is the Jindan master You Nianwei. His early cultivation experience is like a fog, and even our spies hiding in Qingxuan Sect can't find a single clue."

The person who spoke was Yang Xuanzhen's third disciple Su Menghan, who was at the eighth level of Jindan and was the only two left among Yang Xuanzhen's five Jindan disciples.

Yang Xuanzhen was very good at training disciples, and he brought out five Jindan disciples in those days.

Among them, the fourth disciple Yu Luoyan had the best comprehension and the best opportunities.

Unfortunately, this person was unlucky and died at the hands of Fan Yanling, the second disciple of Liu Xuanyan. Although Yang Xuanzhen later seized the opportunity to kill Fan Yanling, it was a pity that after losing this disciple of the inheritance, even after three hundred years, Xuansu Sect still had no successors, and no one could cultivate to the stage of forming an infant.

On the contrary, Liu Guyan, who was at the same level at that time, had already cultivated to the stage of refining the Nascent Soul.

After listening to Su Menghan's analysis, Yu Hanxiang nodded slightly and said: "In addition to You Nianwei, the three golden elixirs of the Zhang family are also suspected. According to rumors, Liu Qingchan and Zhang Zhixuan can use the innate purple qi magic. Although it is not the purple sun sky fire passed down by Liu Xuanyan, we also have to explore their footsteps. In addition, Hu Peiyu's path of cultivation is also a little unclear."

After listening to the analysis of the two disciples, Yang Xuanzhen hesitated.

In her heart, she had already preconceived that Liu Xuanyan had recovered her cultivation.

Yang Xuanzhen's fear of Liu Xuanyan was ingrained in his bones. Even Liu Lingjun, Liu Xuanyan's disciple, was no match for her more than 200 years ago.

Even looking for reinforcements from Yanghuo Palace was not an easy task.

Three hundred years ago, a Yuanying cultivator of Yanghuo Palace had died in Wu State. In order to calm the matter, not only did the treasures of Xuansu Sect let Yanghuo Palace choose, but Yang Xuanzhen also offered his virgin Yuanyin to become a double cultivation partner with Ji Xuande to help him recover from his injuries.

This matter has always been a great shame in Yang Xuanzhen's heart.

Moreover, Ji Xuande was severely injured by Liu Xuanyan 300 years ago, and his cultivation has stagnated.

This person is a Yuanying who has been around for many years and has already turned a corner, and has long cut off his retreat.

In addition, his disciple, Yuanying cultivator Liang Xinsu, died under Liu Lingjun's Ziyang Tianhuo Talisman.

Ji Xuande's status in Yanghuo Palace has long been much worse than before, and he may not be able to have the support he had 300 years ago.

Yang Xuanzhen wanted to send a large army to remove the nail of Huanshui Sect.

He was also afraid that he would fall into Liu Lingjun's ambush if he went down the mountain rashly.

Liu Lingjun deliberately spread the false news that Liu Xuanyan had turned the disaster around, and lured her to Yu State to set up an ambush.

If Yang Xuanzhen had not made a prompt decision and fled without caring about her face, she might not have survived under the Ziyang Tianhuo Talisman.

Once he chose to take the risk of going down the mountain, it would definitely lead to a brutal battle.

Two hundred years ago, Yang Xuanzhen did not dare to start a war rashly. Today, two hundred years later, Xuansu Sect is even less likely to win.

On the contrary, if they guard the mountain gate tightly, they can still survive for a while.

The mountain gate's mountain protection formation has been rearranged by the Huoyang Palace monks. With Yang Xuanzhen sitting in the Goddess Peak, even if three times the number of enemies come to attack, they can hold on for a long time.

They have the spiritual veins to rely on and occupy the terrain. Even if they fight a war of attrition, they can make the enemy very uncomfortable.

Moreover, with Ji Xuande holding them back, Liu Lingjun and the others had to guard their old nest and divide their forces to guard it.

Even if Yang Xuanzhen passed away, the Goddess Peak might not be lost.

Yu Hanxiang said: "According to the information sent by our insider in Huanshui Sect, a few years ago, another demonic riot occurred in Huanshui Sect. Thousands of cultivators in Wulong Ridge were sacrificed by the demon cultivators. Huanshui Sect joined forces with the Jindan cultivators of Qingxuan Sect to drive Lu Shaoling away. The demon cultivators set up a large Yin gathering formation in Wulong Ridge, forming a Xuanyin ghost cave, which is now guarded by the Zhang couple of Qingxuan Sect.

In addition, Chen Yunfeng of Huanshui Sect has had a surge in opportunities in recent years. It seems that he has discovered the cave of the Yuanying Sect and brought back more than 100,000 jade slips from outside. These jade slips not only contain the skills of the Yuanying period, but also many exquisite inheritances of the hundred arts of cultivation. Even the collection of our Sutra Pavilion is far inferior to it."

Hearing this news, Su Menghan raised his eyebrows and asked: "Can Can't we send spies to copy these jade slips and enrich our collection of books? "

Yu Hanxiang shook her head and said, "Huanshui Sect attaches great importance to this collection of books. A blood oath contract needs to be signed before the jade slips are engraved. Even if we ignore this group of insiders, once a large number of jade slips are engraved, I am afraid they will be exposed on the spot.

It is not easy to cultivate an insider. Huanshui Sect has a deep entanglement with us, so it is easy for us to insert a large number of people. Qingxuan Sect used to be our vassal, so we can arrange some people to infiltrate Qingxuan Sect. "

Yang Xuanzhen waved her hand and interrupted the conversation of the two. She took a few steps back and forth and said thoughtfully: "I think we should send someone to test the Zhang couple in the Evil Ghost Cave first, and let them go to the Goddess Peak to see if they can still hide. "

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