Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 710: Exchange of High-level God-asking Talisman

Qing Chan has reached the final stage of forming a baby, and should not have wasted time to go to Da Zhou.

However, the last time they went to Da Zhou, they killed four Jindan monks of Wuji Sect and provoked Liang Zhou of Wuji Sect's Yuanying Palace.

Fu Yanxin of Baihe Cave, Tan Yongqi of Yuhe Tower and other monks of Huoshan City have dealt with them several times. These people must not be able to withstand the pressure of Yuanying monks, and their identities may have been exposed.

Although Tan Yongqi and Fu Yanxin did not know which country the two came from, their surnames and names, and which sect they were from.

However, their background is nothing more than from the 100 sects in the Southern Wilderness.

The 100 sects in the Southern Wilderness add up to only 500 to 600 Jindan monks, and only a few of them have great magical powers.

More than 30 years have passed, and Wuji Sect must have figured out their background. The reason why they have not appeared in these years is probably because of the reputation of Liu Xuanyan, Liu Lingjun and others, and they dare not send high-level monks into the territory of Yu State.

Although Wuji Sect is powerful, it also has opponents in Da Zhou.

To fight against the Ziyang Sect of Yu State, which has the advantage of terrain, at least double the force must be drawn. In this way, seven or eight Yuanying elders will be needed to lead a large number of Jindan Zifu to take action.

Although the Wuji Sect is strong, it does not have such a strong force to draw a large number of Yuanying away from Da Zhou.

Although the Wuji Sect is unable to invade Yu State, their strength in Da Zhou is far beyond the imagination of the Ziyang Sect.

The Wuji Sect has 16 Yuanying cultivators and about 300 Jindan cultivators. Even if half of the manpower cannot be easily mobilized. It is also easy to send Yuanying cultivators to hunt down Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan, the two outsiders.

The 18 Jindan of Ziyang Sect, even Kang Duhe and Wang Chengxiang, who have just formed a Dan, have traveled in Da Zhou for many years.

No matter who goes to Da Zhou, it will become full of crises.

Once the identity of the Yu State Ziyang Sect cultivator is exposed, it is easy to be caught by the Wuji Sect.

It is okay for high-level cultivators with great magical powers like Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan to go, as there are many opportunities to escape from the Wuji Sect's net.

If Kang Duhe and his people were allowed to go, they wouldn't even have a chance to escape.

Moreover, Liu Lingjun once used the Ziyang Heavenly Fire Talisman to burn to death Yanghuo Palace's Yuanying Wang Shuhong, and had a greater grudge against Yanghuo Palace.

Now that the three sects have merged, Yanghuo Palace will definitely target Ziyang Sect's cultivators, and it is likely that they will work together with Wuji Sect to capture them.

Having made enemies with two of the ten major sects in Da Zhou, it is really not suitable for Ziyang Sect to go to Da Zhou before it grows to a certain strength.

Unfortunately, the fourth-level and above God-asking Talisman is very rare. As far as Zhang Zhixuan knows, only a few sects that grow spiritual medicines, such as the Shenmu Sect and Lingyao Mountain in Da Zhou, sell them to the outside world.

There are more high-level cultivators in Qinglihai, about one-third more than in Nanyazhou.

The strengths of Qinglihai cultivators are in refining external objects such as treasure ships and flying magic tools. In fact, they are far inferior to Da Zhou in terms of spiritual medicine planting.

The only Yuanying sect in the Qingli Sea that focuses on planting spiritual medicines and refining spiritual pills is Yaowang Sect. Yaowang Sect's God-asking Talismans are supplied to local sects with close relations, and are basically not purchased from outside.

So if they want to buy God-asking Talismans above the fourth level, they can only go to Dazhou.

Fearing that it would be unsafe for Zhang Zhixuan to go to Dazhou alone, Qingchan had to postpone the time of breaking through the Yuanying and go to Dazhou with Zhang Zhixuan so that they could take care of each other on the way.

Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan are both top Jindan masters, and with the flying magic weapon Shenxingzhou, they arrived at the territory of Shenmu Sect in just forty days.

Zhang Zhixuan has come to Shengyuan City many times and is already familiar with it.

