Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 871: Exchange of Treasures

Chapter 400: Exchange of Treasures

Except for the surprise attack in front of Qingchan, the Yuanying of Ziyang Sect did not suffer any loss in the several conflicts with Yanghuo Palace.

Even at the most critical moment of the year, Liu Lingjun was able to escape from the encirclement of Ji Xuande, Wang Shuhong, and Yang Xuanzhen several times.

He even seized the opportunity to kill Wang Shuhong with the Ziyang Heavenly Fire Talisman, causing Yanghuo Palace to lose a Yuanying master.

Gao Hongxi did not gain any advantage in the siege of Zhang Zhixuan, but was beaten by Zhang Zhixuan to damage Lu Jinwen's body, ruining the future of a Yuanying cultivator.

In several conflicts, Ziyang Sect made the Yuanying of Yanghuo Palace suffer enough.

Wang Shuhong, Lu Jinwen and other Yuanying early cultivators, although they came from big sects, only had one or two sixth-level magic weapons on them, and they were not very rich.

Their magical powers were not superior to those of ordinary Yuanying.

And Ji Xuande, an old Yuanying, was worth much more than Lu Jinwen and others. In order to deal with Liu Xuanyan, Ji Xuande used the sixth-grade high-quality spiritual talisman.

The assets of Yanghuo Palace are certainly not limited to one sixth-grade high-quality spiritual talisman.

This sword fight is related to the death of several Yuanying cultivators. Yanghuo Palace will definitely not be stingy. It will definitely open the sect treasury and give the treasures that have been treasured for many years to Ji Xuande, Gao Hongxi and others.

It is unknown how many high-level spiritual objects Ji Xuande will carry.

It is precisely because of the suffering in the previous life that Qingchan knows the background of Yanghuo Palace. Seeing that Lingjun is a little arrogant, he specially warned him.

After taking out two sixth-grade Tianhun crystals, Liu Lingjun immediately went to Shenshui Palace to find his old friend.

When he met Yu Suqing, Liu Lingjun did not say politely and chose to speak directly.

"I came here this time to make a deal with you. I want to exchange the sixth-level Heavenly Soul Crystal for a talisman of the same level. Can you make the decision on this matter?"

"It seems that your Ziyang Sect has already controlled the Nether Cavern.

Although there are many treasures inside the Nether Cavern, it also has to bear corresponding responsibilities. In addition to the Tiangui Sect, many famous sects in history have declined because of the Nether Cavern. It is not clear whether controlling the Nether Cavern is beneficial or harmful. Since you can take out the sixth-level Heavenly Soul Crystal, did you kill the Nascent Soul ghost some time ago?"

"Yes, the two Heavenly Soul Crystals in my hand are of good quality. One is a sixth-level medium-quality, and the other is of better quality. It can be used to refine a sixth-level top-quality puppet beast."

Hearing Liu Lingjun say this, Yu Suqing shook his head and said, "If that's the case, I'm afraid I can't make the decision here. When it comes to the sixth-level top-quality treasures, Master Xu needs to nod his head."

Yu Suqing released a sound transmission magic sword from his sleeve. The magic sword turned into a spiritual light and immediately flew out of his cave.

In a moment, the news reached Xu Fengming.

Although the inheritance of puppet refining in Shenshui Palace is superior to that of Ziyang Sect, the sect has accumulated three sixth-level puppet beasts over the years.

However, it is the first time to refine a puppet of the sixth-level middle grade or above. The best puppeteer in the sect is far inferior to Zhang Zhixuan.

According to common sense, if you want to buy the Heavenly Soul Crystal at a high price, Shenshui Palace is not a good buyer.

There are special reasons behind Liu Lingjun's visit to Shenshui Palace.

Shenshui Palace and Tiangui Sect have many conflicts, and the relationship between the two sides has not been harmonious for more than ten thousand years.

In the past few hundred years, there has been a blood feud between the two sects, and both Yuanying cultivators have died at the hands of the other side.

Once the sixth-level upper-grade Heavenly Soul Crystal falls into the hands of Tiangui Sect, this sect may be able to refine a sixth-level upper-grade puppet beast.

With the help of a sixth-level upper-grade puppet beast, a Yuanying cultivator in the early stage can compete with a late-stage master.

