Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 695: Dying

After the establishment of the Ziyang Sect, although no celebrations were held, its reputation quickly spread throughout the Yu Kingdom.

Yang Xuanzhen planted a nail in the Yu State, and she was naturally aware of this matter immediately.

Hearing that Liu Lingjun led his people to rebel, he switched to the Ziyang Sect and became the Supreme Elder.

Yang Xuanzhen summoned the sect's golden elixir and sneered: "Four hundred years ago, I said that Liu Lingjun had the intention to rebel against the sect. Many people still didn't believe it. They sympathized with her and felt that I was unfair in dealing with the sect. The main culprit of the sect's decline. Now this man's wolfish ambition was finally revealed, and he publicly founded the Ziyang Sect, causing the founder to lose face in Quanxia.

Yao Zongxian, you know who I am talking about.

Liu Lingjun rebelled, why did Yuan Yanlai stay in Yu State?

You go to Yu State immediately and tell her that if she doesn't come back, I will activate the Heart-Eating Gu and make all her relatives and friends suffer. "

Hearing Yang Xuanzhen's roll call, Yao Zongxian hurriedly knelt on the ground, not daring to disobey Yang Xuanzhen's orders.

In the past few hundred years, he and Yuan Yanlai had lived in extremely difficult times in the Xuan Su Sect.

Liu Lingjun was defeated and left, leaving his followers to suffer.

Because his wife, children and children were controlled by others, Yao Zongxian had bowed his head to Yang Xuanzhen and worked hard without complaint for hundreds of years. The dignified Jindan monks come and go as soon as they are summoned, just like slaves.

Yang Xuanzhen did not dare to send his direct disciples to the Yu Kingdom, so he could only let Yao Zongxian find out the truth about the Ziyang Sect.

After three hundred years of testing, Yang Xuanzhen already knew that holding Yao Zongxian's wife, children, and relatives was equivalent to holding his fate, and there was no need for Yao Zongxian to rebel.

After Yao Zongxian accepted the order, he hurried to Lingjing Mountain without having time to say goodbye to his wife and children.

The area around Lingjing Mountain is in full swing, with thousands of monks building a city.

Every brick and wood in Ziyang City is built with spiritual objects, and its specifications are higher than those of Danxia City, Fuyun City and other major immortal cities.

It may take dozens or even hundreds of years to complete the construction of Ziyang City.

After Yao Zongxian sent the letter, he was quickly summoned by Zhang Zhixuan.

Although this man followed Liu Lingjun back then, more than four hundred years later, Zhang Zhixuan was not clear about this man's true intentions, so he did not dare to take him into the underground cave of Lingjing Mountain.

There are many secrets in the underground cave, and once they are revealed, it will be troublesome for the Ziyang Sect, and it will easily lead to prying eyes from outsiders. Especially the Yunxiao Sect, in order to monopolize the profits of the cross-continental teleportation array, conflict will inevitably break out with the Ziyang Sect.

The place where Zhang Zhixuan summoned Yao Zongxian was the Patriarch Hall.

The Patriarch Hall is the earliest sect building to be completed. The ranks of the Patriarchs of the Qingxuan and Huanshui Sects have all moved into the Patriarch Hall, while less than half of the Patriarchs of the Xuansu Sect have moved in.

The Xuansu Sect was passed down to the fourth generation of Yang Xuanzhen, and the inheritance period is slightly shorter than that of the Qingxuan Sect, less than three thousand years ago.

However, the inheritance of Liu Xuanyan's sect is relatively short.

Although Liu Xuanyan was born in a sect, his master was only a foundation-building monk, and his apprenticeship was similar to that of Han Yan.

She did not use any external objects to build the foundation or Zifu. The person who was the best and most helpful to her back then was Yu Xiulian, a senior Jindan monk from the Huanshui Sect.

Yang Xuanzhen also wanted to accept her as his disciple back then. Because she was pregnant with the Heavenly Book, Liu Xuanyan did not want to become a disciple of the Jindan monk to avoid leaking the Heavenly Book by spending time together, so she politely refused because she did not want to join another master.

Because of this incident, she spent a long period of time practicing in Yushan, Huanshui Sect in her early years to avoid any bad luck with Yang Xuanzhen.

After becoming enlightened, Liu Xuanyan repaid his kindness and helped Yu Xiulian's disciples Chen Yunfeng and Xia Youqing condense the golden elixir.

Because of his low cultivation level, Master Liu Xuanyan’s tablet cannot enter the Patriarch Hall. It wasn't until she became the Nascent Soul that the master's tablet was placed in an inconspicuous corner.

