Although we didn't get much from the Demon-Slaying Sect, we finally got detailed information about the ancient demon.

This demon was called Luojia Demon God. When he was in the lower world, he provoked an extremely powerful senior immortal. In order to avoid being hunted down by the immortals outside the world, this demon broke into the Yuanyang Realm through a weak space node.

The demon god wanted to turn the Yuanyang Realm into the demon world, devour and refine the Yuanyang Realm Heavenly Dao, turn his own thoughts into the will of the world, enslave all the creatures in the Yuanyang Realm, heal his injuries and seek revenge on this enemy.

As a result, as soon as he broke into the Yuanyang Realm, he met Zheng Xuanbai who was about to ascend.

Zheng Xuanbai was already a half-immortal body, and his magical powers were a little better than the severely injured ancient demon.

Zheng Xuanbai suppressed and sealed the ancient demon, but found that the ancient demon had been refined into a true demon body, and the demon god could not be killed by the methods of the lower world.

Besides, Zheng Xuanbai was about to ascend to heaven, and he was unwilling to waste his time on the ancient demon, so he only left his life magic weapon to seal the ancient demon, leaving this trouble to future generations.

Thirty thousand years later, the wife, children and friends of Luojia Demon God came to the door, and almost infected Yuanyang Realm into the Demon Realm and released the sealed Luojia Demon God.

Although the evolution time of Yuanyang Realm was less than one million years, forty-four masters who had achieved the Tao and became immortals ascended one after another.

Although some of these senior immortals who had no lifespan restrictions fell halfway, there were still more than thirty immortals who could take care of Yuanyang Realm.

The true demon invaded, and three true immortals including Wang Chengyun descended to the mortal world.

After a fierce and bitter battle, the immortals of Yuanyang Realm barely won.

Among the three great true immortals who descended to the mortal world, Wang Chengyun was seriously injured, and Wuxiang Luohan died at the hands of the true demon. The casualties were heavy, and the Taoist tradition of the Buddhist sect even cut off its inheritance in this world.

However, the battle that year killed two demon gods, and the wife of the demon god Luojia also died in this battle.

Although this battle was narrowly won, it hurt the foundation of the Yuanyang Realm. Countless sacred mountains and blessed places were destroyed, and the inheritance of miraculous skills and wonderful methods was cut off. Various precious spiritual medicines and minerals were destroyed in this battle.

After this battle, due to the lack of spiritual objects in the Yuanyang Realm, it was difficult to practice. Among the outstanding people in history, only the Five Cloud Ancestor took the opportunity to ascend.

This generation of Qingyunzi had a bad path in his early years and turned a calamity in the Nascent Soul stage, otherwise he would have almost certainly ascended to become an immortal. Unfortunately, his life span is not enough now, and his chance of ascending is only 30% to 40%.

After returning to the ruins of the Seven Star Sect, everyone did not dare to touch the ancient demon seal at will.

This kind of major event related to the comfort of the Yuanyang Realm, the Nascent Soul cultivators could not bear the responsibility at all, so they could only go to the Demon Cloud Cave first and inform Yu Daoren of the news.

After receiving the news, Yu Daoren immediately sent letters one after another to inform several nearby Yuanshen about the seal of the real demon outside the realm.

Although Taoist Yu was restrained in the Demon Cloud Cave and Qing Yunzi also wandered around without a trace, the two demon saints, Nanhuang Tianlang and Wan Yaoguo Qingyuan, still came to the Seven Stars Sect. They were accompanied by Zhou Zhenren of the Five Clouds Sect.

The outside world did not know about the senior's soul, Zhou Zhenren, and even Qing Yunzi did not know that there was such a master in Qinglihai. However, Taoist Yu had practiced Taoism for a longer time and had dealt with this ancestor Zhou once. He knew him well and knew that there was an ancestor who practiced Taoism for five thousand years in the Five Clouds Sect.

Although he knew that Zhou Laozu would not leave the mountain gate easily, Taoist Yu still wrote a letter to him.

Zhou Laozu practiced the art of soul incarnation and had already cultivated a second soul. It was his second soul that came to the ruins of the Seven Stars Sect this time.