This level of treasure can already affect the power comparison between the two sects, and its value is not less than that of a sixth-grade top-grade spiritual talisman.

Therefore, preventing the Tiangui Sect from obtaining this item is also a very important task for the Shenshui Palace.

After receiving the news, Xu Fengming immediately stopped practicing and came out of retreat, and hurried to Yu Suqing's cave.

Three hundred years ago, at the last moment before the battle of Lingjing Mountain, Ziyang Sect exchanged several sixth-grade spiritual objects with the Shenshui Palace using Jiuxiao Gangyu.

Although both sides took what they needed in that exchange, the Shenshui Palace got more benefits. Using that Jiuxiao Gangyu, the Shenshui Palace cultivated a Yuanying master.

This time, Liu Lingjun came, but made Xu Fengming look bitter.

From the heart, although the sixth-grade top-grade Tianhun Crystal is of great value, it is not of much use to the Shenshui Palace.

I am afraid that in a few thousand years, the Shenshui Palace will not be able to cultivate a master who can refine a sixth-grade top-grade puppet beast.

It is difficult for Xu Fengming to accept the exchange of the sixth-grade top-grade Tianhun Crystal for the same-grade top-grade spiritual talisman.

The value of the Heavenly Soul Crystal in the hands of the Divine Water Palace is not as good as the talisman of the same level, but it is far more valuable when it is exchanged to the Tiangui Sect.

If Liu Lingjun gave this item to the Tiangui Sect, I am afraid that the head of the Tiangui Sect would be overjoyed immediately.

The reason why the Ziyang Sect gave this item to the Divine Water Palace first is also because the relationship between the two sects is good.

Xu Fengming knows the inside story very well.

"We are grateful that Daoyou Liu can come to our Divine Water Palace mountain gate. We also remember this friendship in our hearts. If we take the Heavenly Soul Crystal to the Tiangui Sect, we may be able to exchange some more treasures. Our Divine Water Palace has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, and we never let our friends suffer. There are three sixth-level high-grade talismans and seven sixth-level middle-grade talismans in the sect treasury, and Daoyou Liu can choose at will."

The power of the sixth-level high-grade talismans varies. Treasures like the Ziyang Heavenly Fire Talisman are already the top-level sixth-level talismans.

In order to refine this thing, Qing Chan sealed almost all his skills into this talisman.

In this life, Qingchan became a water spiritual root cultivator. Although he could use the Purple Yang Heavenly Fire magical power by borrowing the Purple Yang Palace Lantern, he had no way to refine the Purple Yang Heavenly Fire Talisman.

Moreover, to refine this kind of spiritual talisman, the cultivator had to wait until the time of turning the calamity before he could refine all his magical powers into spiritual talismans.

Although Liu Lingjun was not good at refining spiritual talismans, she was very good at distinguishing the quality of spiritual talismans with Qingchan, a sixth-level top-grade talisman maker, as her master.

She picked and chose among more than a dozen sixth-level spiritual talismans, and the best quality one was a sixth-level top-grade and a sixth-level middle-grade spiritual talisman.

The sixth-level top-grade spiritual talisman was a Qiankun Thunderbolt Talisman. Even if it was not as powerful as the Purple Yang Heavenly Fire Talisman, it could kill Yuanying masters.

The reason why Lingjun chose this spiritual talisman was to serve as a killer to break through Ji Xuande's defense.

The sixth-level middle-grade spiritual talisman is a Lihuo Shenguang talisman. Lingjun mainly practices fire-attributed exercises, and can activate this talisman completely without any discount.

After getting the sixth-level spiritual talisman, Lingjun exchanged a few words with Yu Suqing and hurried back to the Lingjing Mountain Cave.

After receiving the reply from Ziyang Sect, in order to avoid more troubles, Yanghuo Palace decided to fight swords three months later.

The location of the sword fight was chosen by Ziyang Sect inside the vast sea.

Except for the six Yuanying who participated in the sword fight, the rest of the cultivators could not intervene.

A strict blood oath contract was drawn up, and the Yuanying of the two sects signed and sealed it. Regardless of the result of the sword fight, the two sects must sign a peace contract and cannot be held accountable in the future.

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