Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 857: Each has his own plan

Chapter 386 Each Has His Own Schemes

After hearing the news brought back by Li Xuanji, Zhou Qunfang said with an unchanged expression: "Since the Yanghuo Palace is willing to fight with all its strength, we naturally have no choice but to do our utmost to avenge the Great Elder. However, the two sects must sign a contract to show that they will never regret it. Here is a blood oath contract I drafted earlier. Junior Brother Li, you can bring it to the head of the Yanghuo Palace. You must let the head of the Yanghuo Palace sign it in person, so that the sect can stand out."

Zhou Qunfang is a very scheming person. Although she is a female cultivator, her foresight and decision-making are better than the other Yuanying masters of Yunxiao Sect.

The Yanghuo Palace said all the good words, but it made this person secretly worried.

While she instructed Li Xuanji to go to the Yanghuo Palace again to communicate, asking Liang Jingchong to sign the blood oath contract, she arranged for the sect leaders to prepare in advance and transplant some high-level spiritual medicines and spiritual woods to Qingli Sea.

In order to protect these precious spiritual objects, she also arranged for Feng Yucheng to bring more than a dozen Jindan and more than a hundred Zifu to Qinglihai Yunxiao Island to guard them in advance.

It seems that Zhou Qunfang only sent Li Xuanji to deal with Yanghuo Palace.

Li Xuanji visited again and brought the blood oath contract drawn up by Yunxiao Sect. This blood oath contract was very strict. It not only stipulated the responsibilities in detail, how many Jindan Yuanying were dispatched, but also the territory after the victory was clearly divided. It seems that Zhou Qunfang has been preparing for a long time.

Being outmaneuvered by Zhou Qunfang, Gao Hongxi smiled at Liang Jingchong and said, "I didn't expect there were smart people among the Nascent Souls of Yunxiao Sect."

"How can such a large sect survive without someone to support the situation? Yunxiao Sect and Ziyang Sect have a deep hatred, and there is no way for the two sects to communicate. We can take advantage of the asymmetric information between the two sides. As long as Yunxiao Sect doesn't run away now, Zhou Qunfang will be useless no matter how smart she is. She will definitely fall into our trap."

Gao Hongxi shook his head and said, "For a large sect like Yunxiao Sect, even if they want to run away, how can they do it without three to five years of preparation? The most urgent task is to delay the time a little, so as not to frighten Yunxiao Sect and seize the opportunity first. When we leave Nanyazhou, the pressure will fall on us. "

"I am afraid that Zhou Qunfang will not be convinced by empty words. Let Senior Brother Ji and Junior Sister Yang lead a part of the golden elixir to reinforce Yunxiao Sect. I heard that Yunxiao Sect suffered heavy losses in the last battle. I plan to take out a sixth-level talisman from the sect treasury as a gift to them. To dispel Zhou Qunfang's doubts, it is necessary to spend a lot of money. I also need to send someone to tell Li Xuanji that I am in seclusion and preparing to break through the soul. I must let me sign the contract, but I am afraid it will take decades. "

Gao Hongxi nodded and said, "That's great! If I show up, with Junior Brother Ji, Junior Sister Yang, Yunxiao Sect may have some doubts and fear that we will take over the magpie's nest. The two of them have a deep grudge with Ziyang Sect, which can be used to stabilize Yunxiao Sect. "

Liang Jingchong sighed: "Recently, I have always been upset and confused. This may be a warning from God. You and I must be careful when fighting with swords. Once our lives are in danger, we must decisively admit defeat to preserve the foundation of the sect. "

"You and Junior Brother Wang still have a long life, but I am a dying man. Even if I die, I can't lose face. Besides, if the sword fight fails, the sect will always have to lose one or two Yuanying for Junior Brother Ji, otherwise I am afraid that it will lose the support of the people. "

Seeing Liang Jingchong still trying to persuade him, Gao Hongxi waved his hand and said, "Brother Liang, don't persuade me. Don't inform Brother Ji and Sister Yang about this matter in advance, so as to prevent them from leaking the news. Wait until Ziyang Sect agrees to the sword fight before making a decision."

