Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 712 Ten Years Later

The methods used by the immortal world to torture people are far beyond the ordinary. There is not only the method of making a medicine man, but also the method of making blood fat.

The method of making a medicine man is to refine the cultivator into a medicine corpse. The five senses of the medicine corpse are extremely sensitive, but unfortunately it cannot move a step. It is soaked in medicine every day, bled and cut every day, and suffers the pain of slow slicing every day.

The method of making blood fat is to imprison the cultivator under a spiritual medicine, and let the spiritual plant husband implant the root of the spiritual medicine into the cultivator's flesh and blood. The spiritual medicine is cultivated with the cultivator's essence, blood and flesh, and the cultivator suffers the pain of blood extraction and marrow refining every day. Using this method can also save a lot of time in cultivating spiritual medicine.

Whether it is turned into a medicine man or reduced to blood fat, it can survive for a long time. Su Yongfu, a top master of the Purple Mansion, can even survive for more than a hundred years.

In addition, there is the lamp oil technique, which refines the flesh and blood of the cultivator into lamp oil bit by bit.

There is the soul sacrifice technique, which refines the soul of the cultivator into the spirit of the instrument. If the instrument is not damaged, the soul cannot be freed.

Although these kinds of magic are extremely inhumane, they are very useful for forcing information.

Although Su Yongfu's cultivation is far inferior to Zhang Zhixuan, he has been practicing Taoism for about three hundred years, so he is very familiar with these torture methods.

He thought he would suffer countless pains when he escaped in a hurry today, and he was going to ask Su Dehui to give him a quick death. Seeing that Zhang Zhixuan was so easy to talk to, he nodded and said, "I will say what I can say. I hope Uncle Zhang will not break his promise and let me end my life by myself, and not pursue my relatives."

Under the questioning of Zhang Zhixuan and others, Su Yongfu gradually revealed the whole story.

It turned out that after Gu Xuanzhou entered the Great Zhou, he was quickly found out by the Yanghuo Palace.

After discovering that Gu Xuanzhou's goal was to recruit disciples, the monks of the Yanghuo Palace remained calm on the surface. As soon as Gu Xuanzhou accepted Su Yongfu, the monks of the Yanghuo Palace immediately controlled his relatives, and Su Yongfu became a traitor involuntarily.

Zhang Zhixuan originally thought that the most infiltrated sect by Yang Xuanzhen was Huanshui Sect. After all, Huanshui Sect was backed by Wu State and took in some of the Wu refugees, which made it very convenient for Yang Xuanzhen to place people there. In addition, Huanshui Sect had the closest relationship with Xuansu Sect, making it more suitable for Yang Xuanzhen to infiltrate.

Unexpectedly, there were also a large number of traitors among the monks in Tianchan Cave.

After Su Yongfu's identification, there were thirteen traitors like Su Yongfu among the monks in Tianchan Cave, all of whom were born in the Great Zhou.

Their relatives were controlled by Yanghuo Palace and began to pass a lot of information to Yang Xuanzhen three Jiazi years ago.

Fortunately, they didn't know the origin of Qingchan, and Zhang Zhixuan had little contact with Tianchan Cave before he formed a pill.

Otherwise, the relationship between the Zhang family and Tianchan Cave would have been exposed long ago.

After letting Su Yongfu commit suicide, Zhang Zhixuan burned his bones into ashes and then discarded them in a river under Lingjing Mountain.

As for the remaining traitors, they were also beheaded by the Ziyang Sect monks and sent to Yang Xuanzhen as gifts.

Seeing the heads of these traitors, Yang Xuanzhen felt an unspeakable humiliation.

"The Ziyang Sect sent these heads, it seems that Su Yongfu's chess piece has been exposed, and Liu Lingjun must have a fourth-level God-asking Talisman in his hand. We should let the Yanghuo Palace check in the Great Zhou to see which sect these God-asking Talismans came from.

After Chen Yunfeng formed a baby, not counting the mysterious Liu Xuanyan, the Ziyang Sect had three people with the fighting power of the Nascent Soul, which was far superior to the Xuansu Sect. Even if Liu Xuanyan's soul was really scattered, the Yu Kingdom Ziyang Sect was already too powerful to be controlled. Even if Ji Lang led his disciples to help with all their strength, they could only barely maintain a balance. Moreover, since Wang Shuhong passed away, Liang Jingchong, the Palace Master of Yanghuo Palace, has been full of complaints against me. It is difficult to bypass this person and invite enough helpers from Yanghuo Palace.

If someone else from Ziyang Sect forms a Nascent Soul, the Spiritual Vein of Shennv Peak will soon be lost!

I hope Liu Lingjun can give me forty years to wait for the purple ginseng to mature.

Hanxiang is right, I should plan a way out for myself. "

Yang Xuanzhen suppressed the distracting thoughts in her heart, waved her hand and asked her disciples to bury these heads in the tomb of Xuansu Sect, and then entered a long period of seclusion.

