Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 881: Essence of Fire

Zhang Zhixuan and others had just entered the attic and immediately alerted the nearby Nascent Soul.

Voices suddenly began to whisper, and most of the sects obviously did not know him personally.

Those who can gain a foothold in the second attic are either the ten major sects of the Great Zhou Dynasty or the top sects of Xiyaozhou and Qinglihai.

The high-level monks of these major sects have long been famous, and their appearance and portraits are also well known.

And Zhang Zhixuan looks relatively unfamiliar. Even if the Ziyang Sect is famous all over the world with the name of Yanghuo Palace, the portraits of Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan are not well known. They have been practicing for a relatively short period of time and have not come into contact with too many outsiders.

"Who is this man, and what ability is he above us?"

A hunchbacked monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul showed dissatisfaction and shouted unabashedly, as if he was deliberately venting his anger. This person did not secretly transmit the message. .

"I advise Brother Li not to be impulsive. If I read it correctly, that person should be the head of Ziyang Sect."

"Is this the head Zhang who made the elder of Yanghuo Palace suffer a secret loss?"

"Yes, I met this person once in Huoshan City more than 400 years ago. At that time, his cultivation level was still in the golden elixir. Now he is on par with our generation, and his magical power far exceeds that of you and me. This person Although my years of practicing Taoism are short, my opportunities are far greater than those of ordinary people.”

The person who spoke was clearly Ancestor Huo from Huoshan City. He was a casual cultivator in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and he was on the verge of a catastrophe. This man had a deep friendship with Gao Wanzhen, the hunchbacked Nascent Soul, and was regarded as his chosen protector. In the past few hundred years, the two of them even founded a sect called Huoshan Sect.

"How dare I underestimate this person? Yanghuo Palace recently released news that this person possesses the Yuan Shen magic weapon, the Pure Yang Cauldron. Elder Gao has suffered a loss. I am afraid that only three or five of us in the Great Zhou Dynasty can defeat this person. "The hunchbacked Yuanying looked frightened. Although he had a bad temper, he was also a cunning Yuanying master. He didn't have the brains to provoke him face to face.

However, many high-level monks in the world of immortality have weird tempers, and there are many narrow-minded people. The message he just transmitted was not kept secret, and it may be heard by nearby monks. Gao Tuozi is a little worried about having a grudge against the Ziyang Sect for no reason. .

Even the Yanghuo Palace had no way to deal with the Ziyang Sect. The two sects killed Yuanying Zhenren in a sword fight, which did not necessarily prevent them from becoming enemies with the Ziyang Sect, and even expelled an elder Yuanying from the sect. The Huoshan Sect is a small family, and they would never dare to offend the Ziyang Sect.

Zhang Zhixuan opened the transmission notes. One was from Emperor Ji Zong Yu Wenhong, and the other was the hunchbacked Nascent Soul from the Huoshan Sect.

Yu Wenhong sent the letter for the two families to join forces and occupy a favorable position to collect the spiritual objects.

Gao Tuozi of the Huoshan Sect sent the letter to apologize indiscriminately so as not to offend the Ziyang Sect.

"These casual cultivators of Nascent Soul are quite capable of bending and stretching."

Zhang Zhixuan smiled lightly and sent a reply to the two of them casually. He was born in a small family, and practiced in a small sect before he achieved supernatural powers. He had not developed the habit of being arrogant, and he did not pay much attention to the rumors behind others' backs.

There is no conflict of interest, and Zhang Zhixuan will never offend anyone with his words. If there is a real conflict of interest, Zhang Zhixuan will become very decisive and very ruthless.

After resting in Lanjiang City for a few days, there was finally something strange happening in Tianwai Xuangang.

A ray of vermilion light shot down from the sky, and the fiery energy made Zhang Zhixuan feel tingling in his body.

Zhang Zhenlin and other juniors performed even worse. They fell to the ground almost simultaneously and struggled to resist, using high-level magic talismans to protect themselves.

Zhang Zhixuan cast a spell and activated the restriction on the attic, and rays of light began to shine, blocking the blazing energy.

Zhang Zhixuan looked up and found that hundreds of attics were emitting colorful spiritual lights, forming a huge formation to block the vermilion light high in the sky.

"The essence of Lihuo. This fire is good at refining weapons and elixirs. If you can collect some, it will be of great use to the development of the sect."

Zhang Zhixuan carries the Pure Yang Cauldron, which is the nemesis of all kinds of divine fire.

Zhang Zhixuan flashed his light and appeared directly outside the attic.

The magic power in his body surged. The Pure Yang Cauldron immediately floated above Zhang Zhixuan's head.

The Pure Yang Cauldron gradually grew larger and taller, turning into a giant cauldron dozens of feet high in an instant.

In an instant, the Pure Yang Cauldron emitted dazzling white light and roared.

Even the attic under Zhang Zhixuan's feet began to shake slightly.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhang Zhenlin and the other four people in the attic quickly created a series of restraints to stabilize the attic at high altitude.

The roar was sometimes strong and sometimes weak. Looking from a distance, the Pure Yang Cauldron turned into phantoms.

Wisps of white light were emitted from the pure Yang cauldron, and traces of Nanminglihuo were collected into the cauldron.

Zhang Zhixuan kept pinching the Seal Jue in his hand, and shot the magic power into the Chunyang Cauldron.

Although the Pure Yang Cauldron is powerful, unfortunately it also consumes a lot of mana.

When half of the mana was consumed, Zhang Zhixuan gave it up and immediately flew back to the attic.

Relying on the power of the Yuan Shen magic weapon, he actually collected one-tenth of the Lihuo essence.

Even if Yu Taoist from Kunyuan Mountain tried his best, he could only collect 20%.

Zhang Zhixuan had just escaped into the attic to rest, when a huge whirlpool suddenly appeared in the sky. The whirlpool was like a big dark hole, with a faint ripple in the big hole.

A heavy pressure came down, and auras of light emitted from the attic, turning into a huge seal.

The seal formed a huge protective shield and slowly flew high into the sky.

Yu Daoist threw his hand, and a huge bronze seal was pressed against the wind. The seal grew bigger and bigger, and in the blink of an eye it became a hundred miles in radius, blocking the black hole that suddenly appeared.

Then Yu Daoist turned into a golden rainbow and flew out of the realm.

Hundreds of thunders were bred in the black hole, making waves of destructive sounds.

Seeing the thunder and fire falling, the Yuanying cultivators who had been prepared for a long time used various means to collect these out-of-realm thunder and fire.

This kind of out-of-realm thunder and fire can refine the sixth-level divine thunder, and the most powerful ones can even reach the sixth-level top grade.

The sixth-level top-grade divine thunder is also a treasure that suppresses the luck of the ten major sects in the Great Zhou.

However, these divine thunders are so powerful that even a cultivator in the late Yuanying period would be in danger of his life if he wanted to collect the sixth-level top-grade divine thunder.

Among the Yuanying cultivators in the entire Great Zhou, only Wei Xuanyi from Kunyuan Mountain succeeded by chance.

The remaining six-level divine thunders were all consumed in the formation.

Zhang Zhixuan had consumed a lot of his magic power and no longer had the strength to collect the thunderbolts. He could only look at everyone with envy.

"It seems that Qingchan should be allowed to participate in the next Lanjiang Conference. By then, Qingchan will have cultivated to the ninth level of the Nascent Soul, and will definitely be able to collect the sixth-level high-quality divine thunderbolts and enhance the foundation of the sect."

Zhang Zhixuan suppressed his chaotic thoughts. With the presence of Taoist Yu, a great master of the Yuanshen, the Great Zhou cultivators successfully reinforced the seal.

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