Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 639 Killing the Egret

Wulin is the most intelligent and assists the human Purple Mansion monks of Guiyuan Mountain to guard the Guiyuan Mountain formation. The remaining three fifth-level monsters lead their monster army and continue to attack, contain and harass everyone, hoping to disrupt the rhythm of the Qingxuan Sect monks and use the formation to block the enemy.

Unfortunately, Zhang Zhixuan's side has an absolute advantage this time. They are not opponents in the field battle, and the Wulin Monster King naturally cannot stop Qingchan from breaking the formation.

The fog formation is the easiest to break. Qingchan was busy for only two or three days before he led Wang Chengxiang into the formation, easily defeated Wulin, pulled out the formation flag and dissolved the fog on Guiyuan Mountain.

It takes a long time to fix the ground veins, and it takes a long time to break through the formation eyes one by one.

However, Qingchan led his men to steadily break the ground veins and gradually break the ground veins. As the ground veins were fixed by Qingchan, the power of the formation has weakened by about two or three points.

The Guiyuan Mountain formation has been modified by the monster king and is a veritable fifth-level formation with very good defense.

Unfortunately, Wu Lin did not understand the formation. The seven human purple mansion slaves on the mountain were not as good at formation as Qing Chan, so they could only sit and watch the formation being broken bit by bit.

Not as strong as others, the key points of the formation were lost one by one.

The monster Wu Lin was also secretly worried about this. It knew in its heart that defeat was inevitable, and the top priority was to save itself.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Zhang Zhixuan said to the monks who had been attacking the formation for a day: "That's it for today! Everyone disperse, replenish mana at night, and try not to delay your practice. When you set up camp at night, don't be careless and obey the orders of the purple mansion monks in the main camp."

More than 6,000 monks, with camps of 800 miles, surrounded the three sides of Guiyuan Mountain.

There were eight camps at the foot of the mountain, and each camp was guarded by purple mansion monks.

The foundation-building monks served as the backbone of the camp, and led the Qi training monks to form small formations. The camp was set up with a fourth-grade top-grade formation, which was easy to defend and difficult to attack. Even if facing a group of fifth-grade monsters, they could resist for a while. .

Zhang Zhixuan and other Jindan-stage masters would personally patrol the camp at night.

Jindan-stage cultivators were different from ordinary people. Even if they did not sleep for three consecutive months, they could still be full of energy.

Even if they were very sleepy, as long as they meditated for an hour, they could recover quickly and feel refreshed.

It was past midnight, and the low-level cultivators in the camp had just fallen asleep.

Zhang Zhixuan was flying high in the sky to patrol the camp, and suddenly heard a rumbling roar.

"No, it's a monster that has stolen the camp!"

Zhang Zhixuan was startled and immediately blew a conch shell.

A high-pitched and sharp horn sounded instantly, and the horn sound spread far away, and it could be easily heard even thousands of miles away.

The conch shell in Zhang Zhixuan's hand was naturally a magic weapon, called the Soul-Shocking Conch. The level of the magic weapon was only fourth-grade middle-grade, which could play the role of sound attack. Used in the aspect of warning and early warning, it can better play the effectiveness of this magic weapon.

The speed of the monster beasts coming is very fast. Before the monks in the camp are ready, a large number of beasts are rushing towards Zhang Zhixuan.

Zhang Zhixuan's escape light flashed, and he released two fifth-level magic weapons, the Golden Sun Thunder Fire Map and the Sky Fire Divine Needle.

Although the single-unit killing power of these two fifth-level magic weapons is slightly insufficient, they are suitable for large-scale group attacks, especially the Golden Sun Thunder Fire Map, which releases a large sea of ​​fire. Any low-level monster beast wrapped in the sea of ​​fire will be reduced to ashes in a moment.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, Zhang Zhixuan successfully hunted dozens of low-level monster beasts.

This time, the monster beasts came down the mountain, and the three armies almost came out in full force.