Seeing Zhou Huayang's incarnation, the two demon saints, Tianlang and Qingyuan, suddenly felt mixed emotions and were secretly shocked.

"Humans are indeed the spirits of all things, blessed by heaven and earth, and talented people are born in every generation. We, the demon race, are limited by our lack of intelligence and bloodline shackles, and I am afraid that we will never be able to compete with the human sect."

Ancestor Zhou glanced at the two demon saints and said lightly: "This matter was originally the responsibility of your Nan Yazhou cultivators, but now that Qingyunzi has disappeared, I will take over for him for a while. After the two demon Taoists return, they must restrain their populations and do not easily provoke conflicts in the future. I will not bother you with strengthening the seal for the time being, anyway, you are not proficient in the formation and secret arts."

After sending away the two demon souls, Ancestor Zhou left only Li Qinglong and said: "When Qingyunzi comes back, please tell him that Qinghua Lingcui has become extinct in this world, and there is no He may not be able to cultivate this thing to the ninth level of the soul. The Ascension Platform was also destroyed in the ancient war. If he wants to ascend, he can only find a weak space node and break through the realm by following the path of the Five Cloud Patriarch. This is a very risky way to ascend. If he is not careful, he may even fall into the demon world and become a slave of the real demon and never reincarnate. "

Li Qinglong bowed to the ground and kowtowed to the Zhou Patriarch several times, saying: "Thank you for your guidance, senior."

"This is helping him and myself. Although I entered the Tao earlier than him and my cultivation is a few points higher than his, I may not be able to defeat your master in fighting with others. When his life span is not much, I am afraid we have to go out of the sky together and make a way out. "

With the Five Cloud Sect's Zhou Patriarch suppressing the ancient demon, there is naturally no need for Zhang Zhixuan and other people with insufficient cultivation.

It is a pity that the seventh-level spiritual vein cultivated by the Demon Sect in those days has been destroyed in the ancient war, and the external incarnation of Zhou Patriarch needs a large supply of spiritual stones to maintain his cultivation. Even with the ability of Kunyuan Mountain, it is somewhat unable to support it.

In order to support the cultivation of Grandmaster Zhou, all the sects of the Great Zhou Dynasty had to share part of the cost.

Even the Ziyang Sect had to contribute a million spirit stones.

Under the overall command of the cultivators of Kunyuan Mountain, a sixth-grade superior spirit vein was built on the ruins of the original Seven Star Sect.

To establish a seventh-level spiritual vein, a seventh-level Dinglingzhu is required. This item was also a treasure that Yuanshen ancestors had to fight for in ancient times. It was even more precious after the ancient war.

Even Yu Daoren did not have such a treasure. He could only upgrade the spiritual vein to the sixth-level upper grade first, and then supply some high-level spiritual stones to Zhou Laozu, trying not to delay his cultivation.

After all, Zhou Laozu was here to help. When Qing Yunzi came back, he would still be needed here.

The place where the ancient demons were sealed was within the territory of Ziyang Sect. There was such a big trouble nearby, which made several senior officials secretly headache.

Unfortunately, they were unable to solve this trouble now. Even though Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan had greatly improved their cultivation in the Demon Island for decades, it was a pity that their improvement in cultivation was useless in the face of the real demons outside the realm.

More than ten years later, there was finally news about Qing Yunzi, who the monks of Nan Yazhou had been looking for.

In recent years, he had actually drifted to Dongjizhou, where locust monsters were rampant, and there were large and small locust monster populations everywhere.

Demon insects are different from demon beasts, and their intelligence is almost impossible to communicate.

Even the seventh-level demon insects are not as smart as ordinary people.

In addition to the real demons, this kind of insect fairy who can't communicate is also the biggest enemy of human cultivators.

Since the locust monster rebellion, the population of Dongjizhou has been less than 30% of cultivators, relying only on Xuanyi Zhenren's soul for support.

This state has no intercontinental teleportation array to communicate with other places in the cultivation world. Qingyunzi needs to go through a lot of hardships to go to such a place.

He has been in Dongjizhou for more than a hundred years, so naturally he can't find any news.

I'm in a period of writing fatigue, and my state is really not good

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