Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 865 Sixth-level puppet beast

After getting the ten thousand year iron wood, Zhang Zhixuan hurried back to Ziyang Sect.

Under normal circumstances, it would take more than ten years to successfully refine the ten thousand year iron wood and engrave the array talisman on this spiritual object. In addition to refining puppet accessories, it would take twenty to thirty years to successfully refine a sixth-level puppet beast.

In another ten years, it will be the Demon Hunting Conference. It is almost impossible to refine a sixth-level puppet beast before the Demon Refining Conference.

However, Zhang Zhixuan is not alone, and the puppet refining can be coordinated and divided.

Qingchan is a sixth-level talisman maker and a sixth-level array master. He can take on part of the melting of materials and engraving of array talismans for Zhang Zhixuan.

Liu Guyan can also help a little. With the help of two Yuanying cultivators, Zhang Zhixuan can be much more relaxed.

Both Guyan and Qingchan have refined the Ziyang Heavenly Fire Divine Power, and the speed of melting materials is far beyond that of ordinary Yuanying. With the help of these two coolies, the time for refining puppet beasts can be accelerated.

Zhang Zhixuan first refined the puppet materials into parts, and finally integrated the ten thousand year iron wood and sky soul crystal.

Time passed day by day, and ten years passed in the blink of an eye.

Although ten years is a long time, it is just a blink of an eye for a Yuanying cultivator.

In the past ten years, Zhang Zhixuan has not left the mountain gate for a single day, and he is busy every day.

On this day, Zhang Zhixuan sat in the refining room with his eyes closed, and a human-shaped puppet with a shining spiritual light appeared in the air.

Zhang Zhixuan urged the spiritual formula, and his ten fingers kept changing, releasing ten golden threads, shooting into various parts of the puppet's body, and fusing the parts of the puppet together.

A thumb-sized crystal stone exuded a faint spiritual light and slowly rotated around the puppet's head.

After an unknown period of time, Zhang Zhixuan let out a long sigh and slowly put away the spiritual formula.

The golden threads turned into mysterious runes and merged into the puppet in the blink of an eye.

The thumb-sized Sky Soul Crystal was also safely embedded in the puppet's brow.

Seeing Qingchan and the other two looking solemn, Zhang Zhixuan stared at the object in front of him, smiling a little, and said, "Don't worry, it looks fine. The puppet is perfectly integrated, and the runes are engraved without error. However, the power of this puppet beast needs to be confirmed through experiments."

Zhang Zhixuan took out a high-grade spirit stone from his sleeve and added a power core to the puppet beast.

His mind moved, and the puppet beast's whole body flashed with spiritual light, and it instantly flew to the sky of Lingjing Mountain.

The puppet beast stretched out its hand and pointed, emitting a golden light that hit Qingchan's body.

In order to test the attack power of this sixth-level low-grade puppet beast, Qingchan acted as a human target. A purple aura flashed on her face, and a purple shield protected her body.

"How powerful is it?"

"The power of the puppet beast's full-strength attack is equivalent to the second level of the Nascent Soul."

Zhang Zhixuan nodded and said, "One top-grade spirit stone can launch three such attacks. This puppet beast can only install three top-grade spirit stones at a time. Unless you use a top-grade spirit stone as the core, it is impossible to rely on this thing to fight against Nascent Soul cultivators."

"If there are five Jindan cultivators forming a five-element formation, and then let Feng Lan Yisheng and other Jindan ninth-level cultivators control the sixth-level puppet beast, it should be able to withstand the Nascent Soul cultivators in the early stage."

Liu Guyan stretched out his hand and put the sixth-level puppet beast into the storage bag. Guyan treasured this treasure that took ten years to refine.

"This item can only exert 30% to 40% of its power in the hands of a Jindan cultivator. When it comes to replacing spirit stones, this flaw can be easily caught by the enemy. However, this item is even more powerful in the hands of a Yuanying cultivator, and it is likely to be decisive in the battle."

Hearing what Gu Yan said, Zhang Zhixuan nodded and said, "This time to go to the Demon Cloud Cave, the sect can only dispatch three Yuanying cultivators. This battle is to deal with Hu Yongchou, and I am a little worried about letting Hanyan go. You have just broken through the fourth level of the Yuanying, and with the help of this sixth-level puppet beast, even if you encounter a great cultivator of the demon path, you still have some self-protection power."

Refining such a puppet beast not only consumed ten years of time for three Yuanying cultivators, but also consumed more than four or five million spirit stones.

Moreover, the probability of failure in refining a sixth-level puppet is not small, and the cost has doubled after the loss.

Only one of the two materials was successfully refined.

This loss made Zhang Zhixuan and others feel a little painful.

As soon as the few people returned to the cave, a communication talisman appeared in the cave.

Zhang Zhixuan opened the letter and saw that his face was a little more solemn.

"As expected, Kunyuan Mountain issued an imperial decree to recruit three Yuanying from our Ziyang Sect for this battle, but Patriarch Yu personally said that Qingchan and I must come to the Demon Cloud Cave."

"Did Patriarch Yu personally name us alone, or did he also include the ten major sects in the Great Zhou?"

"If it was just us, the problem should not be too big. If the great cultivators in the ten major sects were recruited, I am afraid that the decisive battle with the demon cultivators is very close?"

"I don't know yet. I will ask Yuwen Hong when I go to the Great Zhou."

After discussing for a while, the few of them settled the affairs of the sect and immediately took the teleportation array to the Demon Cloud Cave.

Last time, in order to facilitate the action, the Ziyang Sect arranged a teleportation array near the Demon Cloud Cave. With this teleportation array, it can save a few days of work.

After arriving near the Demon Cloud Cave, they waited for half a day for the opportunity and finally waited for the Yuanying of the Huangji Sect.

When he saw Yuwen Hong, Zhang Zhixuan got straight to the point and said, "Brother Yuwen, I have something to ask you. Did Patriarch Yu specifically mention you in his conscription order?"

Yuwen Hong nodded and said, "This time, Patriarch Yu did name a great cultivator from our Huangji Sect to participate in the operation."

"According to your estimation, is this Demon Hunting Conference the final battle?"

Yuwen Hong pondered for a moment and said carefully, "According to my estimation, the final battle is still a little premature. The power of the Demon Cloud Cave cultivators is still very strong. Patriarch Yu may have to consume the foundation of the Demon Cloud Cave cultivators."

With thirteen Demon Cloud Orders, it will be very convenient for the Nascent Soul Demon Cultivators to escape from the Demon Cloud Cave. In order to prevent these Demon Cultivators from causing trouble in the rear, the Great Zhou Sect must at least allocate half of its strength to guard the sect.

Unless the number of demon cultivators is reduced by half, it will be possible to launch the final war against them.

"I think so too. I have the initiative now. I don't know why Patriarch Yu is so anxious. If we wait a few hundred years, it will be easier for us to cut the flesh with a blunt knife."

"I heard that Senior Qingyunzi's life span is not enough. He probably doesn't want to leave this source of trouble for us."

Qingyunzi is the most famous cultivator in Nanyaizhou. Many people know his life span. Zhang Zhixuan calculated it and his face was a little surprised. The life span of Patriarch Qingyunzi is less than 300 years. For a Yuanshen cultivator, 300 years is very close.

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