The three fifth-level monster beasts, the egret, the blood cloud marten, and the wild boar king, appeared one after another and surrounded Zhang Zhixuan at the first time.

The fifth-level unicorn was the fastest, and a white light spurted out of its mouth and hit Zhang Zhixuan's head.

Zhang Zhixuan did not have a suitable defensive magic weapon, so he could only release the Purple Qi Xuan Gang in advance to protect himself inside the shield.

His body turned and flew in the air, constantly dodging and moving, but unfortunately he still could not get rid of the pursuit of the fifth-level egret.

The white light hit the purple cloud, but did not penetrate the protection of the purple qi Xuan Gang.

Seeing that he could not succeed, the fifth-level egret stretched out his claws and pounced on Zhang Zhixuan.

The purple qi Xuan Gang is good at restraining attacks such as spells and souls, but not good at defending against sticks and flying swords.

Once it is clawed by the fifth-level egret, it is possible to break the protective shield of the purple qi Xuan Gang.

Zhang Zhixuan considered this very clearly.

Zhang Zhixuan flew around aimlessly, but unfortunately he still could not get rid of the fifth-level egret. The two figures chased each other up and down, front and back, and danced in the air like a pair of mandarin ducks. .

Seeing that the egret was not far away from him, Zhang Zhixuan spit out the Sky Fire Divine Needle in his hand, and a starlight shot directly at the fifth-level egret.

The fifth-level egret was Zhang Zhixuan's old rival, and he suffered a great loss from the Heavenly Fire Needle last time.

Seeing this magic weapon again, he was a little frightened and immediately flew back a few hundred feet.

At this time, a large number of monsters had already attacked the camp, and the Purple Mansion cultivators had begun to organize forces to resist the monsters.

Zhu Wuya, who was closest to Zhang Zhixuan, reacted the fastest and had already sacrificed the fifth-level white wolf puppet to reinforce Zhang Zhixuan.

Zhang Zhixuan had just dodged the attack of the fifth-level egret, and the attack of the blood cloud marten was coming soon.

The blood cloud marten let out a sharp roar and sprayed a blood light from its mouth.

The blood light rose in the wind and turned into a large blood cloud, covering Zhang Zhixuan's head.

The blood cloud marten had a deadly poison in its body. Zhang Zhixuan had just repelled the egret and was covered by the blood light before he could dodge.

Fortunately, with the protection of the purple qi and black gang, the blood cloud could not invade the flesh.

However, Zhang Zhixuan still felt a trace of fishy smell, and immediately felt a little dizzy and tinnitus, obviously poisoned.

If he didn't make a change, he might not be able to hold on for too long.

Zhang Zhixuan immediately held his breath and used the fire escape technique to quickly escape from the blood cloud.

He released the Heavenly Fire Divine Needle to chase the fifth-level egret while sacrificing the Golden Rainbow Sword to slash at the Blood Cloud Marten. He was distracted and fought with two fifth-level monsters.

Zhu Wuya took the lead and stopped the slowest fifth-level mid-stage wild boar.

Compared with a decade ago, Zhang Zhixuan's mana increased by 30%, and he could not lose even when facing the siege of two fifth-level monsters.

Seeing the fifth-level egret swooping down again, Zhang Zhixuan waved his hand and released a net-like magic weapon.

A fire net appeared instantly, turning into a fire wall with a radius of several hundred feet, wrapping the fifth-level egret.

The egret used its claws and beak to tear through the golden light divine line net, but unfortunately this fifth-level magic weapon was very tough and could not be successful in a short time.

At the same time, the Skyfire Needle arrived in an instant and hit the head of the fifth-level egret in an instant.

This fifth-level monster with the fastest flying speed was killed by its enemy in an instant due to its recklessness and carelessness.

The materials on the fifth-level monster are all treasures, and in this chaotic situation, they are easily swallowed by low-level monsters. Zhang Zhixuan's escape light flashed, and he used the object control spell to pull the egret's corpse onto the spirit boat.

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