Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 65 Sect Mission

Everyone followed Zhang Hanyan into her cave, and the fourth uncle Zhang Menglong spoke first: "Since you are ready to fight for the foundation-building pill, the only way is to use good deeds to exchange. How many good deeds do you have now?

How many good deeds did your sect need to exchange for the foundation-building pill in previous years?"

The good deeds of the Qingxuan Sect are basically equivalent to spiritual stones, which can be exchanged with each other. As long as both parties agree, the exchange of good deeds can be completed with a notarization by the deacon elder.

So some old sect errand disciples and outer disciples will accumulate a lot of good deeds, and then marry and have children in the mortal world. Once the children have spiritual roots, they will be sent back to the mountain gate.

In this way, after accumulating for two or three generations, a large amount of good deeds can be accumulated. If the descendants have good spiritual roots, they can often exchange for the foundation-building pill and successfully build the foundation.

"I have only just started to think about joining the Qingxuan Sect, and I have not yet accumulated too many merits.

Although I have the help of my family, I do not need to spend merits to exchange for cultivation techniques, and I also have the magic tools given by my family to use, which saves a lot of merits.

But until now, I have only accumulated 800 merits.

It takes 10,000 merits for a ninth-level Qi training cultivator to exchange for a foundation-building pill. If a foundation-building cultivator exchanges for a foundation-building pill, the price will double, and the sect has a rule that a foundation-building cultivator can only exchange one foundation-building pill in a decade.

My merits are still far from 10,000 merits."

The merits of the Qingxuan Sect are about one merit equal to one low-grade spirit stone.

In the Qingxuan Sect, the price of a foundation-building pill is about 10,000 spirit stones, and this is still a preferential price for internal cultivators.

Although the foundation-building pill is a third-grade upper-grade spirit pill, its price is far higher than most fourth-grade spirit pills.

Even a foundation-building cultivator can hardly save 20,000 merits to exchange for a foundation-building pill.

After all, foundation-building cultivators also need to do good deeds in exchange for various cultivation resources such as elixirs, exercises, magic tools, and spiritual objects.

In the entire Yu Kingdom's cultivation world, except for the four major sects that can continuously refine foundation-building pills, other families, even if they have accumulated for three to five hundred years, can hardly refine a furnace of foundation-building pills.

On the Black Mountain, only one or two furnaces of foundation-building pills are refined every thirty to fifty years.

Once the foundation-building pill is refined on the Black Mountain, it will cause a great sensation.

Countless casual cultivators will flock to compete for the foundation-building pill. This grand occasion has also become a grand event for the Black Mountain cultivators. Once it happens, people will talk about it for a long time.

The market price of the foundation-building pill in the Black Mountain Market is often higher than the internal price of the Qingxuan Sect, and sometimes even comes with some harsh conditions.

After Zhang Hanyan's explanation, the four of them had figured out the conditions for exchanging the foundation-building pills in the Qingxuan Sect. Fifteenth uncle Zhang Mengchong said, "Hanyan, you asked us to come here to help you complete tasks and earn merits, right?

Since your merits are far behind, I wonder if you can catch up with this exchange?"

"Fifteenth brother, the Qingxuan Sect refines a furnace of foundation-building pills every ten years, and there are still two or three years before the next furnace is opened for refining.

I mean, I'm afraid it will take you a long time this time.

If you can't catch up this time, I hope you can help me for five years. If the merits are still insufficient after five years, I will find a way to earn the remaining merits myself."

Fifteenth uncle Zhang Mengchong said, "We are one family, so we don't have to talk about different things. As long as you can successfully build your foundation, we will just spend a few years.

Even if you don't have enough merits this time, we can help you collect enough merits next time."

Fourth uncle Zhang Menglong also said, "Mengchong is right. The old man is over eighty years old and has no hope on the road. If you can't collect enough merits in three years, let Zhixuan and the other two go home, and the old man will stay to help you. There will always be a day when you can collect enough merits."

Seeing everyone express their opinions, Zhang Hanyan was also very happy. In the world of immortal cultivation, she finally felt a little warmth today.

Even her master, Taoist Yunzhi, did not make such an effort to help her.

The achievements of Taoist Yunzhi on the road were still due to the help of her elder Zhang Chuyun. It was because she became Zhang Chuyun's Taoist partner that she had enough resources to practice. It was also because Zhang Chuyun exchanged the foundation-building pill for her that she finally succeeded in building her foundation.

After Zhang Hanyan became a disciple of Taoist Yunzhi, she only got the status of an inner disciple and obtained some skills inheritance.

Hanyan had ice spirit roots, which made her suitable for practicing the ice-attributed skills passed down by the Zhang family. The spells passed down by Taoist Yunzhi were more of reference value, and she did not practice them.

Even though she exchanged for the foundation-building pill, Taoist Yunzhi did not give it to her as the successor, but gave it to his nephew in the family whom he had not met for many years.

From then on, Zhang Hanyan knew that if she wanted to build a foundation and take a few steps forward on the path, her master could no longer be relied on. In addition to relying on herself, she could only rely on the relatives she had not seen for many years.

After listening to Zhang Hanyan's introduction, Zhang Zhixuan spoke for the first time: "According to what my aunt said, if you want to earn a lot of good deeds, the first thing is to use precious immortal cultivation resources to exchange.

Our family originally lacks various immortal cultivation resources, so this method may not work.

The second is to complete some sect tasks that take a long time. Although we have five people, it is difficult for outsiders to intervene in such tasks, and it will also waste a lot of time.

Only some good deeds tasks that take a short time, have a lot of good deeds rewards, and are difficult to complete are most suitable for us.

Aunt, are there such tasks?"

After hearing Zhang Zhixuan's question, Zhang Hanyan said hesitantly: "The tasks you mentioned do exist, but they are more dangerous."

Zhang Zhixuan smiled and said: "For cultivators to practice Taoism, there are no threats there?

If you want peace and comfort, don't set foot on the road. Mortals also face various threats such as plagues, natural disasters, monsters, and evil cultivators, not to mention us, who are high and mighty. "

Zhang Hanyan nodded and said, "In that case, we can only go deep into the Southern Wilderness.

There are many monsters in the depths of the Southern Wilderness, occupying a large number of spiritual mountains and spiritual veins. Especially in the buffer zone between my Qingxuan Sect and the Southern Wilderness, there are many third-level monsters rampant. Killing these monsters can gain a large number of good deeds.

More than half of the foundation-building cultivators in the sect have the task of killing this kind of monster every year. Killing this kind of monster not only can gain the sect's reward good deeds, but the monster's materials are also quite valuable.

However, most of the monsters that can enter the sect's mission are of higher grade, all of which are monsters above the third level. The five of us are a little insufficient to go there. Do you want me to choose a few more companions from the sect, so that the cost will be slightly lower. "

Zhang Menglong shook his head and said, "Don't call outsiders. There are intrigues among cultivators. When we are outside, there are no rules to restrain us. Half of our energy will be on these outsiders.

The monsters are not smart enough, so we can use formations to hunt down low-level third-level monsters. In my opinion, we have a great chance of success.

The five of us are all ninth-level cultivators of Qi training. Using the third-level formation, it is no problem to trap and kill the third-level monsters.

As long as the plan is detailed and comprehensive, it may not cost too much. "

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