Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 978 Tianhe True Water

Wang Ciyang was originally closer to the Great Elder, so he naturally would not help Wumu Zhenren.

Seeing eight Nascent Soul cultivators surrounding Wumu Zhenren, a sharp and amazing sword energy was faintly hidden in the dark.

Wumu Zhenren shook his head helplessly and said, how could he turn against the sect at this juncture.

Even if he turned against the sect on the spot, he would not have a chance of winning and could only waste his life.

Wumu Zhenren was forced to sign a contract, promising not to interfere in the secular affairs of the Lundao Sect in the future and resign as the head of the sect.

With the death of Wu Xilou and the loss of power of Wumu Zhenren, the influence of the Wu family in the Lundao Sect gradually weakened, which was very different from the situation at its peak.

Although he had restrained his minions in the past three hundred years, Wu Daozhen was still a man of killing and decisiveness. Even when his oil was exhausted, he could still control the power of the sect and expel Wumu Zhenren.

Watching Wumu Zhenren sign the contract, Wu Daozhen let out a long breath, slowly lay down on the bed, and said to himself: "Don't blame me for being cruel. I have reasons to do this today.

I know the situation very well. Although Xiling Patriarch has a close relationship with Patriarch Jingchen, it is only a friendship of interests. Otherwise, when the Yuanshen cultivators of Xuanting Sect oppressed us, Patriarch Jingchen would have intervened long ago, so why would he care about that little friendship? Don't you know this?

If you want Patriarch Jingchen to come forward, what kind of person do you need to show? treasures tempted him? His appetite is probably far greater than Zhang Zhixuan and Liu Xuanyan?

And now I am already exhausted. I can't hold on for a few years while lying in bed. I can't stand long distances and can't pass through the intercontinental teleportation array unless I take the rejuvenation pill in advance. It's a pity that Ziyang Sect is too far away from Zhongchizhou. It's impossible to get to the mountain gate of Ziyang Sect in thirteen days. Although I still have the strength to attack once, it's a pity that I can only use it to defend the mountain gate. "

Wu Daozhen's voice became lower and lower, as if he had exhausted his strength and fell into a coma.

Seeing that Wu Daozhen's condition was relatively stable, a seventh-level Yuanying cultivator stood up, waved his hand gently, and led everyone out of Wu Daozhen's cave.

This person is called Dong Yunpeng. His cultivation is already the seventh level of Yuanying. He is one of the four late Yuanying cultivators in Lundao Sect and ranks fourth among the elders of the sect. With the great elder lingering on the bed, Wu Mu Zhenren was dismissed from the position of the head of the sect. Liang Chengxiu broke through the ninth level of Yuanying in seclusion, and Wu Daozhen decided to let this person be the head of the sect.

Dong Yunpeng led eight Nascent Soul cultivators into the Patriarch Hall, and then sent more than a dozen sound transmission notes to the caves of other Nascent Soul ancestors and important golden elixirs in the sect. Except for a few cultivators who were in a state of retreat and could not arrive in person, the Patriarch Hall was soon filled with many people.

When everyone arrived, Dong Yunpeng took out the contract signed by Wu Mu Zhenren and said loudly: "The previous defeat in the decisive battle with Zi Yang Sect was all due to the mistakes of the leader. After the battle, he could not recognize the reality and wanted to fight with others with luck. If the sect continues to be led by him, it will inevitably lead to a dead end. So the elder discussed with us to remove his leader. If you agree with this decision, sign your name."

As soon as Dong Yunpeng finished speaking, five Nascent Soul cultivators stepped forward and signed their names happily.

In the battle of Dulingfang, Lun Dao Sect lost more than it gained. After the defeat of this battle, Wu Mu Zhenren's prestige in Lun Dao Sect had been greatly lost.

Now the great elder took the lead and exposed the last layer of skin. Although Wumu Zhenren had the highest cultivation, he could no longer hold his ground at the elders' meeting.

Not only did the Yuanying who was friendly with Wu Daozhen oppose him, but even the middle faction of the sect did not look favorably upon Wumu Zhenren and agreed with this decision.

Even Lin Luohua, who had just joined the Lun Dao Sect, was unwilling to fight with Ziyang Sect again.

