Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 95 Inventory of Income and Expenditure

Just as Zhang Zhixuan returned to Tiantai Peak, the clan leader sent him a communication talisman, asking him to take Qingchan to the back mountain, saying that there was something to discuss.

When Zhang Zhixuan and his companions arrived at the back mountain, they found that many people had come to the clan leader's cave, including not only the other three elders of the family, but also Zhang Hanyan who was temporarily living in Tiantai Peak.

The important cultivators in the family have all arrived. The clan leader Zhang Leqian said, "Since everyone is here, I will talk about the current situation of the family.

In the past, I was the only foundation-building cultivator in the family, and I did not distinguish between public and private.

Now that Zhixuan has successfully built his foundation, and Hanyan is also building his foundation in Qingxuan Sect, we can no longer be so confused.

Today, I asked everyone to come here to tell everyone that the family must restore the system of a hundred years ago, and the public and private must be clearly distinguished.

From today on, Zhixuan and I will receive offerings from the family. If the family has more surplus, our offerings will be more. If the family is unable to make ends meet, we must find ways to increase revenue and reduce expenditure for the family and turn losses into profits.

Hanyan has a spiritual stone salary in Qingxuan Sect, and the resources of Qingxuan Sect are also more abundant. The family has no surplus money now, so I will not pay you offerings for the time being. .

However, the cultivators in the family are still at your disposal. As long as you need them in Qingxuan Sect, even Zhixuan and I are willing to serve you. "

Zhang Hanyan smiled indifferently and said, "Third uncle, you are worried too much. The reason why I can build the foundation is still relying on the family's help at all costs.

In order to help me earn good deeds, the fifteenth brother died in the southern wilderness, the fourth brother also worked hard and died, and even Zhixuan almost couldn't come back.

I will remember the great kindness of the family in my heart. I am willing to serve the family, not because of the small favors given by the family. I know clearly that only if we unite can we go further.

If even blood relatives can't help each other, who can you trust? "

After listening to Zhang Hanyan's words, Zhang Leqian also showed a relieved smile on his face.

"For a family to thrive, it must rely on a strict system.

In the past, I was the only foundation-building cultivator in the family. I provided protection for everyone, and everyone worked hard for me to earn cultivation resources. It was no big problem to not distinguish between public and private.

But now Zhixuan has already established his foundation. If he continues to be muddle-headed, resentment will slowly accumulate, and then the family will be divided by internal strife.

I have lived for more than a hundred years and have seen this kind of thing countless times.

So, from today on, our family must separate public and private.

Meng Ling, you are in charge of the family's income and expenditure. Tell us about the family's income situation. Let everyone have some confidence. "

After the clan leader spoke, Uncle Nineteen Zhang Mengling took out an account book and said, "Let me first talk about the family's fixed annual expenses.

There are four second-level spiritual root cultivators in the family. The second-level spiritual root cultivators receive twelve spiritual stones per year, totaling forty-eight spiritual stones.

There are eleven third-level spiritual root cultivators. The third-level spiritual root cultivators receive six spiritual stones per year, totaling sixty-six spiritual stones.

There are thirty-four fourth-level spiritual root cultivators. The fourth-level spiritual root cultivators receive three spiritual stones per year, totaling one hundred and two spiritual stones.

There are fifty-seven fifth-level spiritual root cultivators. The fifth-level spiritual root cultivators are only given one spiritual stone per year, totaling fifty-seven spiritual stones.

No Counting Zhixuan, the three elders in the family who are at the ninth level of Qi training, each of them gets 60 spirit stones a year, a total of 180 spirit stones.

Not counting the two foundation-building cultivators, the clan leader and Zhixuan, the benefits received by the family cultivators each year do not exceed 500 spirit stones.

The family has lost some manpower in the past ten years, and the young cultivators have not grown up yet, otherwise the expenses would be even greater.

In addition, the cultivators in the family consume 5,000 kilograms of spirit rice every year, which is worth 300 spirit stones. Consume 60 golden sprout pills, which are worth about 200 spirit stones.

Consume 120 kilograms of various spirit wines, which are worth 240 spirit stones.

Also consume 15 kilograms of honey produced by white jade bees, which is worth 300 spirit stones. Jin of royal jelly is worth about 40 spirit stones.

Add to that some miscellaneous things, rewards for completing family tasks, and the annual cost is about 900 spirit stones.

In total, the family spends about 2,200 spirit stones a year.

Fortunately, a large part of the welfare is produced by the family itself, and the spirit stones that really need to be used for circulation are about 1,500 spirit stones every year. "

This is the first time that the family's resources have been comprehensively counted. Although Zhang Zhixuan knows that more than a hundred cultivators spend a lot every year, he didn't expect that the lowest annual expenditure of the family cultivators alone can buy two third-level medium-quality or above magic tools.

Seeing such a large expenditure, Zhang Zhixuan asked, "How much income can the family bring in every year?"

Nineteenth uncle Zhang Mengling bowed to Zhang Zhixuan and said, "Reporting to the elder, the family's biggest income is the Golden Bud Pill. A batch is refined every five years, and about 1,500 spiritual stones can be harvested, about 300 spiritual stones per year.

The income from spiritual wine has also been good in recent years, with 120 spiritual stones per year.

Thirty acres of spiritual fields produce more than 6,000 kilograms of chalcedony rice every year, about 350 spiritual stones.

White jade beehives are also produced, and the honey produced can harvest 80 spiritual stones every year.

In addition, starting this year, the family has already had income from the Southern Wilderness Caravan. Going to the Southern Wilderness once every five years can make a profit of about 500 spiritual stones.

After amortization, it is about 100 spiritual stones a year.

In addition, the four shops in Xihefang City can also bring us an income of about 200 spiritual stones every year.

The thirteen green spirit jade bamboos on the mountain can take a new bamboo every four years, which can be used to refine magic tools. On average, we can earn 120 spiritual stones every year.

In addition to some miscellaneous income, there is also a miscellaneous income of a hundred spirit stones.

In total, our family's annual income is around one thousand four hundred spiritual stones. "

Hearing that the deficit was so huge, Zhang Zhixuan's expression changed and he asked: "So, the family's deficit in one year actually exceeded eight hundred spirit stones. So how did we sustain it all these years?"

Zhang Mengling smiled bitterly and said: "It can only consume the family's old foundation. In the past, there were few monks in the family and we had a lot of property. With Patriarch Chuyun taking care of us, our family's foundation is still very strong.

The clan leader and elders will also provide some subsidies. The clan leader can draw spiritual talismans, the fourth brother can refine formations, the ninth brother can refine elixirs, and the eighteenth sister can refine weapons. Every year, they always save a little spiritual stone from their own hands and subsidize it into the account of the public school.

When the turnover is really difficult, the family's benefits can only be deducted.

For example, the fourth brother has not received the elder's salary for more than ten years. When Ninth Brother was alive, he followed the example of Fourth Brother and never received any salary from the family. He still practiced elixirs for people in the market every day, and the spiritual stones he earned also subsidized the family. "

Zhang Zhixuan asked in confusion: "Why have my benefits been paid on time for so many years?"

Zhang Mengling smiled happily and said: "You are the hope of the next generation of the family. No matter how difficult it is for us, we will not lack your resources.

Unless you cannot build the foundation at the age of sixty, your path will be hopeless by then. At that time, you will have to worry about the spiritual stone every day.

You don’t know that monks whose families are over sixty years old often do not receive benefits. "

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