In order to avoid others discovering abnormalities, Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan have already changed their appearances, and even their voices are no longer similar to before.

Before arriving in Shengyuan City, Zhang Zhixuan put away the Shenxingzhou in advance, and disguised himself with Qingchan as Jindan early stage cultivators to avoid disturbing masters of the same level such as the head of Shenmu Sect.

Seeing the two golden elixirs coming, the foundation-building cultivator guarding the gate said with joy: "You two seniors look unfamiliar. Is this your first time to our Shengyuan City?

Our Shengyuan City produces a lot of spiritual medicines, and sometimes even has sixth-level spiritual medicines for sale. If you two seniors want to enter the city, you need to spend 200 spiritual stones to make a city entry token and refine a drop of blood essence into it."

Qing Chan waved his hand, took out two medium-grade spiritual stones and threw them to the foundation-building cultivator guarding the city, then flicked his thumb to force out a drop of blood essence and refined it into the identity token. Zhang Zhixuan also followed suit and forced out a drop of blood essence to complete this step.

In fact, Qing Chan had already used an illusion. The blood essence they dripped in was not from themselves, but was replaced by the blood essence of You Nianwei and Kang Duhe.

Zhang Zhixuan and Qing Chan already had the identity token of Shengyuan City. If they continued to refine blood essence, it would be difficult to hide it from the masters of Shenmu Sect.

Although You Nianwei and Kang Duhe had come to Da Zhou many times, they had never entered Shengyuan City. They are not alchemists, so it is useless for them to come to Shengyuan City.

Qingchan can use their blood essence to deceive the world and the top cultivators of Shenmu Sect.

Although Shenmu Sect is engaged in the spiritual medicine business and has no conflict with Ziyang Sect, they have established themselves in Dazhou and may not have the idea of ​​currying favor with Wuji Sect.

Wuji Sect is also ranked high among the top ten sects in Dazhou.

In order to cling to Wuji Sect, who knows whether Shenmu Sect will betray Zhang Zhixuan and curry favor with Wuji Sect's Yuanying ancestor.

So this time in Dazhou, you must be very careful about your identity and never reveal it.

Although Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan are not good at illusion, it is still easy to deceive the foundation-building and Qi-training cultivators guarding the city gate.

After successfully using the fake identity token to sneak in, the two of them entered Baicaotang without stopping and found the old shopkeeper Gu Zizhou.

Zhang Zhixuan and his wife had just entered Baicaotang and negotiated terms with Gu Zizhou, when a transmission note was delivered to the head of Shenmu Sect, Yu Chengzhou.

Yu Chengzhou is already a false infant monk, and the master of Shenmu Sect second only to Supreme Elder Songhe Zhenren.

The foundation of the Shenmu Sect is a sixth-grade high-grade spiritual tree. Both Yu Chengzhou and Master Songhe practiced hard under the tree.

Seeing that Yu Chengzhou had received the transmission talisman, Master Songhe asked, "What happened outside?"

"Two golden elixir monks came to Shengyuan City. Since most of the sect's golden elixirs were out, the deacon and elder in the sect sent the information to me. If it comes to an emergency, let me make the decision."

Master Songhe nodded and asked, "Where are these two people from?"

"The two lied about being casual cultivators, but they don't look like casual cultivators, because Gu Zizhou just sent a transmission talisman. These two people want to exchange for the fourth-level God-asking Talisman. How can any casual cultivator exchange it for the God-asking Talisman?"

"No need to ask, this kind of hidden people must come from hundreds of sects in the Southern Wilderness. Gu Zizhou can make the decision on this matter, but in order to exchange for the God Talisman, they must exchange precious fifth-level spiritual objects. Your top priority is to recover from your injuries. , leave all these little things to the monks of Zi Mansion. If you can have a baby, the foundation of the sect will be stronger."

Yu Chengzhou smiled bitterly and said: "Master, you said it was easy. How can it be so easy to conceive a baby? Although I still have more than a hundred years to live, I feel that my chances are still slim. It is better to manage the sect with peace of mind and give the opportunity to Junior Brother Hu. His character Even better, maybe you can go to the next level and be ahead of me.”

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