Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 769: The Mortal Market

Chapter 298 Mortal Market

After more than 300 years of development, Lushan County, which is very close to Lingjing Mountain, has changed a lot.

After more than 300 years of operation, the scale of this city has expanded by more than 20 times, and the population in the city has exceeded 1.6 million, which is about 30 times more than when Zhang Zhixuan guarded the spiritual field.

The Zhang family is still the largest family among the mortals in the city, and there are more than 600,000 Zhang family bloodlines. The local officials in Lushan County are also mainly low-level cultivators with the surname Zhang.

After being integrated into the sect for almost a hundred years, the cohesion of the Zhang family is gradually weakening, and it has dispersed into small families.

Near Lushan County, Sheku County, Huangyan County, Chaoyin County, Xihe County, Yanlai County, Taibai County, Liucheng County and other places have also multiplied a large population.

Lushan and Taicheng counties have become a place with a large population in the sect, gradually surpassing the old fifth-level spiritual veins such as Qingxuan and Yushan. Perhaps only the area near the Goddess Peak has a level of development that is higher than that of Lingjing Mountain.

After more than a hundred years of development, the strength of Ziyang Sect has far surpassed the monsters of the Poison Dragon Pond. In recent decades, the sect has increased its investment in developing deep into the southern wilderness.

A large amount of buffer land to the north of the Black Mountain Spiritual Vein has been developed, and more than a dozen low-level spiritual veins have been immigrated to more than 100,000 households.

More than a dozen new towns have been established, and Lin Ruohua of the Guardian Academy has also dispatched dozens of low-level monks to guard the spiritual veins to provide shelter for immigrants from the southern wilderness.

After this round of development, the northern part of Black Mountain was brought under the control of Ziyang Sect.

As humans multiplied, monks were active frequently. In this vast land, Ziyang Sect discovered two small mineral veins, which can increase income by more than 20,000 yuan each year.

The more spiritual fields and mineral veins there are, the more monks the sect can support. Without a stable income, even Yu Daoren can't stand it.

It's the market time on the sixth day of every month again. People come and go in Lushan County, and there are crowds of people. From time to time, there are some constables in black clothes to maintain order.

They looked strong and powerful, pushing the crowd away with force, shouting loudly to maintain order to prevent the crowd from trampling and causing riots.

A few years ago, a serious stampede broke out because of a big market, killing and injuring more than 700 people at one time.

This incident even alarmed the head of the sect, making him furious, and directly removed Wen Ziqing, the governor of Lushan County, from his post and sent him to the Nether Cave to serve for 30 years.

Wen Ziqing is a purple mansion cultivator, and delaying for 30 years may affect his path.

He is Zhang Zhixuan's disciple, and he has to face this master who only respects the rules of the sect. He can only admit that he is unlucky and has committed a crime of dereliction of duty.

After this incident, the monks of the sect no longer dare to take the lives of the mortals under their rule lightly.

They will worry about some of the things below, and the purple mansion cultivators will not only know how to practice hard all day.

It is not necessary for Zifu to personally manage mortals, and even the foundation-building cultivators do not need to show up. There are a large number of five-spiritual-root wastes under Ziyang Sect. These people can serve as the foundation of the sect and sink to the mortal world to provide protection for mortals. Moreover, those without spiritual roots can also practice martial arts to break through the innate and deal with some newly awakened monsters.

The common beasts in the southern wilderness are not opponents of innate warriors.

There are already many cultivators stationed in the huge Lushan County. The headquarters of the Guardian Academy is in Lingjing Mountain, and the Lushan County Magistrate is also practicing hard in Lingjing Mountain. The Lushan County Magistrate works in the county during the day and returns to Lingjing Mountain to practice hard at night.

In addition to these two cultivators, the remaining chief clerks, clerks, county lieutenants, and head constables who often come into contact with mortals, there are still 40 to 50 people stationed in the city. These people have low cultivation levels, and the sect will give them a spiritual stone subsidy to maintain their cultivation and prevent them from falling into a state of cultivation regression.

