Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 759 Improving the Art of Refining

In three years, Zhang Zhixuan refined sixty-seven fourth-level magic tools.

In just three years, his experience in refining fourth-level magic tools surpassed Zhou Zijian and others. He was slightly better than Su Dehui.

Because he had enough experience, when he broke through to the fifth-level refiner, Zhang Zhixuan only failed twice, and successfully refined the fifth-level magic tool on the third time, raising his refining skills to the same level as Su Dehui.

In these three years, in order to break through the refining skills, although Zhang Zhixuan was busy refining more than sixty fourth-level magic tools and turned into a refining maniac, he did not earn much reward because of the strategy of dumping at a low price.

Because of the high price of purchasing refining materials, he also put in tens of thousands of spirit stones. He is a cultivator who does not care about the reward for refining, which is rare in Yunmeng City.

Unfortunately, after breaking through to the fifth level, the road to the top is much narrower, and it is already difficult to move forward.

There are very few Jindan cultivators who live in Yunmeng City all year round. Together with the Xu brothers and other nearby Jindan cultivators, there are only about a dozen people.

Even the entire Wuyou Sect’s vassal Jindan cultivators, the total number does not exceed 80 people.

In such a small market, it may take ten or eight years to refine a fifth-level magic weapon. Their priority choice is also the weapon refining master within the Wuyou Sect.

Without the refining of the fifth-level magic weapon, how could Zhang Zhixuan’s weapon refining skills have any progress?

Now his cultivation has reached a bottleneck, and his magic power is difficult to improve. In the next eight years, he will have to practice in Xiyaozhou. Wasting time in vain is not a solution. In desperation, Zhang Zhixuan can only give up the Wenxin Pavilion shop and come to the Lietian Canyon again to send sound transmission notes to old friends such as Gao Xingtong and Xue Shiqing.

Gao Xingtong wants to find longevity spiritual objects in the canyon. Xue Shiqing was originally a master of Wuyou Sect stationed in the Lietian Canyon. As for another Yuanying friend Jin Yunpeng, he has returned to the sect to prepare to use the unicorn beetle shell to refine the sixth-level defense magic weapon. I don’t know if we will meet again?

"Since you have found the Pure Lotus, why do you need to take risks here? You are still young and don't know the dangers of this place. Some of these space cracks are connected to other interfaces. Occasionally, they will open up other interfaces by chance and release some strange creatures of strange shapes. When they encounter them, sometimes even Yuanying cultivators cannot escape." Seeing Zhang Zhixuan and his wife, Gao Xingtong smiled bitterly and advised them immediately.

After listening to Gao Xingtong's words, Xue Shiqing nodded solemnly and said, "Fellow Daoist Gao is right. More than a thousand years ago, two ancient demons invaded this world from the space cracks. In just thirteen days, thirty-seven Yuanying masters died in the Sky Rift Valley. The seven major sects of Xiyaozhou had no choice but to join forces to fight the enemy. They also invited the Yuanshen of Qinglihai and Yanhuozhou. Even the White Elephant Demon King in Qingmangyuan shared the same hatred and participated in this fight. After more than ten years of fighting, the ancient demons were driven out. After that battle, our Xiyaozhou Xiuxian world rested for more than two hundred years before it was considered to have recovered its Yuanshen. Qi.

The cultivators who hang out in the Sky-Splitting Canyon are either people like Brother Gao who are about to die, or people like me who have failed in the internal struggle of the sect. There are often very few cultivators with great prospects like you two. "

Although the environment of the Sky-Splitting Canyon is dangerous, you can get a lot of precious sixth-level spiritual objects by hanging out here often. Zhang Zhixuan and his wife have been hanging out in the Sky-Splitting Canyon for ten years, and they have obtained three sixth-level magic tools, a sixth-level spiritual medicine, and some sixth-level monster materials. Adding some other spiritual objects, they can refine a sixth-level spiritual talisman.

These sixth-level spiritual objects are worth at least five million in spiritual stones. After hanging out in the Sky-Splitting Canyon for a year, the spiritual stones earned are equivalent to about five times that outside.

What's more, sixth-level spiritual objects are extremely rare and difficult to find outside. After refining into a Nascent Soul, spiritual stones no longer play a very high role for Nascent Soul cultivators. For this reason, even though they know that the Sky-Splitting Canyon is dangerous, they can still attract some Jindan and Nascent Soul masters.

Gao Xingtong and the other two could speak frankly to persuade each other, which was actually worthy of the friendship of adventure together.

After listening to the two people's persuasion, Zhang Zhixuan was not a fool who could not distinguish between good and bad. He first bowed to the two and immediately explained: "Thank you for your concern. In fact, I came to Lietian Canyon this time not to explore the secret realm.

The reason why I sent the sound transmission talisman to the two Taoist friends was that I wanted to ask Senior Gao and Senior Xue to contact friends. You all know my situation. My cultivation has reached the peak of Jindan. Because the intercontinental teleportation array will take another eight years to start, I can't do nothing in these eight years and waste my time.

I am already a fifth-level lower-grade weapon refiner. If there are cultivators who need to refine weapons, please introduce them to me. If the refining of the magic weapon fails, I will compensate according to the price. If the refining is successful, I will only charge a spirit stone. The reason I do this is mainly to improve my own refining skills."

The cost of materials for refining a magic weapon is about two-thirds, and the remaining one-third is the cost of the weapon refiner.

A fifth-level refiner can make a profit of 10,000 yuan or 50,000 yuan for refining a magic weapon. Without this part of the cost, the burden of refining magic weapons can be greatly reduced.

Fifth-level refining materials are already rare on the market. Zhang Zhixuan visited all the shops in Yunmeng City and only bought two or three kinds, which are not enough to refine a fifth-level magic weapon. If you want to rely on spirit stones to buy fifth-level materials for refining, it will not only take a long time, but Zhang Zhixuan will not have enough spirit stones.

There are frequent fights in the Lietian Canyon, and there are more than 300 active Jindan cultivators.

For the convenience of trading, there is a small market nearby. The market is closed all year round and trades are conducted regularly every three or four years. With the introduction of Yuanying such as Gao Xingtong, Zhang Zhixuan and his wife quickly gained a foothold in the market.

With the introduction of acquaintances, business soon came. Although the frequency of refining instruments is far less than when he was in Yunmeng City, he can only refine two or three fifth-level magic instruments in a year. However, after eight years of accumulation, Zhang Zhixuan's refining skills have made great progress and he has made further progress before returning to Qingli Sea.

However, his refining skills are still not enough to create the embryo of his own magic instrument.

In the eight years in Lietian Canyon, Zhang Zhixuan failed to refine instruments five times. The loss of materials alone was as much as 200,000 spirit stones. In addition, Qingchan also had to refine several high-quality spirit stones every year for cultivation. The high-quality spirit stones they exchanged with Jin Yunpeng for the unicorn shells have been consumed by eight or nine out of ten.

After waiting for eight years, Wuyou Sect finally opened the teleportation array. After spending 100,000 spirit stones, when they returned to Qingli Sea, they only had a few thousand spirit stones left.

Such shabby, not like a Yuanying master at all.

This time to Xiyaozhou to find the Pure Lotus consumed Zhang Zhixuan's 26 years of hard work. Now his life span is 360 years old, and it has been 36 years since he broke through the ninth level of the Golden Core.

If he hadn't sacrificed and nurtured the Pure Yang Ding, his foundation would have reached the point of forming a baby. Unfortunately, because of the Pure Yang Ding, Zhang Zhixuan's accumulation is still a little insufficient. If he wants to break through the bottleneck of the Yuanying, he will have to wait for more than ten years.

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