Since she became a Nascent Soul, the skills she practiced have conflicted with her soul.

There is no enlightenment to create a new skill and open up a new path.

Every step Yang Xuanzhen took was difficult. After more than 600 years of forming a Nascent Soul, she only cultivated to the third level of the Nascent Soul, and was far behind Liu Lingjun.

There is no chance of becoming a Taoist in this life, so she can only hope to turn the catastrophe and cultivate again.

After dealing with the traitor, Liu Guyan immediately found Li Lingxiu and asked her about her violation of the sect rules.

Li Lingxiu violated the sect rules by killing people for treasures. She had just opened up the Purple Mansion and took over the guard of a market town.

One day, a foreigner came to the market town with an extremely valuable treasure in his hand. Because of greed, Li Lingxiu secretly targeted this person and killed people for treasures.

After hearing about this, Zhang Zhixuan was immediately annoyed.

In his heart, he was very disgusted with this matter, and even wanted to kill Li Lingxiu to enforce the law.

However, killing people for treasures is more common in the world of immortal cultivation, and this incident happened two sixty years ago. Most of the Jindan elders in the sect may not be willing to investigate it in their hearts.

After careful consideration, Zhang Zhixuan felt that this matter should not be handled arbitrarily.

So he summoned the elders of the sect who were above the Jindan level and let everyone speak freely.

Xia Youqing, Lin Ruohua, Zhou Huayang and others all agreed to let Li Lingxiu go, and even Jin Laozu and others did not agree with Zhang Zhixuan's opinion to kill him.

Although Chen Yunfeng did not speak, Zhang Zhixuan knew that she still hoped that Li Lingxiu could get through.

After all, before the war, if there was one more Jindan-stage cultivator, the chances of Ziyang Sect winning would be one point higher. Chen Yunfeng actually didn't agree with the idea of ​​executing a ninth-level Purple Mansion cultivator for an outsider who had no relatives or friends.

However, killing people and stealing treasures had to be dealt with. After discussing with Chen Yunfeng, Zhang Zhixuan finally came up with a solution.

"Li Lingxiu violated the sect rules and killed people to steal treasures. This happened before the establishment of Ziyang Sect. This matter does not need to be investigated by the law enforcement elders according to the sect rules. It will be handled by Chen Laozu, the former great elder of Huanshui Sect. According to Chen Laozu's opinion, this behavior can be exempted from the death penalty, but it is difficult to escape the punishment of life.

From now on, Li Lingxiu will find the descendants of the victim, compensate this person's relics three times, and bring the descendants of the victim back to the mountain gate to ask the Jindan cultivator to accept them as disciples.

If Li Lingxiu can successfully form the elixir, he will also go to Tianyuan Island to guard the Netherworld Eye for three generations."

Zhang Zhixuan turned his head, stared into Li Lingxiu's eyes and said, "Are you convinced?"

Although Li Lingxiu was not convinced and felt that the punishment was too severe, she immediately put away her arrogance when she saw the murderous look in Zhang Zhixuan's eyes, and dared not speak He said, "I am convinced, I am convinced!"

"That's good. You should leave the mountain gate immediately and go find the descendants of the victim. If you can't find them, you should not return to the mountain gate.

This happened two sixty years ago. If it happened recently, I would chop off your head even if the whole family opposed it.

All Jindan elders, I hope you can control yourselves and keep yourself clean.

From now on, no matter who violates the sect rules, I will punish them severely.

The sect rules are not set for low-level cultivators. If you feel that the Ziyang Sect's sect rules are strict, you might as well withdraw now. We can still be good friends.

If you knowingly violate the rules in the future, even if you are a Jindan or Yuanying, I will never forgive you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Zhixuan flicked his sleeves and left the ancestral hall first.

Qing Chan looked at Zhang Zhixuan's back with admiration, and said firmly: "The headmaster's opinion is also my opinion. From now on, the first priority is to strictly enforce the sect rules. Even if the supreme elder violates the sect rules, I will never forgive him."

The victim that Li Lingxiu killed was a cultivator from the Wu Kingdom. In order to find the victim, Li Lingxiu risked her life to sneak into the Wu Kingdom.

After going through untold hardships, it took ten years to find the victim's descendants.

She shamelessly begged Lin Ruohua to let her come forward to accept disciples.

Afterwards, she compensated the victim's descendants with 120,000 merits, which was considered to be the end of the matter. She completed the punishment task assigned by the sect.

She practiced for more than 300 years, but only accumulated more than 300,000 merits.

After compensating for the loss, it was not enough to exchange for the demon pill.

In order to continue the path, Li Lingxiu could only be thick-skinned, find old friends, lose face, and even ask for help from his disciples, and then gather enough merits to exchange for the pill spirit.

In the ten years since Li Lingxiu went down the mountain, Qing Chan's energy and spirit had reached its peak. He was only one step away from forming a Nascent Soul and entering the final stage of refining the Nascent Soul.

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