This time when the Ziyang Sect was founded, the portrait of this foundation-building monk was hung majestically in the most conspicuous place in the Patriarch Hall.

In recent years, Liu Guyan and Liu Lingjun have explained to him some of the secrets of Xuan Suzong back then. Zhang Zhixuan also has a little understanding of Yao Zongxian's life experience.

Yao Zongxian followed Liu Lingjun and suffered a lot, and his path was cut off.

Even though Yang Xuanzhen had taken control of his life and was temporarily on the opposite side, Zhang Zhixuan couldn't show anyone's face.

He politely asked Yao Zongxian to sit down, made a cup of spiritual tea, and served it to the man with his own hands: "Brother Yao Dao has suffered a lot in these years. On behalf of the Supreme Elder, I apologize to Brother Yao. Brother Yao is here today. Because Yang Xuan is really sending it? As long as I can do it here, I will never put Brother Yao in trouble. "

Seeing Zhang Zhixuan's words so straightforwardly, Yao Zongxian did not beat around the bush and said: "I came to the Ziyang Sect for two reasons. The first is to find out more about the Ziyang Sect, and the second is for Senior Sister Yuan."

Yao Zongxian scanned his consciousness and found that there were no outsiders nearby, so he said cautiously: "Yang Xuanzhen has given an ultimatum. If Senior Sister Yuan doesn't go back this time, she will activate the Heart-Eating Gu and anger her disciples and relatives."

Yuan Yanlai can be considered a member of Liu Xuanyan's lineage. Her master is Liu Xuanyan's junior sister. Her cultivation level has only reached the Zifu stage and has been incarnate for six hundred years.

Yuan Yanlai was from a vassal family of Wu State, and all relatives in this family were controlled by Yang Xuanzhen. However, she herself was not married, and all her direct relatives had passed away. She had long since cut off her secular ties, and her feelings for the people of the Wu Kingdom were relatively weak.

Yang Xuanzhen may not be able to do so if he wants to take advantage of this matter.

Zhang Zhixuan said: "Don't worry about Senior Sister Yuan. Her mind has been sealed by the Supreme Elder. Although she can't solve the hidden danger of the Heart-eating Gu, her life is not in danger. But now she is inconvenient to move, I will arrange for you to meet later.

As for Senior Sister Yuan's clansmen, as long as there is a grudge, we will settle the account in the future. I know Yang Xuanzhen has left a way out, but you can tell her directly that we will give her at most 60 years. If she dares to destroy every blade of grass and tree on the Goddess Peak and kills anyone in anger, even if she hides in the Yanghuo Palace in the future, we will definitely chop off her head."

After talking with Yao Zongxian for a while, Zhang Zhixuan did not take the initiative to ask him about the inside story of Wu Guoxuansu Sect. Instead, he took him to see Yuan Yanlai, and by the way, he reminisced with old friends such as Liu Guyan and Chen Yunfeng.

When he met Yuan Yanlai, Yao Zongxian found that she was already gray-haired and looked as if she was about to die.

Calculating her age, Yuan Yanlai's life span is over 800 years old. Among the sect's golden elixir, her age is only slightly younger than Gu Xuanzhou.

According to their ages, they are both at the time of sitting and passing away.

Yuan Yanlai is a second-level spiritual root cultivator. With the support of Liu Xuanyan, she has cultivated to the seventh level of golden elixir at the age of 400, and has a 30% to 50% chance of becoming a Yuanying. Unfortunately, her second half of her life was not smooth, and she was ruined by Yang Xuanzhen. She has not made any progress in her cultivation for 400 years.

Seeing Yuan Yanlai's appearance, Yao Zongxian seemed to see his own tomorrow.

More than 400 years ago, Yao Zongxian's cultivation was far superior to Liu Guyan.

Now Liu Guyan is on the verge of forming a baby, and his life span is only about 50 to 60 years left. He has not made any progress in his path in 400 years.

From Zhang Zhixuan's tone, he already knew that the Ziyang Sect's counterattack would have to wait for 60 years, and his life span might not be able to wait until that day.

Once he, a golden elixir cultivator, dies, his family members will be of no use to Yang Xuanzhen.

If Yang Xuanzhen gets angry, his life may not be saved.

His wife is a Purple Mansion cultivator who has been in meditation for more than 200 years.

His son and daughter are under house arrest in Shennv Mountain by Yang Xuanzhen. They can't live much longer and may die before him.

His grandson and nephew are foundation-building cultivators who have not lived half their lives.

Yao Zongxian is most worried about these young people. He wants to do something for them. Even if he passes away, he wants them to save their lives.

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