Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 85 Disposal

After Wu Xiangheng returned home, before he could think of what to say, the ninth-level qi-training monk who followed him told Zhang Leqian's original words to Wu Xiangjian, the patriarch of the Wu family.

After listening to Zhang Leqian's words, Wu Xiangjian was silent for a long time.

Seeing that the patriarch Wu Xiangjie was silent, Wu Xiangheng rolled his eyes and said quietly: "Is this how the quota is returned to the Zhang family?"

"What if you don't pay back? Do you still want to take up all the quotas of other companies and completely monopolize this trade channel." The head of the Wu family raised his eyes and said angrily.

Wu Xiangheng did not hear the clan leader's sarcasm and said: "As long as we want it, we can definitely do it.

Even if the other four families are dissatisfied, do they still dare to deal with us?

We have our ancestors as our backers. "

Wu Xiangjie asked expressionlessly: "Then what are you going to do?"

Seeing that the clan leader had no objection, Wu Xiangheng said proudly: "We sent out a few people to ambush on the caravan road. This time we caught the Zhang family by surprise. At least we had to kill Zhixuan's son. Then the Zhang family would be finished.

Several other monks, seeing that it is very dangerous to go to the Southern Wilderness, will definitely not dare to go to the Southern Wilderness to exchange resources. By then, my family will be able to monopolize this source of wealth. "

After hearing what Wu Xiangheng said, Wu Xiangjian, the patriarch of the Wu family, suddenly turned red with anger. He turned his head, stared at Wu Xiangheng tightly, raised his hands and slapped him hard several times. He cursed angrily: "You stupid pig, when you become the head of the family, your family will be destroyed right before your eyes.

You only see the majesty of Patriarch Siheng, but you don’t see his difficulties in Qingxuan Sect.

If you do this and offend all the monks in Taicheng County, how many more people will your ancestor offend in Qingxuan Sect, and who should you rely on?

You have made countless enemies. Once one of you develops magical powers and comes to seek revenge on you, tens of thousands of lives of the entire clan will be destroyed in your hands.

Besides, do you know what kind of spiritual monk Zhang Zhixuan is?

What spells have you practiced?

What powerful magic weapon do you have on you?

Are there any heirlooms?

You don't know anything and you dare to deal with him.

Did you know that the Zhang family used to have a Zifu monk? Zhang Chuyun was a Leilinggen monk, and his magical power in fighting surpassed that of Patriarch Si Heng.

You have to know that when a person is cruel, he is not cruel in words, but in his heart.

Even if you want to kill him tomorrow, you will laugh and talk to him today.

Until you take action against him, make sure that no one can predict it, so that you can catch him by surprise and have a chance of winning.

You have had such a smooth life these years, because you have good spiritual roots and are the direct nephew of ancestor Si Heng. I have always given you preferential treatment and allowed you to stay at the mountain gate without any experience.

Although you are not young, your thinking is not as childish as that of a boy in his twenties or thirties.

When we grow old and it is your turn to be in charge, this family will be finished and will be destroyed in your hands sooner or later.

I will give you two options now. The first is to go to Montenegro right away. You can spend thirty years in Montenegro without the help of your family, just treat it as an experience.

Otherwise, you will stay at home and not be able to take charge. Even if you are the only foundation-building monk left in the family, you still have to listen to the instructions of the juniors in the Qi training period.

Your brain is really not suitable for surviving in the world of cunning and deceitful cultivators. "

Although Wu Xiangheng has little experience, he also knows that Montenegro is very dangerous.

The monks there have always been lawless and will do almost anything as long as there is enough profit.

Moreover, there are many monsters and beasts near Black Mountain. Just a dozen years ago, a fourth-level green dragon was hidden at the foot of Black Mountain, and hundreds of monks died. Even the monks in the foundation-building stage easily died.

He would not dare to go to such a dangerous place easily.

But he was not allowed to hold the power, and he had to listen to the command of the Qi Practitioner in the future, which made him feel quite embarrassed.

Seeing Wu Xiangheng's eyes rolling, obviously wanting to delay the matter, Wu Xiangjie's face became a little more angry, and he cursed: "A grown man doesn't want a mother-in-law, so hurry up and choose.

I have to make a choice today. If I am not decisive today, I will leave a disaster for the family.

Countless families have been exterminated because of stupid people.

For a fool, you can't give him too many resources.

It's a pity that you have established a foundation and we are still alive and can still control you.

Once we die and a fool like you is left as the head of the family, the family will be doomed.

I used to be very busy. Although I heard others say that you were overbearing and had an impatient personality, I didn't take it seriously.

Today I finally saw your stupid greed. Fortunately, I discovered it early and there is a remedy.

That day, when I die and you become the head of the family, the family will be finished. "

While Wu Xiangji was scolding, he immediately notified the family's foundation-building monks and the backbone of the later stage of Qi training.

When everyone arrived, Wu Xiangjie explained everything in detail, and then said: "That's what happened with Xiang Heng. He can't be the leader without experience.

If I don't go to Montenegro now, when will I get the experience and when will I come back.

Otherwise, give up the power to make decisions. He has too little wisdom, and his character is reckless, greedy, cruel and stupid.

Such people, even if they are highly cultivated, are still unreliable. "

Seeing that the patriarch Wu Xiangjie had forced himself to a dead end and did not dare to venture into the Black Mountains, Wu Xiangheng could only make a stern oath in the family ancestral hall and decided not to leave the Wu family's mountain gate easily unless there was any big event in the future.

From now on, he will only act as the family's thugs and will not hold the power of the family.

Even if all the foundation-building cultivators of the Wu family passed away, he would obey the command of the Qi training period clan leader.

After dealing with Wu Xiangheng's matter, the clan leader of the Wu family, Wu Xiangzhen, immediately wrote a humble letter to return the quota for this year's trading in the Southern Wilderness to the Zhang family.

Because of Wu Xiangheng's matter, his tone was quite humble.

Not only did he make it clear that the Wu Xiangcheng brothers had been removed from the family tree, and the Wu family would not make decisions for them, but he was also willing to provide some help to prevent the Zhang family from being short of manpower and being taken advantage of by the casual cultivators of the Southern Wilderness.

This was the first time in the past few decades that the Zhang family went to the Southern Wilderness to host a transaction. In order to avoid accidents, the clan leader Zhang Leqian also planned to hide in the dark and go together.

With two foundation-building cultivators to support them, it was basically foolproof.

The casual cultivators of Heishan would only pick on the weak and would not touch the hard bones.

So Zhang Leqian also wrote a letter, politely declining the Wu family's help, and reiterated the Zhang family's intention that in the future in Taicheng County, they would still follow the Wu family's lead.

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