There are two types of low-level monks among the mortals. One type is the monks of the Guardian Academy. Not long after they break through the Qi training stage, the sect will assign them tasks to stay in the mortal world. The period is not too long, only about three years, which will not delay their path.

The remaining type is basically elderly monks over sixty years old. These people have lost their path and simply return to the mortal world to retire, serve as officials in the local area, and become big figures in the secular world.

Their most important task, in addition to maintaining order in the mortal world, is to impart some experience to the rookies who have just come down the mountain and bring these newbies on the road of cultivation. In addition, they marry wives and concubines, and take ten or eight beautiful wives and concubines. In the next few decades, they will work hard to have children and give birth to a seedling with good spiritual roots for the sect.

For this stable and comfortable life, the low-level monks who come down the mountain are very satisfied.

In the past seventy or eighty years, about 80,000 to 90,000 elderly Qi training monks have come down the mountain and taken root deep in the grassroots.

These old Qi-cultivating cultivators all have secular official positions, and the sect will also issue them annual salaries every year. A dozen spirit stones a year are enough to maintain their cultivation and prevent them from regressing to the innate stage.

After the three sects of Ziyang Sect merged into one, the people of Yu State finally caught up with the good times.

In this world of cultivating immortals, the people's lives are really hard.

Even if the cultivator family has the protection of relatives and cultivators, they actually live from day to day. Back then, the Ma family of Jiufeng Mountain was destroyed and the clan was scattered just because they discovered the spirit stone mine, which was equivalent to extermination.

Due to the invasion of monsters over the years, countries like the State of Yu lost most of their territory, and mortals lost about half.

The Qingxuan Sect and the Hongshan Sect fought for more than 80 years, and Taicheng, Jiangkou, Hongshan, Luyang, Jiangnan and other counties suffered countless casualties.

Even if the righteous sects such as Qingxuan and Hongshan were intimidated by the intimidation of Taoist Yu, they did not dare to massacre mortals. However, due to the frequent migration of people, many mortals died of famine.

With bad luck, they encountered the bold demon cultivators such as Liu Yian, the disciple of Taoist Wen, and eight out of ten mortals in the entire Luyang County were killed or injured.

These tragic situations have become a thing of the past after the establishment of Ziyang Sect.

The territory controlled by the sect has not been in war for many years, and ordinary demon cultivators dare not provoke the giant Ziyang Sect.

In the battle of Demon Cloud Cave a century ago, the Yuanying of Ziyang Sect had already made a great name among the demon cultivators. Such a sect that is not easy to provoke at first glance, ordinary demon cultivators dare not come to cause trouble. Although it cannot be said that there are absolutely no demon cultivators within the scope of Ziyang Sect, there are very few in number.

Another reason why demon cultivators do not come is that the cultivators of Ziyang Sect have already established their roots in the mortal world.

There are a large number of experienced monks in the secular world. Once there is any clue, they can report it to the sect's guardian temple. Once the situation is serious, Lin Ruohua will come out in person. She can't solve the problem, and there are masters like the head and Qingchan at the Nascent Soul level.

Looking at the lively crowd, Zhang Zhixuan held Qingchan's little hand, wearing ordinary secular clothes. They don't use magic power, nor do they need to cultivate very strong physical strength. They try to control themselves, like a young mortal couple, drifting with the crowd.

Full-time, try to write three chapters a day next month.

Come to Hohhot today and have a good check-up.

I have been suffering from diabetes for six years. My blood sugar has not been good recently. I am going to the hospital to adjust my blood sugar.

After arriving in Hohhot, I found that the Internet cafe was closed, so I could only type on my mobile phone, which was very inefficient.

Fortunately, I saved four chapters a few days ago, which can be topped.

I will try my best to keep updating, and I will try to update three chapters after adjusting my blood sugar.

Not only is typing on the mobile phone voice inefficient, but there are also many typos.

After you see it, please pay more attention and point it out and try to correct it.

I'm sorry for the bad reading experience.

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