Although he was cut off by Zhang Zhixuan and his path was ruined, he hated Zhang Zhixuan to the bone. However, this person was born as a casual cultivator and had a very keen understanding of the situation. After the failure of the battle of Dulingfang, he clearly realized that Lun Dao Sect could no longer suppress Ziyang Sect in terms of high-level combat power.

The Ziyang Xianyun magical power revealed by Zhang Zhixuan stunned him. With this magical power, the initiative on the battlefield fell into the hands of Ziyang Sect.

Even if the Ziyang Sect's mountain gate was breached, it would only kill some Qi training foundation building and Jindan Zifu. What use would such meaningless killing have for the development of the situation?

Even though he was reluctant, Lin Luohua knew that the most urgent thing was to sign a contract with Ziyang Sect. Even if he had to pay some precious spiritual objects, he had to get Ziyang Sect's forgiveness, eliminate the cause and effect and leave a way out.

However, he had offended Zhang Zhixuan too badly back then, so he was quite worried and said, "If Ziyang Sect wants us to hand over the culprit, how will the sect decide?"

Dong Yunpeng said sternly, "The elder has said that the spiritual objects can be given, but we are not willing to hand over a single monk in the sect.

If Ziyang Sect insists on forcing us, we will make up our minds to start a war. Even if both sides are injured and the enemy comes to our door in the future, everyone should not resent it.

The most urgent thing is that we, the upper echelons of the sect, must unite as one and not have conflicts. Temporary humiliation is nothing. As long as we work hard and someone in the sect can refine the primordial spirit again, the Lundao Sect can still return to its peak."

Dong Yunpeng's words dispelled Lin Luohua's doubts. He signed his name on the contract without any hesitation.

Even a victim like Lin Luohua did not dare to continue fighting with Ziyang Sect.

This shows that the battle at Dulingfang had frightened Lundao Sect.

After winning the approval of most of the elders of the sect, Dong Yunpeng turned around and said to Wang Ciyang: "Junior Sister Wang, please go to Ziyang Sect again to find out what they are up to."

Wang Ciyang said with some embarrassment: "If Ziyang Sect insists that we compensate for the seventh-level spiritual object, how should I reply then?"

"We can talk, but our bottom line is that the sect's soul power cannot be leaked, and the seventh-level soul magic weapon cannot be given up."

"Isn't this bottom line the same as last time?"

Dong Yunpeng shook his head and said: "The sect has two precious seventh-level spiritual objects, one of which is of great benefit to Liu Xuanyan. This object is called Tianhe True Water, which is a treasure that the Xiling Patriarch collected after a hard sixty years in the fetal membrane outside the realm.

The Xiling Patriarch originally planned to use this object to arrange a formation, but unfortunately failed due to other reasons. However, this spiritual object contains an innate water source. If it can be refined, it can at least increase Liu Xuanyan's magic power by two sixty years, and there is also a chance to comprehend the true meaning of Tianhe and make great progress in Taoism.

However, if there is any accident in refining Tianhe True Water, Ziyang Sect cannot blame us."

With the latest instructions from Lundao Sect, Wang Ciyang hurried back to Nanyazhou.

Seeing this person's second visit, it was obvious that Lun Dao Sect was extremely determined to seek peace, and Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan also put aside their worries.

When they met Wang Ciyang again, both sides skipped the politeness directly. Zhang Zhixuan asked directly: "It seems that Wang Daoyou has obtained greater authority this time. What precious spiritual objects are Wu Mu Zhenren willing to compensate? Will he not give a penny like last time?"

"Brother Wu Mu has been dismissed from his position by the sect's elders' council. Now Brother Liang is the master of the sect."

Hearing this, Qingchan said thoughtfully: "It seems that Wu Daozhen can't hold on for too long. I'm afraid there is no hope of revenge in this life."

Both parties are old foxes who have practiced Taoism for many years. It is difficult to hide any slight disturbance from the opponent. Wu Daozhen's true situation naturally cannot be hidden from smart people.

This person has used some common life-extending spiritual objects. It is beyond everyone's expectation that he has persisted until now.

After all, this person fought with Yuanshen cultivators hundreds of years ago, and the accumulated injuries are probably far beyond the average Yuanying. The fact that it has been dragged on until now shows this person's amazing perseverance, which is beyond everyone's expectations.

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