Seeing that Gao Hongxi was determined and seemed to have made up his mind to die if he failed, Liang Jingchong shook his head and said, "In this case, find a middleman to tell Ziyang Sect about our requirements."

After the two decision makers of Yanghuo Palace agreed, they asked Ji Xuande and Yang Xuanzhen to lead people to Yunxiao Sect for support, and entrusted Yang Shoudao of Guiyi Sect to be the middleman to bring Liang Jingchong's letter to Ziyang Sect.

After returning from the Demon Cloud Cave, Zhang Zhixuan and his wife had just recovered their magic power and began to mobilize troops to seize Taiyuan County first.

Before Ziyang Sect was ready, Yang Shoudao brought Liang Jingchong's letter to the two.

Soon after, Zhang Zhixuan received intelligence that Yang Xuanzhen and Ji Xuande led people into Qi State, and the monks of Yanghuo Palace had begun to reinforce Yunxiao Sect.

The severe situation immediately made Zhang Zhixuan's face gloomy.

Once Yanghuo Palace and Yunxiao Sect joined forces, they would immediately gain the upper hand.

Lingjing Mountain, Shennv Peak and other sixth-level spiritual veins are also difficult to defend, and countless people may be killed and injured when the war begins.

If they fail to cope well and are caught by the enemy, the Yuanying cultivator may also die.

If Zhang Liu is a casual cultivator, he can naturally leave.

But behind the two, there are countless followers.

Under the command of the entire Ziyang Sect, hundreds of millions of mortals rely on them to survive, and hundreds of thousands of low-level cultivators rely on them to save their lives.

Moreover, it is difficult to take all the relatives and disciples of the two away. Once the war starts, it will inevitably lead to bloodshed and sacrifice.

Several Yuanyings of Ziyang Sect are the closest people to Zhang Liu.

Even though they knew that the sword fight was extremely dangerous and the chance of winning was less than 30%, Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan still decided to compete with the masters of Huoyang Palace after careful consideration.

"Fellow Daoist Yang, tell Master Liang when you go back that we agree to the sword fight, but we have to wait ten years. We will personally draft a contract, and if the Yanghuo Palace has no objection, let Master Liang, Elder Gao and others sign the contract.

If we lose the sword fight, we will swallow our anger and never dare to have the thought of revenge from now on. If God blesses us and our Ziyang Sect wins the sword fight, the Yanghuo Palace will hand over Ji Xuande and Yang Xuanzhen."

With the blood oath contract drafted by Qing Chan, Yang Shoudao returned to Yanghuo Palace without stopping and told Liang Jingchong the conditions of Ziyang Sect.

As soon as Yang Shoudao left, Gao Hongxi hurried to Liang Jingchong's cave.

"How about it? Have Zhang and Liu agreed?"

Liang Jingchong frowned and said, "Zhang and Liu are both arrogant and arrogant people. As expected, Zhang and Liu agreed to a sword fight, but postponed the event to ten years later."

"Push it back ten years. Could it be that Zhang and Liu will be able to improve their cultivation level ten years later?"

Liang Jingchong shook his head and said: "This is simply impossible. Zhang Zhixuan can only break through in twenty-six years, and Liu Xuanyan can only break through in the late Nascent Soul stage in thirteen years. If you want to go further, even if they are two geniuses, how can they use ten years?

Zhang Liu delayed for ten years probably because of his disciple Liu Lingjun. This person has been stuck on the fifth level of Yuanying for more than two hundred years, and may not be as good as the sixth level of Yuanying at any time. The Ziyang Sect possesses magical powers. Once this person breaks through the sixth level of Nascent Soul, Junior Brother Wang may not be his opponent. "

Gao Hongxi stood up and said with a gloomy face: "Should we agree to the Ziyang Sect's conditions?"

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