Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 82 Han Yan Returns to the Mountain

Seeing Qingchan become a ninth-level Qi training cultivator, clan leader Zhang Leqian was also very happy. He took out a third-level spiritual talisman from his collection and handed it to Qingchan, which was considered a gift from him as an elder.

This is a third-level low-grade green wood talisman, which can release a green log to attack the enemy, with a power equivalent to a full-strength attack from a second-level foundation building cultivator.

This spiritual talisman was practiced by the clan leader many years ago and has been treasured for more than sixty years.

The clan leader used to be a third-level middle-grade talisman maker, and he could make a third-level spiritual talisman every year. Unfortunately, after being injured many years ago, he could no longer make talismans.

Because he is a talisman maker, the most valuable thing on him is the spiritual talisman he has collected.

Unfortunately, he has not made any more talismans for many years, and when the family is in a tight situation, he has to sell a few third-level spiritual talismans.

In recent years, the spiritual talismans in the clan leader's hands have become fewer and fewer, and there are not many left.

This Qingmu Talisman is also the proud work of the clan leader. It is worth about 200 spirit stones in the market, which is more than most of the second-level high-grade magic tools. It can be said that it is extraordinary.

Because Qingchan's spiritual roots are very special, in order to avoid the situation of being outstanding, the two discussed not to announce Qingchan's cultivation.

When Zhang Zhixuan is not at home, Qingchan tries to meet with outsiders as little as possible to avoid being noticed by outsiders.

"Zhixuan! I know you like quietness, don't like to be disturbed, and don't like to be in the limelight.

But after you build your foundation, you always have to celebrate.

Celebrating can not only boost the morale of the family, but also has other purposes.

We have to invite some vassal families. Because the family has declined in recent years, these people have become disunited and want to join outsiders.

After you build your foundation, they will feel more at ease and will not make other small calculations.

Not only that, the five major families will also be invited.

Over the years, our family has declined, and the things that the five families work together rely more on the other four families.

This situation cannot last long, If we can't change, our family will gradually fade out of the alliance of the five families.

Although there are internal competitions among the five immortal cultivation families in Taicheng County, cooperation between us is more important.

Especially in Qingxuan Sect, the five families have always been together for warmth and advance and retreat together.

If Hanyan and you build the foundation one after another, the situation of the family will change immediately. We should always strive for some of our interests.

This time, celebrating your foundation is to tell the other four cultivators that our family still has successors.

We should always give back some of our interests. "

Seeing that the patriarch said it very clearly, Zhang Zhixuan could only nod and agree to hold a celebration banquet in the near future.

In order to show the strength of the family, the patriarch also wrote a letter in advance and sent it to Qingxuan Sect to tell his aunt Zhang Hanyan so that she could also show up in advance and show up at the banquet.

Although the news that Zhang Hanyan has built the foundation has been known to all the five major families, the small vassal families do not know this.

In order to organize this celebration banquet, the patriarch personally wrote more than a dozen invitations and sent them all to the cultivators with whom he was relatively close.

The banquet was scheduled for three months later, when the spiritual rice was ripe.

The Zhang family, a small family in the foundation-building stage, had no spiritual fruits and elixirs to give out, and only the spiritual rice of the family could provide some.

When the time came, dozens of cultivators would be invited to have a big meal, and the supply allocated to the cultivators within the family would be a little tight.

But this kind of swell-faced thing had to continue. If you don't show your strength, you can't protect the safety of the vassal family.

They had doubts in their hearts and could only find a way out by themselves. This was a very normal thing.

Zhang Hanyan was also very happy to receive the letter from Zhang Zhixuan that he had successfully built his foundation. She settled down a little, and immediately drove the flying sword and hurried back to Lushan.

After she successfully built her foundation, she was able to fly with the sword. The speed of the foundation-building cultivator flying with the sword was very fast, at least three times that of the Qi training cultivator.

In one day, she could fly two or three thousand miles away. In just twenty days, Zhang Hanyan walked the distance that used to take three months to complete and rushed back to Lushan from Qingxuan Sect.

This was her first time returning to her hometown after joining Qingxuan Sect. Her father was the grandson of Tairen Patriarch. He was over a hundred years old when he gave birth to her. This monk of the Le generation had been in meditation for more than ten years.

Even if her father died, she would not have time to return from Qingxuan Sect.

It has been almost twenty years since she left the mountain gate when she was a teenager. After not seeing each other for twenty years, even her biological parents felt a little distant.

Zhang Hanyan's mother was just an ordinary mortal. As a concubine of a cultivator, her biggest task was to give birth to descendants with spiritual roots for the family.

Obviously, she completed this task brilliantly. Even though her husband left and she became a widow, she was carefully cared for by the family and taken care of every day. She had no worries about food and clothing.

This time when she returned to the mountain gate, Zhang Hanyan was also mixed with joy and sorrow.

After returning to Lushan, she first sent a communication talisman to the clan leader, and then went directly back to her home.

Zhang Hanyan's father's spiritual roots were not good. After he got old, he gave up cultivation and married concubines with his heart full of pleasure.

In order to make life more convenient, he moved to the foot of the mountain and lived with the mortal family members of his family.

Even after he passed away, his family still had no worries about food and clothing, and lived in peace and comfort at the foot of the mountain because of his outstanding daughter Zhang Hanyan.

Zhang Hanyan stopped at the door of her house nervously. At first glance, she saw a wealthy middle-aged woman sitting on a recliner, basking in the sun leisurely.

Judging from her appearance, she must have been a great beauty when she was young. The vague outline was three or four points similar to Zhang Hanyan.

Although the beautiful woman looked very leisurely, there was still a trace of worry on her face.

Suddenly, she found someone outside and sat up suddenly. She recognized Zhang Hanyan at first sight.

Even though they hadn't seen each other for twenty years, she still recognized this daughter at first sight.

Because of this daughter, she enjoyed the wealth and comfort that ordinary people could hardly enjoy, but as a piece of flesh that fell from her body, she raised her daughter with great difficulty.

Once she left home, she would not be free, and it would be difficult to see each other for twenty years.

However, this is the life of a cultivator.

The worldly family affection is the first difficulty they face.

Especially for a cultivator who has achieved success in cultivation, when she sees her relatives, friends, parents, wife and children die one by one in front of her, she can slowly cut off her worldly ties.

After all, the road is difficult. If you want to gain something, you must lose something.

Between heaven and earth, what is perfect?

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